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Z's Multi Strain Madness. on the cheap.


I need to break this grow away from my main Grow Diary thread. So here is it for the masses.

Mission: Organic Dankabiss. Medicine. With variety. a lot of varitey . Im just trying to find what i like to smoke and what i like to grow. i think im more of an indica man. helps with the athritis.

Strains: mandala, Bonsai Berry (personal breeding project), GHS Kings kush (OG Kush x Grape ape) , TH Wreckage (trainwreck x sage), Paradise White Berry, Nirvana papaya.

All seeds were aquired for under 40 bucks. A lot of freebies here. and not one full seed pack purchased. mostly single seed purchases.

Set up: SOIL 4x4 flower room 8 plants 400w MH and 2700k CFLS. temps are 69 - 81. rh 40-55
4x2 veg with cfls 6500k. Did i mention i love cfls =D temps 73-78. RH 55

Nutes: GH new Organics line. with some added FF big Bloom , earthworm casings, high P guano and numerous compost teas. 160ppm tap. some times 80ppm half tap half ro.

Im about mid flower right now.

Heres some pics from early on.

So those are my stats.. stay tuned


So how is it going?

Please sit back. have a treat

drink some tea.

and enjoy the show!

Flower room shots. Group photo of the lovely ladys. with growing such a varitey its hard to get a even canopy.

Mandala M3 mother. This is my main lady right now. about 60% indica. low odor. dense nugs. good rez. my fav thing is the bracts get crazy big.. only thing i dont like is that its leafy. see flowering pics to understand.

Kings kush.

This papaya is a runt. very strange pheno.

Mandala. Excited about this pheno. Indica like. VERY compact and tight internodes so far. tightest ive seen on mandala up until now. WISH My clone of her survived =( hopefly if her smoke is good i can re veg it and get some clones.

juicy pics of papaya. Looks like it will be a good yield from this special plant.. wish u could smell her !



Mandala,. M3. its pretty chunky . and low odor. i like it real well.

White berry. The skunkiest thing i have ever grown. this thing busted through my can filter =D DENSE hard nugs. I dabbed her with some pollen from my old mandala male I had on ice. to continue the bonsai berry project. its just for fun really.

Thats it for now. thanks for stoping by. Im getting some defecencys that look like lock out. but not sure whats going on. got some burned tips and yellowing of older leaves mostly between the veins. I flushed and gave a balanced feeding. but if anyone has any tips that would be great.


oh man, good thing I had one of your 'treats' right away, those laminate fiberboard background pictures and I had to click on the one with the trash can in it. Just messing with ya. Anyways after that the pictures have come along nicely and so have the buds! Looking great!



Thanks a lot res. The varitey is a lot harder than I thought it would be.. each plant sure does like to voice its special needs.. But it will be nice to have all the dif smokes around. And I will be better apt to pick some genes to really work on for the future projects..

NUG. HOpe u enjoyed the treats=D =D. Blue berry muffins. They did really good at covering up the taste. way better than brownies. I cant even stomach eating brownies any more.. I have to say tho I did make the mistake of eating too much and had a bad trip.. but now i know to be careful.

LOL u had to point out the fiber board =( . Cheesy I know. HEHE i hate fiber board.. Almost as bad as wood paneling in a home. Its the only thing I could find for a background... I was having a problem getting good shots of the buds in the garden because of the mylar.. but iM glad the pics turned out well Thanks for the props.. I really try to improve my picture taking.. ITs sort of a fun hobby right next to growing . Hopefully one day can get a real camera ;D..

Oh and about the trash can.. Thats my water rez I keep it bubbled to kill chlorine and ad oxygen to roots.


Zealious, I love me some treats, just had a canna lollipop the other day it was pretty awesome. I'm a big fan of cookies also. Your muffins look like a truly delicious snack, I bet one is plenty!

Yes photography is a lot of fun, I have been practicing it many years and I'm kinda realizing it ALL depends on your camera. I usually try to enhance my image quality using photoshop to enhance natural color and sharpness and size also. Helps make up for my not having very good camera hardware.

I was just teasing about the particle board sorry. Yea it's not the best but I think experimenting around is always a smart idea anyways when it comes to photography. Plus I'd say the following portrait bud shots like 836, reeeally make up for it. The bud takes up the whole image and the color and sharpness are right on too. Good work.


HEY thanks alot.. Im def just amature but it is a lot of fun to experiment. Good idea with using photo shop im going to have to give it a shot.. In the past i would mostly take tons of pictures and filter out the bad ones with bad focus andlight.. but i found this nifty little camera tripod for a dollar at the dollar tree and its really made life easier. if u ever see one for cheap i highly recomend them..

