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Well endowed member
I have some packs from African Seeds long time ago a friend just give to me, but none will sprout. I am going to try breaking open the seeds and see if they are still alive.
Very nice job JGL this strain must be preserved.


Brand new oldschool
Good luck with those packets Randy! Problem with us rare/old strain junkies is germination time! Hopefully someday someone will find the perfect formula!! Keep us updated! ;)

Are they from the old packets like this one?


So many interesting strains on that list, some of them I've never seen them around, maybe they were never sold.

I think this is the same Zambian line that Tropical Seeds was selling after it was shared with them, I think I've read in their blog that JGL shared the seeds years ago.

Shame that not many people seem to have grown them so far. I've read that they are similar to the Malawi strains with a nice energetic effect.



Dr. Narrowleaf
Still available hombre! I'll defo get a pack sooner or later. It is thought that zambian copper is basically just a faster flowering phenotype of malawi gold.

That madagascan strain by african seeds was supposedly an "indica", I remember when it was to be released some ten years (gosh!) ago but they closed shop instead.


Well endowed member
They sure are Musta.

The only reason these are bad is because my friend did not keep them in the refrigerator. I hate wasting time with old seeds. All that time and space being wasted waiting for seeds that don't have the energy left to grow out of their shell. I don't really have the patience to grow till they sprout. That time they take to sprout is the worst on patience, especially if you are not likely to see anything pop up.


Brand new oldschool
Damn bro those are some gems! I would kill for one of those packs but I'd choose Congo Fever or Moçambique instead please! ;). We will send you our positive vibes for the project!!

That time they take to sprout is the worst on patience, especially if you are not likely to see anything pop up. I tell everybody I know, IF YOU WANT YOUR SEEDS TO LAST STORE THEM IN THE REFRIGERATOR!

That's indeed the worst part... when you get on your nerves after the initial excitement when after a few days nothing happens! Sometimes the seed cases just open up but nothing comes out from there! Thinking about all the old 10+ year seeds I have around and would love to reproduce just gets me creeps!! I think moisture levels are key in long term storage, it may be even more critical than the temperature.

Check out this very interesting document on this topic from a great spanish botanist and passionate plant preservationist, who unfortunately died 2 years after publishing that research. He was known as the "Seed Noah" from Spain by some people and emmeritus professor at the Madrid University UPM. He spent many years researching on plant germoplasm preservation and was considered the father of the spanish scientific plant genetic banks. Mad respect for this guy and all what he has left for the upcoming generations!!




Well endowed member
That's great info Musta, thanks for the link.
I have seeds I've been saving for 40 years, gave them to several people over the years and no one could get them to sprout. I had Gurrero Green a whole film can full. Michoacán, Gold Colombian, that Mazar I been talking about. They come and they go, and then more take their place. It would be nice if there was not a war going on for all these years. Fighting to find a spot and not be detected in the old days, now it's fighting to pay the power bill always fighting, we need some peace, I'm getting tired. It's any wonder we manage to keep any strains alive for the childrens.
Anyway, I never give up always keep on trodding along.
I physically cracked five of the Ghana Gold and put them to soak, we'll see, you never know.:ying:


Brand new oldschool
Hopefully those tanzanian and zambian strains will be as potent as the bhangi that Hadza bushmen usually smoke before going hunting to get "in the proper mood" for the job haha:



New member
I have cultivated those of TTSCO.
1 full herma (dead), 3 males and 2 "pure" beautiful females!
A very short 70-80j. longer 100j.
The taste is very mild, sweet and fresh.
the high is impressive. I think JGL worked on it so thank you.


Active member
Old thread, but are there any places to pick these seeds up? Trying to collect African Landraces.

If you are still looking for these, i just saw they are available at tropical seeds company. I have never ordered from them, so cant say anything about reliablity of company.


Brand new oldschool
IMHO very reliable and very nice people @ TSCO!

From what I've been told, they've recently changed their owners and because some personal issues and different goals and business priorities, both USC guys (JGL and Cristalin) and maybe even Aeros will leave.

The new owners seem to be more worried about growing as a company, fancy packaging, raising prices, investing in marketing and targeting more markets (CBD, commercial strains). Stuff that is actually pretty far from what JGL wanted for his seeds. So they simply realized they had different approaches and left.

From what I've been told, they've recently changed their owners and because some personal issues and different goals and business priorities, both USC guys (JGL and Cristalin) and even Aeros left.

The new owners seem to be more worried about growing as a company, fancy packaging, raising prices, investing in marketing and targeting more markets (CBD, commercial strains). Stuff that is actually pretty far from what JGL wanted for his seeds. So they simply realized they had different approaches and left.


That's really a shame to hear. It's hard to find legitimate breeders who breed for the right reasons


Dr. Narrowleaf
Sounds like if anyone is interested in getting the Zambian or Ciskei they better get them soon.. :clock watch:

Shit that includes me! :nono:

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Me too ;( . On the other hand, it's always about money cause you can't do without it... at least not in this world...


Active member
Wow that's good information musta. Too bad to hear that.
Got mine just in the knick of time. Just popped all my senegal seeds a couple weeks ago. Just got my zambian in the mail this week.

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