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zappa's 150w HPS stealth cab of dankness!


Despite my outdoor yield falling short of expectations and the smallish yield of my cab I still have not bought any weed since I started growing (over a year now). This is the way it was meant to be!
Thanks for the posts you guys (and gals), this forum continued to be a source of inspiration to my growing efforts. Thank you all so much.

The next order of business will be starting my guerilla gold #5 in a few months for the outdoor season. After that who knows...I have been considering growing mushies in the cab during the summer but I just got some Afghan x erdpurt that I may have to pop.
Over all I am a bit disappointed in my cab, not so much the yield, I I’m sure the second run will go better. However the ventilation and smell were crappy. The last few weeks of flowering stank up the room. I started to blow all my hits into the cab to cover my smoking and I was wondering if that is bad for the filter...? If anyone knows give me a PM.
I was thinking about getting a can of Ona for next time does anyone have any experience with the $14.00 one?

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