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110 Watt p-ll Veg dresser

Hello Everyone,

I've been reading icmag lots recently in order to build my newest creation, my new veg cabinet!

It's not too complicated, but I figured I should share it with you all. It's an IKEA dresser that I modified. It's outside dimensions are around 30"widex30"tallx18"deep. The usable inside dimensions are around 28"widex24"tallx15"deep.

Here is the front of the dresser as it appears.

Here is the back, after the dresser is turned. It has 4 casters to allow for easy rolling.

Here's the front of the cabinet with the light on inside, dark outside. As you can see, there is a little light escaping from the exhaust where the fan is, I'm going to fix this soon.

this is just a closer shot of the corner that the exhaust is lighting up, it's a fair amount of light, but it's pretty much the only light leak.

This is the back of the dresser at night with the light on, you can see just how bright that exhaust is :/.

Here is the back of the dresser with the lights on , as you can see the dresser is pretty darn bright.

Here is my passive intake, designed after ScrubNinja's guide. It's not professional, but it gets the job done. :)

A closer shot of the dresser with the door open. You can see the electrical coming up the right side of the picture (the red cable).

The way the electrical is wired up right now, I'm still on edge about whether or not I think it's safe. What do you all think? I'm planning hydro ...

Here is the light (bottom half of the image, and the surge protector (which is secured to the top of the dresser). On the right you can see the box thingy I made for the exhaust.

A different angle of the light, surge protector and exhaust.

This is the fan in the exhaust box, to show how it fits in.

The exhaust with the fan pushed in, you can see the wires/chains for the lights.

I'm planning on germinating my seeds sometime next week, in rockwool, so stay tuned for that fun.

Any questions / comments are more than welcomed.
ayo lookin good man keep up the stealth

once you attach a carbon filter you shouldn't have any light leaks out the exhaust. and if you do, just make a cardboard shape so the air will blow away from the intake air and you can have a muffler/light trap
Just placed 8 seeds, which were germinated via the papertowel method into rockwool. The rockwool was soaked for 2 days in water with pH of 5.7.
Here is a shot of the 8 rockwool cubes on a plate sitting in the cab. I'm not too sure exactly how moist to keep the cubes or how to go about this part of the grow. I'm a little nervous ...

Here's a close-up of the rockwool, the second one on the top right already looks like it's trying to make its way up for light, we'll see in the upcoming days ...

Tomorrow I plan on going and getting distilled water and pH-ing it to 5.8 so that I can start using that to water the cubes, with a tablespoon or so each day. Does that sound like a solid plan?

I'm a little lost on the rockwool situation, like if I'm doing it correctly or not. Any advice would be great, i've read around, but you can never be too sure. These are just bag seed that I'm hoping to get the general idea of germinating / dwc with and then ill move on the the real northern lights seeds come August.

Thanks for reading and have a good one!


New member
Nice one mate, ill watch this little one out, i am currently trying to create a brothel to get some seeds, it will also be about 100w, 2 red spec 22w + 2 20w white 2600k. I plan for it to hold 5 plants 1 male + 4 fems. And its about the same size as this...

Good luck :)


Very nice work, very stealthy and clean setup, I like it :)

edit: I use Jiffies, but it should be similar with rockwool cubes. It's important that you don't overwater the medium, it mustn't be wet, just moist (hope that word is right, had to use a dictionary ;) ). Otherwise the seed may rot.

So here we are on day 3 after birth, so far so good. Today I picked up some needed supplies from the local hydro store. Here is the resulting damage to my room.

Along with some neoprene/netpots I purchased an airpump and some perlite for the rockwool cubes. The tap roots were starting to come out from the bottom of the rockwool already, so I figured placing them ontop of perlite will allow them to grow downwards and not sit in water ... or so is the hope. Here's a look at how the 8 remaining (out of 10) are doing.

And here's a close-up of what already seems to be the best grower out of the bunch.

As always, thanks for looking and I'll update again in a few days to let you all know how progress is going.


get a piece of rigid duct work and paint the inside black put that over your exaust and face it downwards that should hide any light coming from the back of your box.
Bad bad bad day for the little ladies. Out of the 8, 4 seem to have died. I have no idea what could have happened last night / today. Maybe they got dried out? Do you guys have any ideas?

Top view of all of them.

Left 4:

Right 4:

A few close-ups of a few of the bad ones, any idea what the issue is?



When my seedlings so small i use a humidity dome or my small greenhouse, i didnt use that one time and 9 out of 10 great white shark died lol

maybe you have a diff. problem hope someon ecan help you more !

Hello everyone, today the thermometer arrived in the post, I set it up in the cab to see what the temps were ... to my astonishment the temp had rising to 93 around the area where the plants were ...

In hindsight I should have probably known it was a little too hot, it worked well for germing the seeds, but now I have raised it to a better height.

As you can see temps are pretty stable around 74-78 with the lights on, both with the door open and closed.

My little dudettes on the other hand, not looking so good. Out of the original 8, only two remain in decent health, and out of that, one is doing better than the other:

Here is the lady that's doing a the best (which, sadly, isn't sayin' much):

So besides that stuff, I've been having issues with pH-ing my water, which hopefully I will be able to figure out later today. I have, hopefully, pH-ed the water in the hydro units right now to 5.5, and I'm letting it rise up slowly, I'll take the pH of that later, if my meter decides to be accurate.

That's the rap-up for now.

One last question: Do you think the right temps plus possibly slight overwater-ing were what did in the other seedlings? If so, does that mean that the two that are remaining are particularly resilient, which should be better throughout the growing process?

Thanks for reading and hopefully answering some questions.
More updates.

Here is a picture of the dresser as of now:

Here is what I just added a few hours ago, three newly germinated seeds in their properly soaked rockwool cubes:

Hopefully I'll have better luck with them this round, I guess I'm going to let them get bone dry to avoid overwatering them like I did before.

On a happier note, the two remaining I have from my first attempt are doing well in their dwc setup:

I'm really impressed at how well the roots are growing on those two:

Here's a close-up of the plant that lost one of its starter leaves when it came out of its shell, but somehow is pulling through:


Hi there onewhokills,

don't let them dry out either, it must be in balance somehow. Try closing your plastic box, this should prevent that, and move it closer to the light as soon as the first one germinates. Then wait a bit until all got out and open your box again. Wait as long as it takes for them to produce visible roots and transfer them to the bubbler when they are ready. :)

Better luck this time :)


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