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1 unknown seed in DWC (about 1wk into flowering)

i needaaaaa know if i should cut those dead looking leaves off, i dunno if they are taking up energy the buds can be using or whats going on with them so any input would help thanks!! ima go smoke a bowl b4 work! have a great day IC MEMBERS!!! toke a bowl for me if u like my plant = Q
you can pull the dead leaves off if you want...if they dont pull off with gentile preasure leave them on...

cant really tell by those pics whats going on. i see some blurry flower shots, some blurry plant / leave shots and some shots with the light on... dont take pics with the light on b/c you cant capture a clear pic with it on. shoot pics right before or after lights on or off. steady you camera with something (rest it on something) when taking pics so you can focus better. That first flower shot is nice but you got a while to go with that baby.

your leaves turning yellow is an issue best put in the infirmiry section. potencial causes could be under feeding (nitrogen defficency) / over feeding (lock out)...your top leaves seem to be wilting (over / under watering / heat stress)...try the infirmiry section for these type of problems.
Hey sorry about the shitty ass ass pictures, but i will get some better ones soon! like maybe today or tomorrow, after work of course, ima b late to work so this is gonna be quick, the dead leaves look so sad i just wanna cut them off, and does cutting them off take energy from the rest of the buds becuz it has to repair the damaged part of the plant first?

the pistils are starting to turn a little on most every bud now, but very little still 90 percent white pistils, STILL LEAVE IT= )?

fully baked

Ya I'd leave her for longer.

Head over to radioshack and pick up a small scope so you can check out how the trichomes are looking. Like 10 bucks or something and looks like this. It should help a lot at determining when to harvest.


Good luck, you've sure done a hell of a job bringing her back.
OK so i did the math on how long its been in FLOWER since i changed lights to 12/12 and its only been 39 days. Do you suggest i go longer? its already pretty massive, but a lot of white pistils still, not even half orange yet, but they are turning orange. I was in the dark about how many days it was in flower til right now i figured it out by my old posts, i had thought without doing that , that is was on its last week of nutes and next week i was gonna change the water and put only distilled water in it to flush it for 1 week then harvest but im pretty sure 39 days isnt enough , and it will get bigger if i keep it going, so am i right? shouldnt this sativa LOOKING i say looking because i have no clue what kinda weed it is be going around 75-90 days perhaps? or does it not matter and any weed can finish at different times? whats the signs of it being ready for harvest?? thanks a lot! here are some pics update of today. last one is blurry sorry! and not very good pics still, im using a 7.2 megapix but iono not good with cams i guess.

and yes that is one MASSIve ass cola in the middle!

THIS PIC IS OF the lowest branch nug = ) so the smallest one of the bunch!

THIS PIC IS THE SECOND HALF OF THE BIG center cola, its perfectly cut in the picture to the top half.

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Well guess no one is down to answer my q's but my leafs are all getting really yellow and dry and its like splots on the leafs and goes from top to bottom of leaf. there are pics on pg.3

the plant is 3 inches shorts then 5 ft. tall. = ) thats the update.
"super grower" is right!

"super grower" is right!

lol hey man, would ya look at the size of that main cola! i must say, outstanding job so far! for a first time too. i bet if you would have topped that plant you would have a serious bush in there!

i honestly think the most important part of hydro is the ph and its consistency. i usually check my ph and adjust it 1-2 times a day. when there is a lot of growth up top there has to be a large amount of water uptake by the plant. your ppm rises over time and it could be the sign that you could use a good flush. i'm not saying that there is nothing wrong but a quick flush and fresh water and nutes would be a great start to fixing the problem. i prefer a little extra time with keeping the roots flushed properly every 2 weeks with clearex. the following days after are some serious growth every time. if you keep the nutes fresh you will rarely run in to problems. i see a lot of people trying to diagnose and add this and that. i'd rather flush and add new nutes. once a week will keep you on top of your game pimpin'!

for the leaves up top... it looks like it's just above the light and not getting what it needs as far as light is concerned.

the spot on the leaf where it's looking burnt may be from a hot spot in your room. i say this as it looks to be a isolated leaf with light bleaching close to the reflector. it doesn't look bad though.

make sure you got some air flowing over that BIGASS cola dude! i like to keep my fans on and constantly draw fresh air into my space at night, to keep humidity and moisture from building up. that may become a issue later on in flower if you can't keep the humidity in check with that donky dong.

