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Orange Diesel & Thai Haze x Skunk #1 in 30 gal DWC


Don Cotyle

Come on in, take yer shoes off and stay awhile :wave: Formerly StarsNBars from CannabisWorld.

I just built a new 14 station tubbler for my closet, wraped in duct tape,painted black then white. A duel outlet deep water air pump hung on a bungi cord to cut down on vibration noise is running to 2 12" bubble wands Gorilla glued to the bottom. Gorilla glue workes on just about anything, great stuff!

My closet is 2'x3'x7' with a filtered dual fan setup for air flow. Lights are 400 whatt HPS throught the grow, start to finish. I'm useing Hanna Instruments GrowCheck meters,PH and TDS. For water I picked up a nice RO system off of Ebay ($285 system for $85) with 4 gal tank 3 gal usable, I have well water here that is high in iron and calcium, low in lime and thank God no sulpher...gotta have good water!!!

There are 13 of Verties OD and 3 of Sam the Skunkmans THxS1 from seed in there now, looking for a new mom. I start with peat-pellets after germ and then into 4' plastic flower pots that have had the 4 bases sliced off when ready to go into the res tank. I surround the pellet with lava rock and then cover with white marble chips to the top. The THxS1 will take 120 days + in flower so I'll have smoke when waiting from the OD :jump:

I'm useing the Lucas Formula and GH nutes at 0-5-10 veg and 0-8-16 with Fat Bud additives in flower. Working up slowly from 0-1-2 for new plants in veg.

Substituteing Opiates with smoke for many many moons now :headbange

Enjoy and ask away :smoker:



definatly looks like you're off to a nice start. how many gallons is that tub you're using? just wondering.

i've seen nothing but good reviews on that thai haze, and the OD is a pretty interesting girl there too, will be nice to see another opinion on both of these!

git r done!


Don Cotyle

THCzr, 28 gals out of 30 possible, this keeps the rez level just at the base of the 4" pots.

Here's a shot of the bubble wands held on the bottom by their suction cups with Gorilla Glue

The plants at 9 days in the rez, I'm foliar feeding them with Alfalfa Juice(alfalfa soaked in ro water overnight,DON"T KEEP AROUND AFTER 1 USE, this stuff will stink to high heaven if keep around...make a new batch every other night) Then the next night rinse with straight RO water. It's a growth hormone.

Here's the plants at 18 days, the sativa plants are on the right.


Don Cotyle

The canopy was very thick due to the close proximity of the plants, this caused the side branches to streach to the top so I decided to trim-train them to allow more light to get thru. The 3 sativas were taller than the OD so I toped them.

Heres a shot of the stems and lower branches, they're bulking up nicely from the Alfalfa Juice

Here's the root growth on the smallest plant.


Don Cotyle

Picked up a CO2 test kit fom the hydrp shop to see if I had to bump levels up when going into flowering stage. The test came out at 1500-1700 PPM...just about right!

Grow is now 21 days from going into the rez tank and 30 days from germ.

The 3 sativas on the right side of the tubbler.

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Don Cotyle

Thanks Verite, Hey how are they for pain relief??? Love the growth rates and most have side branches even with the tops.They already starting to get a nice smell to em and I'm sure I'll get a nice mom or 2 out of there!!!!!

Thanks again for getting this new strain out, Coytledon A.K.A Don Coytle


Don Cotyle

Thanks PIFFDADDY, Hopefully I'll be tokeing the OD around Feb 14th and a nice smoke report will follow. I'll also be gradeing them on pain releif, taste, etc.

Keep it Green and be Safe Bro!!!

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Cant wait to see those Thai x Skunk babies, I got some of those as freebies from Gypsie, Im growing them outside though as they are sativas and will get very stretchy and have a longer Flowering period.

Hope they dont take over the cab, but they will! Bloody sativas!



Don Cotyle

Hey Joe,That's where I got my 5 freebes from! The sativas will eventually take over the closet. When the OD is done I'l spread them out and tie them back against the side walls. If they streatch to tall I'll cut the pots out from under them and drop them down into the res tank. That'll give me almost 2' of extra height...I've done it before...they will root from the nodes underwater so no problems!!!

PIFFDADDY, not a prob,once I sex em and lose the males! I use the Lucas formula so once I get them up to full strength I just add back 0ml grow-8ml micro-16ml bloom of the GH nutes with every gallon of ro water I need to get the tank topped off! Ya don't even need grow nutes cause theres enough nitrogen in the micro.No change outs for the whole grow. I drop a powerhead with 25' of hose run to the toilet and dump the whole tank when I do the final flush. Then only add 8 gals of ro water,the roots are long enough to hit the bottom of the tank so they can drink what they want!!!!!!!

