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10 LR2s and 10 Master Lows ...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
As promised, a photo :smile:

here we can see there are now 8 LR2's in total, 6 in pots and 2 to be potted tonight and so far 5 Master Lows are surfaced. 4 are well above surface level and ready to be potted and 1 is just about to break out...

I still have plenty of hope for the remaining few :smile:

more news soon,

happy growing
j :smile:


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Looking good shoes.. I put my Red Dwarfs in the soil 27 of march, one day before you, they look just about the same size as yours now.. We have to compare the plants hehe, should be fun.. Good luck..



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks Kirby. I look forward to us growing different grows together :wink:

todays news is that we now have 8 LR2s in pots and 5 Master Lows... so far :smile:

more news as it comes...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Sorry for the lack of updates all. It's been a bit hectic here trying to get my second flower area sorted.. and in the mean time, my veg box is getting a little overcrowded.

In any event, here's a photo. Here you can see the Master Lows,and LR2's along side some PP, K2 and Cheeseberry clones :smile:

Some of the LR2 (which surfaced a few days before the MLs) are already growing like rockets, with the rest not far behind :smile:

happy growing all,
j :smile:


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Registered Pothead
Negative rep aside your grow is looking good man. There seems to be a lil stretch on the seedlings but they are noding out fine now. There is a pheno of ML that will yield super fat man. I have pulled well over a qp on 4 ML before. They can take the nutes thats for sure. Keep up the great af work and sorry if you think i am a prick.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Thanks for the kind words and the advice, mate. I don't think you're a prick either. if I went around thinking that of everyone I disagreed with, I'd never speak with anyone :wink:

They are a little stretchy its true. The reason for this is, the big CFL (with proper reflector) that I normally use in this box has been keeping my (12 week old) Cheeseberries alive in another tent after the extractor fan never showed up.

I do actually have a remedy for this. I didnt have the cash to implement it right away, but today I ordered more big CFLs (125 watters) and as soon as those arrive, the AF's and clones will get a much needed dose of lumens (currently under 135watts of CFL only - will be 200-250) - then in around 2 weeks, they'll get moved to another area and under all together better conditions and pots :smile:

Here they are today at around 17/18 days, alongside my (pH locked) clones..


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hi MWG. Thanks for stopping in :smile:

the ones I have in coco are already recieving a light feed of Canna A+B, a little Rhizotonic and a splash of Cannazym (EC about 1.1) and the others which are in prefed soil will be getting House and Garden 1 Component feed starting at around week 4 through to week 6. In week 6 I plan to stop feeding both the coco and soil plants and will continue using H&G's Bud XL (carboload type booster) until the last week, and then I'll just give them pH'd water :smile:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for looking in both :smile:

I "think" I'm at day 19 today Kirby mate. or at least it's 19/20 days since they sprouted/got potted :smile:

(the last update from yesterday is my latest :smile:)



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
AHHHH MAN I'm SO DAMN HAPPPY right now!!!!!!! :woohoo:

finally the veg box gets it 125 watt CFL back ..along with all the cfl's I got as a temporary measure, we now have more than 200watts of beaming goodness being cast over the low ryder crosses.....

things will no doubt start to pick up now :smile:
More lights is always a good thing!

I think yours are like twice the size of the ML's I started 13 days ago!

I think its because im experimenting with re-used soil, and it was lacking a little in the N dept, gave them a 1/4 dose of N yesterday and they shot out new sets of leaves overnight. Guess thats what they wanted :D The Trials and Tribulations of re-using soil. . lol :D

Yours should be showing sex soon eh?



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
wow.. I guess some of the bigger ones will, they're on the 5th set of leaves already

I better start keeping an eye open as I do want to make some seeds, but not with all of them :smile:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
We have a late arrival to the party. Last night when I went to look for signs of sexing, I found that another ML has sprouted :woohoo:. I knew those shells looked tough and that's all that seems to have held this one back as it looks strong and vigorous :smile:

I'll grab a pic in a few hours when the lights come on again :smile:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
here's a pic as promised - everything seems a lot happier now the big CFL is back. Check out the new arrival front and center :smile:


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Doing what we do because we are who we are
here's a pic as promised - everything seems a lot happier now the big CFL is back. Check out the new arrival front and center :smile:

welcome to the late bloomer :D glad to see you had the patience to wait most ppl throw the seed out of they dont sprout after 7 days i like to keep em going for 2 weeks and they dont pop then throw em out... i always find that 3 - 5 seeds are late bloomers

they look nice green bro :D