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400w Big Buddha Cheese Closet 1st Grow


Active member
Queso45 said:
Thanks greenhead :wave:

My seeds were not feminised, they were the regular Big Buddha Cheese seeds. As far as I know, there are no feminised Big Buddha Cheese seeds.

Thanks 4 the reply. I just recently started a thread in the strains forums, and there are indeed 5 packs of feminized Big Buddha Cheese seeds being sold, I saw them earlier when I was searching for seeds. That was the reason why I asked you which one you were growing out. I assume that they're pretty new.

:joint: :wave:


Wow I had no idea they were selling feminised seeds now. Good to know.
BTW, I love your comic book style pics in your thread. Very cool.


Day 42 of Flowering

Day 42 of Flowering

My plants have been plagued by some nutrient issues lately. I can't seem to get things under control and I don't know what I've done wrong. The buds are looking better than ever, but my leaves are dying more every day. I've taken them to Dr. Stitch, but I really don't know what we haven't covered.

They were calcium and magnesium deprived, so I fed them Cal-mag. Now they're worse.
They were nitrogen deprived, so I gave them Iguana bloom. Now they're worse.

I'm sure I'll make it out okay, I'm just really fucking frustrated with these plants right now. Really Fucking Frustrated....

Anyway... here are a bunch of pictures. These are the better looking shots, so if you want to see the extent of the sickness... check out my post in the infirmary.

BIG CHEESE (haven't posted pics of her in a while)

Little Cheese (Strangely, this plant has no nute issues)

Northern Lights (The hungriest & most affected)

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THat is SOOO Funk lookin dude. The last pics you posted is so DAMN nice dude. Wow I cant even stop my drolling with my toweL!!!

Great job buddy and keep up the WONDERFUL work man.... Rep comin at you!


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Very nice Queso - great first grow mate, you should be very proud. Even with the deficiencies it still looks like you've got some top notch bud there so keep it up :joint:
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
Hey queso, some may remember my bookshelf that once opened revealed a grow box. I ran that thing for 2 years straight and harvested every 30 days and the Mrs had no clue. I'm unsure how obvious your grow is but imo it's better she didn't know.....not knowing might save her butt and yours but lets hope it doesn't come to that.

BTW, what is your PH on the plants with issues?
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Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High Ques! I can see why you may feel frustrated, but they do still look really good. I love them long ass hairs, the trics still seem to be filling up nicely. Im sure youll get a decent harvest either way. I woundnt let it get ya' down.
On the other hand it be nice to know whats causing this snafu! You've convinced me to give this cheese a try, but im gonna try the greenhouse fems, just cause I want fems. Not sure how similar they are.
Peace and keep us posted, bugout


New member
Mmmmm Cheeeese, Nice looking plants Queso! Really like those colors the ladys are showing.. How are they smelling now?

Funny that your girlfriend havent spottet them yet or smellet them:muahaha::dance:



Thanks everyone for the kind words to cheer me up. Thanks for the rep too Bigtimer, your post made me laugh.

I am in a much happier mood today as Mynamestitch has shown me the light. My problem was that my plants were going too long in between feedings without food. I was watering with plain RO in between feedings, and the plants really needed their calcium/magnesium. I think I have the hang of this now, and I'll definitely be better for cheese round 2.

As far as the odor factor goes... I have some REALLY good ventilation/odor control so there isn't any stink ever sitting in the room. There is a slight funk odor when you open the door, but you don't notice it after a second. You can't smell anything in the rest of the house.

However... I went into the room tonight after I got home from the bar and decided to touch a few nugs to see how dense they were (wouldn't have done this if I was sober). As expected, the NL was denser than the cheese.... but both were more dense than I thought they would be.

Anyway.... after I touched the nugs, my hands smelled UNBELIEVABLE. The cheese smells so sweet/fruity/skunky --- like no weed I've ever smelled before. My hands were sticky as shit too. It doesn't even smell like weed. It smells better than weed. I didn't even know that was possible.