Whatsthatsmell, Thanks. You'll love the GH nutes, do a search for the Lucas formula it's so easy to use!!! I like to keep my grows K.I.S.S. ...Keep it Simple (Stupid) no derogatory remarks ment to anyone...that's just how I heard it:p

Keep it green and be safe!!! :joint:
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Joe Hawkins

Active member
yeh nice thinking Don! I am also a heavy abuser of the MJ plant and love to mutilate them to see how much of a survival instinct they have! It will be interesting to see how they go in hydro indoors, I will keep up with your grow and will let you know how these outdoor ones go, this will be interesting.

Just out of curiosity, have you tried the Botonicare line (Pure Blend Pro, and Triflex)? I currently have running the Triflex in both my DWC, and EBB & Flow systems while my mothers enjoy the Pure Blend Pro mix. With the Botonicare line i have found that i can not follow the feeding on the label, if i do, it will end up burning my girls and causing me more frustration that its worth sometimes.

Currently for my hydro i am using the following:
Triflex: Base, grow, bloom, Calmag, Hygrozyme, Super Oxy, with Sweet and Liquid Karma added during trans and flower.

For the Soil:
Pure Blend Pro Grow and Bloom, Calmag

i made the mistake of added molasses when there was Liquid Karma and that was just a disaster since the LK has yeast in it.

Just wondering what the difference in performance from someone who isnt doing a commercial like you see on Youtube... actually grower experience is best IMHO.

I do agree with you on the K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid) or (Keep it stoner simple) or (Keep it stupid simple) your choice.....

anyways, sorry for the hijack...

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Don Cotyle

I hear ya Joe, I've cut males down and chopped em up into 1' lengths outdoors only to come back a month later and see them rooting from nodes touching the ground. I've since learned to bag them and remove them from the area all together. they are very resilliant plants... just don't overdo it and get a crop of hermies!!!

I just did a secound topping of all new side branches even with the canopy and removed the very large fan-feeder leaves to get light in...getting ready to go to 11/13 should get nice and bushy in there! :jump:

Sorry Whatsthatsmell I've only used the GHand Fat Flower indoors w/a 1/4 teaspoon per gal Epsomsalts for mag deficiencys. I'll be getting some CalMag for future grows.

Outdoors I tend to plant close to streams in the thickest areas I can find, sprinkle the soil top with Ironite and Mirical grow( damn I don't belive I said that out load), come back once to root out males and re-sprincle. Them back for harvest 2 weeks after the first frost! I'll spread my plants out at least 75 yards apart and will walk the stream 1-2 miles to plant. Alot less chance of all of them being found, the stream tends to provide them with enough water!

Don Cotyle

Last update till sexing and males removed.30 days, lights 11/13 The trim-training is working well, I'm pointing to a main top...it's surrounded by side branch tops that are 3-4" taller, should get bushy in there!

30 days overall grow, can't wait to thin the males out and give em some extra room.


Don Cotyle

Orange Diesal top at 26 days flowering. I got 6 females out of 13 plants 4 were males, and 3 were runts that were probably due to slow growth and under the canopy...low light.

Here's the rest of the closet grow. The Orange Diesal are on the left and the Thai Haze x Skunk#1 are on the right. All 3 of the Thai Haze are females!!!



Don Cotyle said:
THCzr, 28 gals out of 30 possible, this keeps the rez level just at the base of the 4" pots.

Here's a shot of the bubble wands held on the bottom by their suction cups with Gorilla Glue

The plants at 9 days in the rez, I'm foliar feeding them with Alfalfa Juice(alfalfa soaked in ro water overnight,DON"T KEEP AROUND AFTER 1 USE, this stuff will stink to high heaven if keep around...make a new batch every other night) Then the next night rinse with straight RO water. It's a growth hormone.

how much alfalfa juice you put in? what do you mean foliar feeding?? im a newby sorry
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Don Cotyle

kroniccal, Foliar feeding is when you spray the leaves(foliage) of the plant, it will absorbe what it wants and the rest will evaporate off. This is done every other day only in the veg mode(when the lights are on...say 19 on and off 5 hours). On the off days you spray the leaves with RO water(the best) or distilled or what you have as a rinse. (RO or Reverse Osmosis is water that has been filtered by a filtering station or RO filter station, they are inexpensive if purchased on say E-Bay or Overstocked. It removes most of the inpurities in tap or well water and lowers your TDS(total disolved solids) such as iron,calcium, lead,sulpher,etc. things you don't want your plants to (drink). The lower the TDS the better your water is for hydro or dirt.

Alfalfa can be purchased at most pet stores or from feed stores, pet stores you'll pay a little more, buy, feed stores usually only sell in 50lb sacks in pellets. Loose or in pellets work the same.

I usually mix a good handful of alfalfa in a bowl with a pint of water, let sit overnight and feed just before the lights go off in the evenings or before they come on in the mornings, same for the rinse.

The Alfalfa tea works as an inexpensive growth hormone. Farmers have been tilling under alfalfa fields for a long time between seasons to enhance the soil and growth rates of corn etc.

Don't spray 1 or 2 of your plants and watch the difference. Hope this helps...enjoy your grow,stay safe and keep green!