Thanks for the photoshop idea

best of luck


I have a funky old tripod. it does work quite well especially for macro close ups. I'll have to use it here in a couple months to get some bud shots ;)


IM experimenting. I super cropped some of my main colas to see if i get some increased size in the lower buds... seems to be working so far.. will update with pics.


so after super croping a buded plant the cola does not heal its self and perk back up... I had to tie them to a steak to keep them straight. However i did get some supstantial lower bud growth.. almost as if i trimed the top buds off.. and now im getting growth back in the main colas.. so if u are comfotable doing it and u have stakes then go for it.


2 plants and one top has been harvested.. about 5 days till I harvest more...

In a nice suprise I found the Kings kush truning a dark purple... and the white berry is fadding out to purple. I was about to havest them but Purple is a sign of ripeness so Im going to wait it out a bit.

heres some pics from last harvest to keep u guys entertained


Thank you for all those that comented and checked out the grow!

Hopefully Ill get more hits next time lol..

My mission has been completed. I have been growing for about 2 years now and My main thing is to find a few special plants that I really love...
the winners are as follows, They have been converted to cute little bonsai mom plants.

#1 Nirvana Papay - Amazing yield and crazy fast. Absolutely potent, very uppy day time smoke.. Great intense citriousy sweet and fule smell and taste.

#2 Mandala safari mix - This is a white satin x kalichakra plant.. IT is very interesting smoke.. Very dif.. Not too strong but it has great yields.. flowers about 10 wks its a nice spicy hash smoke but oddly and the reason why I like it and will keep it around.. it handles heat and humidity very well and at the same time very compact.. It also has nearly no odor. I could probly grow a full batch with no scrubber.

#3 Paradise seeds White berry - This is a indica beast. Stinkiest bud I have ever grown.. It busts though my filter.. there is literaly nothing you can do about it.. Very pungent fermented liqour sweet smell and taste.. A powerful narcotic sleep inducing high.. Good night time smoke. The plant turns a beautiful purple hue in the last 2 weeks and has very DENSE buds.. the densest ive seen. Yields are good but not amazing.. Growth stays very compact tho and this really would be a great SOG candidate.

#4 Green house seeds Kings Kush (Og kush x grape ape) - man This plant is amazing.. You probly wonder why its on the bottom of the list.. I will get to that later.. But I have to say.. You can definetely tell that its og time grape ape.. the genetics were given to GH from famous cali medical breeder apothecary seeds.. the creator of grape ape.. The plants are very compact and bushy, they are pefect for a KBS type of grow or any time your goign to bush something out.. IT turns VERY DEEP purple in the last week of flower.. Even buds turn purple.. Its a great og sweet taste and smell.. With a hint of grape.. Im sure its mind tricks but this stuff really does have the taste of very RIPE sweet grapes. more of a candy grape flavor than a fruit flavor.. It does however take about 10 weeks and is a very low yielder.. The reason why its on the bottom of the list is because it just does not fit my growing style well right now.. plants are just too bushy for my 400w and yields are terrible, it also never wants to be happy .. leaves are always curling down for some reason.. It seems to be because of water.. She does not like a lot of water..

So there you go.. I will be mainly growing #1 and # 2..

My next mission is all about efficency.. SInce my power bill went up efficency is important.. To date I still have not had a grow where it was all clones of the same plant keeping a nice even cannopy.. The mission is also to dial these plants in and keep a 100% organic happy garden 100% of the time..

My new 600w hps and super sun 2 should help also...

SO hopefully supper big yields and supper happy homogenous garden will ensue from this point on..

Im thinking about venturing to the out doors so part b of the mission is to find a plant that does great in my area where heat and humidity are going to be a problem.. Hopefuly I will be able to breed some of these plants.. I have male pollen from a couple of the strains... THe goal will be to breed a plant for my outdoor region..

All of these goal will be acopmlshed via 100% TRUE organics and recycled soil.. Using natural amendments and suplementing with GEneral Hydros new GO line..


So please stay tuned and wish me luck...

Here is the last picture update.

Early bonsai mom..

currently in flower.. 4 weeks in white berry... above.. Below is Kings kush

Maybe you can see what i mean about the leaf curl on the kings kush..

cured and harvested buds.. the purple one is kings kush, the small one is white berry and the big one is mandala.
Damn, I must have missed updates in this thread.. the picture with the apple way above looks familiar, but not the dried buds at the bottom! big BIGGER BIGGEST, it's awesome that you get to see that side-by-side comparison.

But like you said, size doesn't always mean potency or predictable effect. I can see it being worth growing a smaller plant if it's more potent, or if a certain strain provides the benefits you seek, despite its yield.. but do you ever wonder when you hear about small plants or small yields and you just wonder if that plant just isn't in its ideal growing environment? Not like you can get a larger bud yield than the tiny plant can produce, but when there's a stark difference in two plants grown in the same space?

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