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z does the can filter refill..


Hey guys.

Just wanted to share my can filter refill story..

After searching the web high and low the only thing i could find about canfilters being refilled was direct from the company.. "sure u can refill them.... but do u want to risk the air gaps with "our" smell? our industrial shaker makes sure there are no gaps..."

frankly it smells like horse dung.

120+ for new can filter....

or 15 $ for refill from ebay.

i went with the 15 dolar.. well it was really 35 shipped from ebay for 17 pounds of carbon but thats enough for 2 1/2 refills

find out the carbon weight of filter

order carbon.. preferbly the air pelete kind.. more surface area.

take apart the old filter..

on my can filter it had rivets instead of screws... I guess they really didnt want u to refill these things... I had to work with these wird rivets a bit to get them out... I ended up using a oversized philips head bit that i hamered into the hole of the rivet... the bits they make to get out striped screws probly would work better tho..

now dump out ur carbon from the old filter... IMPORTANT. measure by volume th eamount that was in ur filter.. use a pitcher they work great.. mine held about 6liters... now measure out 6liters of ur new carbon ... so that way u know ur getting the same amount of carbon into the filter..

U wont be able to get it all in.. this is where our home industrial shaker comes in handy.. its called the spin cycle on ur washing machine....

i recomend doing a 2 spins... top of 2 spins top off... so on untill its packed to the top..

put filter back together.. and walla ur set...


Thank you for popping in.

They are all about done stretching.. U have inspired me to go take some pics...

Odly enough. my most indica plant stretched the most.. ..

please stand by for photos..

BTW i like ur plants that u had in ur album..

hows the gudda taste? and how did the hashberry treat u?


i just have to confirm.. the refill is working great... I was having a bit of a stink problem.. Now i can sleep easy knowing its not skunky around my house.


Grow like nobody is watching
Good write up. I use an oversized drill bit to remove rivets. Drill it just enough so the head snaps off and the rest pushes through.


thanks scrub. that works too

I guess can filter has decided to tell people not to refill just for marketing reasons...

I mean really how special is this shaker because the carbon they use is nothing special.


Thanks for the post on doing this. I just buy new ones now but have built and re filled my own.

No bs the easiest way to get a rivet off is the small glass and tile bits at home depot. Takes about a half second. I had to drill out a bunch of super tough welds on saiga rifles and this was by far the easiest next to using the mill. ;)

Also, you can use a cheap orbital sander from a cheapo store to vibrate the carbon. I am a fan of re filling carbon filters once you have 2 filters. That way you always have a backup.

Run first filter out...... buy another and fill the old one then try it out. I hate to have my only filter torn down only to find out I didn't get it packed tight enough :D :D

If the filter is brand new but from HTG then go ahead and drill it out and refill it before use :D :D garbage


Thanks. I like that.... to always have a back up.. sounds good 2me. SO i just built one for 20 bucks.. i figured I already had the carbon.. y not just build one.. mimicked cans design all i used was a duct 6" end cap, 6" to 4" reducer. some hardware cloth. and some panty hose along with a old pillow case as the pre filter..

30min later I now have 2 filters =D

What do u guys think about recirculating vs exhausting.. do u get a better odor control and growroom air quality with recirculating.. but better temps and descent odor control with exhausting? would it hurt to use both?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Why would exhausting reduce the effectiveness of your scrubber? As long as it goes through the scrubber before leaving, it's clean as it is going to get, doesn't matter where it goes after.

Unless you're using a sealed room w/ CO2, you're going to need a scrubbed exhaust and intake anyway.

Oh, and make sure you don't mount your fan remote from your scrubber. The fan should be mounted to the scrubber to eliminate the concern of leaky ducts.


What was meant is that... I feel that recirculating the air within my room with a carbon scrubber... Continually cleanses and deoderizes my air via multiple passthroughs for a more efficient odor control. but i mean its debatable. the only problem i see with this thought would be that u do not have a good air circulation through ur room.. when u have a intake and then an exhaust the air is going to form a path so u know ur clearing every square foot of the room because every cubic foot of air within the room is going to go through ur exhaust. whereas with recirculation the air does not circulate through ur room but around ur room.. so u can develop pockets of air in places that might stay untreated...

Another clear advantage of recirculating would be that ur treating the air that is in ur room.. and keeping that air within ur room... whichn should increase ur potential for co2 absorbtion and lower the amount of mold spores and pests in ur room.


maybe the layout of my room will help..

i have a 100sqft veg room that has a window ac unit.. as well as a intake.

the ac functions as the exhaust for this room moving the condensed air from my veg room to my flower room... then I have a air cooled light and can filter for exhaust.

right now im running the second carbon scrubber reciruclating in my veg room.. but i could exhaust it out of my windows, or exhaust it into my home... or i could exhaust it into my flower room....

if i exhaust it into my flower room maybe i should put both carbon filters in the flowerroom.
both scrubers exhausting or one scrubber exhauting and the other recirculating....

what do u guys think will give me the most bennifits.. i only have 2 fans.. one 4" fan and one 8" fan.. the 8" is running my air cooled light and can filter.. im able to get my 400w mh light about 12" away from the canopy.. temps range from 65deg 40percent humidity.. to 81deg and 55 percent humidity...

its possible I am exhausting my flower room too much and some of my air conditoned air is wasted....

Its complicated. but ayone that could help me make it more efficient would be in my debt.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
a whole spin cycle or just 2 turns? also, how is the filter laying in the washer or does it matter?


U can fit it in the washer.. first u have to add the detergent tho..

Put it on top of ur washer .. not inside. We are going for the shake action to pack in the carbon.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...

What do u guys think about recirculating vs exhausting.. do u get a better odor control and growroom air quality with recirculating.. but better temps and descent odor control with exhausting? would it hurt to use both?

Recirculating is very good idea IMO, way underrated on here. Just running a dump fan, taking cool air from under your table and dumping it on the plants will help, if anything, filter it too and you reduce dust and dirt, again, that has to help, and if you give it a Carbon filter, better still. People growing Cheese in the UK who live less than 200 miles from any neighbours are using this "double filter" technique to get around Cheese's filter busting aromas.

My filter weighs 50lbs. What kind of filter can you get in a washing machine?

I had a girlfriend who weighed 85lbs, I couldn't get her off the bloody thing once it was on Spin cycle, I did try talking to her about it , but she just had this stupid grin and distant look in her eyes.... :smoke:


thanks for that post. I tried it for a while... I did recirculating only. Instead of exhausting.. and it made the smells worse. and temps went up.. I think my problem was the positive pressure in my room made smells spill out of cracks.

So ur saying if u already have exhaust.. to put the filter on the floor and have it pull up lower cooler air.. as well as co2 and point it at ur plants to dump the fresh air on them.. makes sense. it really seems that a recirculating filter would help out tons with pests and disease esp if you already have a lot of air circulation. and it most def should assist in odor control because the facts are the more air that touches more surface area of carbon the more odor absorbtion you get.. it might make ur carbon filters last 2 x longer . but thats my theory..

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