The Northern Lights on the other hand, smells like straight up funk thats gonna put me out of this world. I can't describe it other than it smells like really potent weed. I can't wait to harvest these babies. I'm planning on taking the NL to day 63 and the cheese to 70.

Oh yea, about the gf----- she's not the brightest bulb on the tree.
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Hey Queso :wave:

Those plants look fantatsic. I believe I'm going to nominate that last pic you put up into this months POTM. It has great pigments and frost. I love the purple outlines on the individual fan leaf blades

Congratulations on your work of love.

Organic Farmer

What´s sup Gueso,
Good work bro...

I was not so interested about cheese, but after some research I changed my opinion.
Good luck until your harvest


Some Close-up Shots

Some Close-up Shots

I fed my girls 4ml cal-mag, 2.5 Iguana Bloom, and 5 ml Microblast today. Hopefully they will quit bugging me for food now.

I took a bunch of close up shots today, so I figured I'd share. Thanks everyone for stopping by :wave:

Big Cheese

Little Cheese

Northern Lights

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dude are u kidding me, this looks like some kind of new age space bud

looks like nl and the cheese are moving up my ordering list, simply amazing bud and the beans are easy on the wallet too
great job, how is the smell really skunky?


Thanks for the compliments guys.

Poker Toker: Yes, the room definitely smells skunky... but I have it under control. The Northern Lights has a very pungent funky aroma only when you touch it. But when you smell it, you know its gonna numb your whole body.

Now the cheese. The two cheese's have a similar smell, but the big cheese is definitely the cheesiest. I would say the small cheese smells kind of like fruity pebbles, and the big cheese smells like candy. I want to smoke this weed so badly right now. I am fighting myself every day not to take a nug off of the tree.

In other news,
I have a family emergency that will have me away from my plants until harvest time. Great timing right? Anyway, I have arranged for a cannasitter so hopefully they'll finish okay. I'm leaving him a 4 page guide :laughing:

I'll post pictures tomorrow, but then you won't hear from me until I come back to chop em down.


Cheers Andrew, I like my setup too :smoke:. The only thing I don't like is that no one knows this place exists. Better that way though.

To answer your question... I have an A/C vent in my room that gets the same A/C as my whole house, so my temps are fairly easy to manage. If its too hot, I just make it a little colder in my house. I rarely need to do this though because I have pretty solid ventilation and pre-programmed AC intervals.

My daytime temps lately have been ranging from 73-80. When the AC is on full power, my temps will be at 72-73. If the AC stays off long enough the temps can rise as high as 82.

My nighttime temps have been a little colder that I would like, but it sure does bring out the purple in my Northern Lights. The lowest night temp I've had lately was 65, due to my AC turning on sometimes at night. I've been playing with the programmed AC settings to try to get it a little warmer to prevent further nutrient issues.

So if you didn't want to read all that blabber above... Day temps are 73-80. Night temps 66-72.
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Right on dude,

Im new on the forum so I cant post my pics of my growbox yet but I made one that is about 4-5 feet tall 3.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep on the weekend.

I put a 400W HPS in it but I kinda wish I went with a 150-250, I think Im just gonna make it a few inches taller tho. I also have 2 , 100CFM muffin fans one intake , one exhaust.

The reason I asked the temps is Ive been testing mine and mine gets about 80 that ive see so far, its been like 77.5 most the time.

I have AC but do not run it yet (Canadian winter) lol

Anyways if your interested Ill have pics up tonight or tommorow if the forum lets me.



Good to have you here Andrew. You are able to post pics and URLS as soon as you have made 2 posts I believe. So you should be able to now. If not... post a few more times and you will be able to post pics.

When you want to post pictures I would recommend you upload them here in your gallery instead of somewhere like photobucket. Some people don't always like clicking on off-site links that could be unsafe.

Anyway--- you can upload pics in your gallery now, and after a few more posts you should be able to put them in a thread.

About your light---- if you determine that it's too hot to control, you can always buy a lower watt bulb to put in where the 400 was. They should be like 30 bucks or so. But honestly... as long as your temps don't reach 85 you should be okay.

Welcome to ICmag and happy growing :wave:
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