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10 LR2s and 10 Master Lows ...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'll be pulling these later this morning... I've decided that the 2 smaller plants will going straight into bottles of rum for my Christmas stash :D

Harvest pics to follow :smile:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
they should be dry today or tomorrow, but I'll put them in glass for at least a week before smoke testing... don't worry though, I have some harvest pics and a grw report still to come as well :D


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
The time has come! :smile:

First off, massive shouts go out to my AF donator - Thanks Man! :D

So after 10 weeks we have our (almost) final results. The first and most important point I would make to anyone considering growing these is that they go through their cycles very quickly indeed and if you do anything to inpede or interupt this, you will lose out on your final yield. That can be said of most plants its true, but in the case of AF's they can't afford to spend time on repairs when they should be growing :smile:

The mistakes I made and ones to avoid are, don't wait for them to sex to pot them on, in fact start them off in the pot you want to finish them in as this will negate any chance of stress during transplanting. Secondly, whilst they're not dependant on light hours to change cycles, they are still light sensitive and will be affected should you try to move them from 12/12 to 18/6 (as I did with some). Two of mine became so stunted due to light stress (I think) that I put them straight into bottles of rum for Christmas.

Your best bet in order to maximise growth and yield with these is to treat them with care, look after them and they'll look after you :smile:

4 x Master Low - 6.1g (plus rum ryders)
5 x Low Ryder2 - 18.4g
Total 30g (approx, 24g in weight and whatevers in the rum :wink:)


AF's grow like little rockets right from the off, in order to most benefit from this, they need stability both in terms of environment and physical location (don't be moving them about a lot if you can help it).

These are great little plants to grow, and have been a joy to have around, the sheer speed at which they grow is great for adding that little bit of extra excitement :smile: Mine grew to an average of around 18 inches tall, and if I hadnt made several mistakes would have filled out nicely, one thing I would mention here is that much like "regular" plants, the bottom 3rd of the plant is not really going to produce much. I need to look at this a little bit more as my first conclusion is not to stress them, but if its possible to trim out that bottom section early, I would suggest it may be of benefit later on... as I say I need to try it before I can recommend it as a practice. Anyway, in terms of stature these are perfect for limited/micro grows, don't be fooled though, these babies still need odour control, they're right little stinkers :wink:

I'll be running some more of these soon, hopefully wth better results on the final yield now that I have a better understanding of how they like to grow and be treated, all in all though some invaluable lessons were learnt along the way :smile:

Smoke report to follow....
Happy growing all


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Denial N Error


I agree with some of your findings, they do not like to be stunted. Also learning that starting them in 2-3 gallons and letting them finish there has been so-far the most successful in terms of yield, growth, speed, etc.

Great job!

Hows that bottle of rum stuff work? How long does it sit in the rum? How does it taste? What are the effects? Lol.. :rasta:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hiya DnE :smile:

The "Rum Ryders"?

Hehe it's an old recipie of my Jamaican friends'. You add herb, ginger and nutmeg and/or jamaican spice and let it sit for a good 6 months. In that time the alcohol will break down the thc into the liquid (much like Iso does) and also helps convert non active acids into active ones (CBNs CBD1 & 2 etc - stuff I dont fully understand).... the taste is spicy to hide the greeness and the effect is "soul warming" :D


Active member


Hey J,
Great Show Fella, looks like it was worth the short wait. I been thinking about doing an AF grow for a while now, as i see great promise in these many different AF Breeds. I got my 'Eye on Sweetseeds's AF's which look and sound out of this world and report unbelievable yields Indoor/Outdoor. Speed Devil was their first 300-450g p/m2-Indoor, Upto 50g P/P Outdoor. Now they got FastBud Which is 4-500g P/M2 Indoor, 20-60g P/P Out. And This BigDevil 4-550g P/M2 In and 40-250 grams Out, which is pretty amazing.
They all finish incredably FAST Anything from 7 -9 wks total Grow time .
I just been on their website and the latter 2 are new. What would be your opinion on these yields? they seem incredable claims in that sort of time frame.?? If this is true could be looking a better year next than i thought.(Roll on 2010)
What do ya all wreckon Guys'..........Peace & Respect'........Scroger'(UK)............."Be-Lucky People''
(you can see i'm new round ere' LOL, i just checked the date, see if i can find a newer thread LOOL)

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