^that's a bigass post(hash oil=bla bla bla). i'm gonna stop. anyway i hope i helped a little! good luck and holla if ya need somethin.


the keeper of the creeper
Let it keep going. It will get bigger denser.. The yellowing could be from the plant starting to slowly die. I suggest looking at the tricomes, they will tell you the story. clear/cloudy 50/50 is when i wack em down, many leave untill cloudy/amber 50/50 Your plant should be very yellow at time of harvest..
Flush that rez, give them new nutes.. should be fine.
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ok so if im not mistaken flush is when u just leave it with ph good water right? like just water thats good. ha plain ol ph adjusted water im saying. for like how long a week? or is flush just change of nutes and fresh water? cuz i do that everytime its getting low. about 1 time aweek.

the pistils are getting close to 50/50 with white 50 and orange 50 percent. can that tell if its time to harvest? cuz i dont have a mag glass right yet!!! to look at trichs
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also i wanted to test a nug off it, how can i do that pick any little nugg and break it off and hang it in front of a fan to quick dry and then smoke it the next day or what? -thanks
stke fingas: thanks buddy for the help, please answer the flushing question above....ill get it bigger and bigger til it will get no bigger then chop and show the pics!!! stay tuned.

blunt 69: isnt when the plant begins to die, a sign of it wanting to be harvested? ive heard that.... and hopefully when i give it new nutes and water tonite it will start livening up a little bit....and is the plant effected by the fan leaves yellowing and the close fan leaves to the buds yellowing like that?

nipplecrippler: hey man thanks for stoppin in, yea ill fo sho pack u a fatty when i harvest, ill let u choose ur piece also!!! = Q
i put my water i always add and then just sweet for a flush, is that right? its 3gal water to 60ml of sweet....nothing more, becuz check out the leaves im flushing becuz of that reason, any other help would be appreciated!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
39 days is barely over 5 weeks. Without a scope, and assumming we're talking indica's, I'd go at least 8 weeks or 56 days. If you're talking Thunks, you still have another 10-12 weeks.
we are not talking indicas man, my plants leaves were all skiinny most people said it looks sativa, the orange are now starting to take over the white pistils probably 60/50 now.... is it possible for them to be all orange when at peak thc levels at harvest? they are so sticky when i touch them and they smell o so bomb right now..


Active member
SuperGrower you really need to go out and get a scope or magnify glass or something to check out them trichomes... theres really no saying going by the hairs


TRY ,, MONSTER GROW , and MONSTER BLOOM u wont regret it !!

Carbo Load by advanced nutrients :muahaha:



and as far as your questiuon and issue on pg.3

i think it can be low relative Humidity ,,
but it may be several more things ..

everything looking good tough :jump:

hey supergrower!
sorry i didn't check back very soon about your question. i'll tell you how i flush, there is more than one way to skin a cat yeah? i drain as much out of my res as i can. fill it back up with fresh ph'ed water and clearex. let it run till my ppm's quit rising and dump that water out. i don't have much sitting water in my root zone like you do so i just fill my res with my nutes and thats all. but if i were you i would at least change that res with fresh water 2 full times if you can't fully drain it. i believe salt builds up over time and should be flushed away from the roots as often as possible. never heard of someone having a problem with changing the res too often, besides all the work involved. your ladies will thank you. nutes are cheap in comparison to the cost of the final product, you are the one that controls how it turns out. less work=less nug(most of the time) unless your a seasoned vet and know it all. i am neither.