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400 watt club...


thought i'd join your groovy 400wt. club
I run 2 400wt hps in my flower area w/ one of the bulbs hortilux, the other regular. I got things running perpetual and im lovin'it. Anyway here's a couple pics.



Just Call me Urkle!!
I dont have it yet but I will in a couple weeks so I will come and join the club after I finish a grow the the 400w HPS. Can I run a 430w Sun Agro bulb with just a 400w ballast?


here's a few wwxbb i have growing at 4 1/2 weeks in flower.my 1st real go round since i had to build cabinets.these plants had a bad case of hydrohut syndrome so there not what i wanted.my air cooled hood with a 400hps.

need to know how to have my ladies pack on more crystal's.any helpful hint's would be appreciated



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Thundurkel said:
I dont have it yet but I will in a couple weeks so I will come and join the club after I finish a grow the the 400w HPS. Can I run a 430w Sun Agro bulb with just a 400w ballast?
I don't know there is such a thing as a 430 ballast. The Son Agro 430 will run on an S51 ballast, same as a 400 HPS. I used to run a 170 Son Agro on my 150 ballast. Then I had to replace it ASAP with a 150 HPS. The garden never saw the difference but, my wallet sure did.



Just Call me Urkle!!
FreezerBoy - Thanks unfortunately the guy I was getting it from rolled over on my buddy
and called him from a cops phone cuz they were going to pin my buddys garden on him cuz he was at the house so he calls and says "Hey where are you? hurry up come home I'm still waiting for you" my boy pulls up and is arrested on the spot !!!!! Fucking loser pigs go bust a Meth lab !!!!

buzzed day

hello all,everryone's stuff looks great !!! some good close ups Just In Case.will be glad to post some in a few weeks when things are going.peace


Love it man!

That AK is so fire makes me wanna get some seeds... great job man

MAd rep +++


Long-time lurker checking in with the basic layout for my (in-the-works) 430W HPS veg / flower cab. Hope those extra 30 watts won't be a barrier to my membership in this elite squadron of cultivators...

This is my first grow, so I really have no idea what I'm doing - Feel free to let me know where I went wrong; As may be apparent, I've layed this out based solely on what I've gleaned from these very forums... Comments? Criticisms? Adjustments? Suggestions? Let 'er rip!
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As a related aside in my quest to build the perfect cab, I'm curious to hear how small of a flower space you all would be willing to work with running a 430W Son Agro - My limit is pretty set @ 2 feet depth wise, but height and width are negotiable. If I could safely run this lamp in a cab that isn't much bigger than 4ft tall on the outside, it'd be *alot* easier to keep this stealth. Is this a good idea?


OG 1.5L pop bottle test clone bout to come down in a few days. It really didn't yield anything. But it makes for nice macros.

The OG minibush at day maybe 30

SpeedQueen 1.5L pop bottle test clone, about a week to go

Curing SQ

Some AK kief


Active member
looking very good everyone!!!!!
some very nice nugs all around!
here is a shot of the last plant from my 400watt
sensistar- final weight was 2oz

it was a great plant, but I wasnt super fond of the smoke.
hope yo all enjoy!!!!

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Jam Master Jaco

ambr0sia said:
Long-time lurker checking in with the basic layout for my (in-the-works) 430W HPS veg / flower cab. Hope those extra 30 watts won't be a barrier to my membership in this elite squadron of cultivators...

This is my first grow, so I really have no idea what I'm doing - Feel free to let me know where I went wrong; As may be apparent, I've layed this out based solely on what I've gleaned from these very forums... Comments? Criticisms? Adjustments? Suggestions? Let 'er rip!

Heat rises bro so pulling the heat down and out is not very efficient. you will have more heat in ur box then if you would pull the heat up and out. my flouro flower box has the same kind of down and out design, with the filter right in the middle of the box. and even a small flouro box with 200 cfm pulling through it it still runs a constant 90 lights on.

edit oh and here's my new flower box design. xtrasun 400w hps, super hortilux bulb, on a light mover. moves back and forth 18 inches with a 2 second pause on each end. dimensions for the area under the light are 43"x34"

it's still in contruction. gonna seal it again with more panda film to be absolutely sure its light proof
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Jam Master Jaco said:
Heat rises bro so pulling the heat down and out is not very efficient. you will have more heat in ur box then if you would pull the heat up and out

Very understandable, and thanks for the tip - Unfortunately, the logistics of the room I'm putting the grow in require venting out the bottom right side of the cab. The room this will be in has 16" logs on all sides (lending the room it's excellent thermal stability in general) *except* for a 2x6 baseboard on the right bottom side that I can punch through into the crawlspace. How much of an efficiency hit do you think I'll take pushing it down like that instead of venting upwards as most do?