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Zombie Jesus Day!!

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Happy zombie jesus day


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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
when i lived in the bible belt I got written up at work for drawing a verizon "can you here me now?" guy, in to the background of a crucifixion scene, with the 3 crosses on the hill.


just don't molest my colas..
zombie jesus is an excellent name for a strain I think. or a band.

no one go naming a band or a strain that though, i called dibs.


Recovering UO addict.
wow you're right! That makes the bible kinda like the first zombie movie...except without tv's and alot more senseless violence of course. Too bad jesus didn't get that copyright stuff figured out...he'd be a rich man today.


Is this thread meant to provoke people?
Do you hate christians?
Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you are a_______. filll in the blank.

Easter is a combo holiday basicly set up by the roman catholic church to convert pagans
Istar was the pagan goddess of fertility.
rabbits represent pagan fertility
eggs guess what? fertility
so go on with your pagan self hunt some eggs catch a rabbits foot whatever.
By the way zombies want to eat your flesh and drink your blood.
Jesus wants you to eat of his flesh an drink his blood get it right.


just don't molest my colas..
Jesus wants you to eat of his flesh an drink his blood get it right.

i think thats even creepier. what do you call that kind of fetish? sounds like some straight "oh this is what grown ups do" pedophile shit.

"come on, drink my blood, all of my followers do it. don't you want to be enlightened like them?"
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There are some ignorant fools posting about something obviously they do not understand. Congratulations on picking one of the most holy days to sling shit at Jesus, you must feel so proud to denounce evrything good in your life that is a result of Christian heritage.


I love my life
Is this thread meant to provoke people?
Do you hate christians?
Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you are a_______. filll in the blank.

Easter is a combo holiday basicly set up by the roman catholic church to convert pagans
Istar was the pagan goddess of fertility.
rabbits represent pagan fertility
eggs guess what? fertility
so go on with your pagan self hunt some eggs catch a rabbits foot whatever.
By the way zombies want to eat your flesh and drink your blood.
Jesus wants you to eat of his flesh an drink his blood get it right.

There are some ignorant fools posting about something obviously they do not understand. Congratulations on picking one of the most holy days to sling shit at Jesus, you must feel so proud to denounce evrything good in your life that is a result of Christian heritage.

You two seem a little touchy. If little baby jesus or zombie jesus set you to vapers; how can you deal with the madness of real life?

"One of the most holy days" What the fuck does that even mean? Should I have a baby today? Sign a contract today? Play the lottery today? Look for eggs of gold?

In a community that is constantly oppressed by IRRATIONAL and IMMORAL prohibition laws and SELF-SERVING governments; how can you be surprised that the greatest racket of all time is mocked?



You two seem a little touchy. If little baby jesus or zombie jesus set you to vapers; how can you deal with the madness of real life?
I cant make any sense out of this rubbish.

"One of the most holy days" What the fuck does that even mean? Should I have a baby today? Sign a contract today? Play the lottery today? Look for eggs of gold?
Easter(death and resurection) signifies the ability of man to be forgiven of sin without offering sacrifice. Funny how tools equate this with money or gold showing their greed.

In a community that is constantly oppressed by IRRATIONAL and IMMORAL prohibition laws and SELF-SERVING governments; how can you be surprised that the greatest racket of all time is mocked?

awww, poor hydrosun, the gov wont let you murder people or drive like a fucking idiot, didums. Thats must be proof that the "the greatest racket" is a mock.

Darth Fader

You two seem a little touchy. If little baby jesus or zombie jesus set you to vapers; how can you deal with the madness of real life?

"One of the most holy days" What the fuck does that even mean? Should I have a baby today? Sign a contract today? Play the lottery today? Look for eggs of gold?

In a community that is constantly oppressed by IRRATIONAL and IMMORAL prohibition laws and SELF-SERVING governments; how can you be surprised that the greatest racket of all time is mocked?



Seriously :thank you:


I love my life
Uh yes tell me about how life works. The greatest racket of all that I was referring to is the CHURCH. All governments are pikers by their standards, simply because the church has been figuratively and literally fucking the populace for several hundred more years than any government has ever existed or lasted.

Feel free to pray for my soul or what not and when you do ask your god what if the other 2/3rd of whack jobs are correct and it isn't LBJ it is Mohammad, Buddha, Vishnu or some shit?



just don't molest my colas..
There are some ignorant fools posting about something obviously they do not understand. Congratulations on picking one of the most holy days to sling shit at Jesus, you must feel so proud to denounce evrything good in your life that is a result of Christian heritage.

yeah, like wars and missionaries bringing disease to people's native lands all over the world that never had contact with shit like that until these self righteous assholes decided to go save the "savages" souls and convert them to christianity.

don't you religious zealots get it? atheists don't find any sort of comfort or solice in ridiculous traditions or being part of a massive herd of sheep.

I was raised jewish. but I hate all religions equally. this just happens to be the christian day to be ridiculed. I could ridicule the jews too, it is passover you know. or don't you like the heritage that led to your beloved religion?


This site was meant to be bring a community of growers together. This thread is meant to antagonise a part of that group. I will say my peace and quit posting in the thread. Religious debate has been tried and failed on this site. The issue is too contraversial. Please do not insult a group of peoples intelligence by saying that a person they hold in reverence is a zombie. That is just like LEO calling everyone that smokes cannabis is a dope smokin lunatic degenerate hippie. I will be the one to stand up for my beliefs and contend for my faith. I encourage others to stand up for their beliefs and not to impinge on others and ridicule their faith. I apologise but threads like this always piss me off. If you don't like christians muslims atheists etc go find the appropriate web site and join it. As for me I love this community, I like being a part of it, but I am ashamed of the hate I see in it sometimes.
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