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400w Big Buddha Cheese Closet 1st Grow


Heres what I'm working with:

Big Buddha Cheese Seeds (5), also currently germinating 3 bag seeds from a northern lights plant that produced a few seeds.
Edit: two 400 watt aircooled SunSystem 2 HPS hortilux lights
6" 440cfm inline fan
6" carbonaire carbon filter
Hygro-Thermometer (temp/humidity)
Really big air purifier with a Hepa Filter, Ionizer, Ozone Generator, and some other cool stuff thats supposed to be used to filter an entire house.

My Story: I'm finally in the living situation where I can grow now, and I've been spending the last few months setting up my extra bedroom so I can grow out as much funky weed as I can. I've been reading about how to do this for years, but as you all know.. nothing is as good as experience. So I'm going to be writing this grow diary as I go along, and hopefully if I come across any problems... the beautiful people here at ICmag will help me through the tough times.

My Setup: I have the Carbon filter sitting on the floor, which is where I've been told the carbonaire is designed to be placed. I have ducting from the scrubber to the hood, and from the hood to the inline fan. I have the inline fan blowing all of the hot air into the walls of the house.

The ventilation in my room seems to be sufficient. I have several intake holes, three 4" ones near the floor board... and three more 2" ones a little higher up in the room. There is also A/C in the room, from a vent in the ceiling, and it comes on whenever temps start getting around 81F.

My temps minimum is about 68F and its maximum is about 82F. I'm currently using 24 hour lighting, but I will switch to either 20/4 or 18/6 soon. I kind of think maybe it would be good to transition it from 24/0 to 20/4 and then to 18/6. Does anyone disagree?

Thanks for reading :)

EDIT: Here are some pictures of my setup

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Queso
Welcome to Icmag
You will find all sorts of help here, including an answer to your picture problem
You need 2 posts to start putting up pics.
Your lighting idea seems fine, but I would just pick a sched and go with that, why waste the electricity if you don't have to
Good luck with your grow


Hey Dr Dog,
Thanks for the welcome and the tip about posting the pics. I'll add them to my first post now.
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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hows it goin
im sure ull get all the help u need.All u gotta do is ask
nice to see a big buddah grow on
been thinking for a while now, wether to get these beans
I know a bunch of folks with the original clone -- uk cheese
I was there for the chop (40 plants)and OMG she F ing stinks , and thats no exageration
its safe to grow her ,its when u start cutting, no matter what filters u got ,your gonna smell her 2 blocks away

im hoping the seed version is gonna taste like it ,but not smell soooo bad
ill be tagging along


Hey kushforlife,
Thanks for the compliment :) ... I believe the "purifier" you're talking about is actually my carbonaire carbon scrubber. I have not uploaded any pictures of my air purifier... but heres some info about it: it is a Nutri-tech (waterfiltercanada) air purifier with 9 stages of filtration. heres a website with the link:



So here are some pics of my plants at around 3 weeks since I planted the seeds. Some of them experienced a bit of nutrient burn, but I have since transplanted them into a half ocean forest/ half light warrior mix. I still have fed them zero nutrients.

and here is a bagseedling that I planted about 5 days ago. I think its weird that it has three leaves on it.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Alright Queso? :wave:

I've just ordered some BB Cheese, good to see a little preview of whats to come :D Good looking plants mate!


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted updates in a while. I've been having trouble uploading pictures into my gallery. Anyway, here are my most recent pictures of my 5 BBC plants, and my one bag seedling.

I had to go out of town for a few days, but will be back tomorrow. I gave all of the plants a little extra water before I left, and filled the tray with a few inches of water for them to suck up through the drainage holes if they needed. I also switched my light cycle to 18/6. I'm praying that everything looks okay when I get back.

Does anyone know if it would be a bad idea for me to switch the lights back to 24/0 ? I have a feeling it might stress the plants.

Thanks for watching guys.... I'll post more pictures when I get home.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hi Queso - They've just fixed the website, everyones had the same problem. Why do you want to change to 24/0? I believe the dark cycle is important for the plants metabolism and it saves electricity too. I run at 20/4, partly because my basement is pretty cool and partly because I like to think they're getting a little boost over 18/6. It's really just up to your growing style which you choose, but I'd just leave them as they are now.

Just germed these yesterday:



Nice choice Sammet... good luck with your grow. Looks like you're gonna get a boat load of funky weed.

I got back today and everything looks alright. Looks like I got back just in time though because some of the plants were getting too close to the light and were getting a little burned. I have watered them all today and moved the light up a bit. I've decided to stick with the 18/6 light cycle until its time to flower. I'll take some more pictures soon but heres one for now.

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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Looking good Queso - Have you started giving them nutes now? I reckon they'd be good for some feeding soon. :wave:


I have given them one feeding so far, but I'm hesitant to feed them again soon because Stitch in the infirmary has me thinking I might need to transplant them soon. Turns out my first feeding had a little too much food in it. These cheese plants really barely eat anything. I have another post in the infirmary titled "brown leaf tips" that highlights some of the issues of my grow so far.

Heres some more pictures:

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I transplanted my three biggest plants today into bigger pots. They were suffering from some nutrient burn and I think there were some PH issues as well. So I transplanted them into a 50/50 mix of Ocean Forest/Light Warrior, and hopefully they'll recover soon. My other plants seem to be doing just fine, I'll transplant them by the end of the week as they should be rootbound soon.



the Revenant
lookin good in bigger pots queso, my BB cheese is starting to smell skunky and a little cheesy, though ive never grown skunk before so its hard to tell. stop by my grow diary sometime.


holy shit, those pots are huge for those plants! you are only gonna have to water once a week until the roots catch up (am i right more experienced growers?). but i bet once that root system is established in veg, your buds will be huge and dank when you finally switch... how long do you plan on vegging for?

sammet is right about the dark cycle being important. 20/4 is the most proficient for growth, but 18/6 will keep the internode length shorter and make the preflowers appear earlier. seemed to be the consensus i found when reading around on the subject.

that's it, just wanted to say what's up and great looking thread! GL on your first grow! :wave:


Yes Khaleel these pots are a little bigger than I wanted them to be, but I am not watering until runoff. I am planning to still water every three to four days. I guess I planned on vegging until they showed pre-flowers. I'm also planning to transplant at least one more time. My plants can grow to be about 5 and 1/2 feet in total length when finished. Do you think I need to force them into flowering? I'm trying to grow them as big as possible.

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