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4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200Watts)

Wow $20 read the thread great set up. I been dirt farmin for a while too. Lookin to make the switch. Just built anaero cloner that StinkBuds had in high times few months back. Now you got me thinkin goin areo/nft instead of a top feed. Love the simplicity of your set up. This is stellar keep up the good work fam!!!


New member
how often do the sprayers get clogged? Is a chiller a must have for a set up like this? would need something that can be left alone for 2-3 days at a time...Ebb& Flow would normally be the choice but this looks too good not to try..is it a handfull?


how often do the sprayers get clogged? Is a chiller a must have for a set up like this? would need something that can be left alone for 2-3 days at a time...Ebb& Flow would normally be the choice but this looks too good not to try..is it a handfull?

My sprayers have never clogged. If you use a bigger res you could leave it for 2-3 days but since I only utilize 15 gallons in my res I have to make adjustments once a day which I do not mind.

Depends on what you call a handful? I spend about 15 minutes a day making sure that all of the numbers are correct and that's it.

Give it a try.


New member
Have had issues with the sprayers on aero cloner getting gummed up in the past..would think that would be the same this way?


awsome thread
subscribed cant wait to see end results
i hope you get 1 gram per kw looking very good think you might be close!


Okay, to the light argument(ALL OF THESE NUMBERS ARE THEORETICAL). The Inverse Square Law is E(Intensity)=L(Light Output)/D2(Distance Squared). I will state the % of light lost for every 3 inches the source is moved away. The base being 12in, I will give you both the figures for a 95000 lumen (600w) and a 147000(1000w) HPS.
12in=00.00% lost------95000---------------147000
15in=36.00% lost------60800----------------94080
18in=30.56% lost------42222----------------65333
21in=26.53% lost------31020----------------48000
24in=23.44% lost------23750----------------36750
27in=20.99% lost------18765----------------29037
30in=19.00% lost------15200----------------23520
33in=17.36% lost------12562----------------19438
36in=15.97% lost------10556----------------16333
These percentages are the same no matter what wattage the bulb is. So if the 600w is 6in. closer than a 1000w then the 600w produces more intense light every time.

The 1000w will always produce more light at the same distance of a 600w light but you can not place the 1000w as close because it creates a more intense heat which will harm your plants.Also the 600w out performs the 1000w in regards of lumens/watt.

I hope this clarifies things.
Hey there sick looking setup you got going there.....

Looking into a similar tube type system as my first hydro and have been worried about the roots running out of room in those tubes ...and the 6" pvc tubes and ends are so much pricier then the 4's...

There still room in there for more roots? Any chance of a pic inside the tubes at this point???

Thanks for the great show and informative thread....


I love my life

I like the numbers however I think you need to change is some, because is says % lost is getting smaller with distance, when I think you mean % of original strength left a a certain level. It does appear that the 600 has greater lumen per watt, however I see some SUPER fat colas on this site, and they are always produced with 1000Kw (not 600, or even 750's as I will be retiring for the move to 1KW). My thought is if I can keep the light cool enough not to burn the tops the 1000Kws will give much greater light penetration and thus overall bud production. I'll know much better in about 10 weeks.

Peace, :joint:


Thanks everyone. They turn 7 weeks tomorrow.




Thanks for the update 420!

How do you rate the nutes you are using?

Peace :joint:


Well-known member
JB: while there is nothing to argue against the inverse square law, the 1k provides a wider footprint to work with. if you ask me, its 6 of 1, half dozen of the other.. I have hung 1k's air cooled on a rail 10'' from the canopy with the same results as an un cooled 600 16" from the canopy. however, I can fit more plants under a 1k and that helps a lot... the "penetration" of the 1k is far superior to that of the 600. I think 600's have their place in vert grows or smaller footprint gardens/ or big rooms w heat issues. 420fied, wheres the finish on this???


Well-known member
Simple green, I made an 8kw NFT system for just under $300 at home depot with vinyl fence post & caps. Search diy nftoohigh. It is the most stable & modular system I have used. Took me about 2 hours to build too. You don't really worry about PH flux or sprayers cloggin up on ya.


man i am anxious to see how this turns out going back to dro soon,,,peace