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I don't mean to be a dick, I really don't, but you're a fucking retard.

Any cop somehow gets linked to this site who handled your case will know it's you by your detailed description of the situation, and you just fucking comped to having an unregistered weapon next to a marijuana growing operation. That's mandatory minimum federal crime, and they could get a warrant in 5 minutes for a search. Even if you ditched the weapon they would have a serious case depending on their computer technology.

I'm not even gonna give you shit for growing 85 fucking plants in a rented home. It's your life, and as a smoker I've got your back brother.

But jesus fucking christ-posting specific information and admitting to an illegal fucking weapon, in detail, on a public website? Darwin worthy.

ok, do you see a state listed? do you see a county listed? How the fuck will they know? GODDAMN, what a fucking douche!! like i need to hear your fucking 2 cents...like the fucking Cops will waste their time stiffing thru cases to compare this thread to...For a misdemeanor? and the pistol has since been trashed


I would find it very risky growing in a multi family dwelling. number one if your grow catches fire while you are not home alot of people could get messed up exp. if they are sleeping. Number two security more people around the property is never good.
Wow, landlords. Man, maybe that would of been cool if he talked before hand. Obviously that wasn't for personal consumption.....but your weight was not suggestive of sales (great legal strategies of state by state/country by country laws.)..........I bet you would of taken extra payments. I never really figured why people narc to feel safe, I guess to get something on paper. Things happen and you got the best part of the deal that was going to happen whether you signed it or not. It probably would of taken time if you hadn't signed it, depending on the judge. The smell is not usually enough for a warrant, usually something in the billing records department coupled with the "smell". I have read that a cop must be specifically trained in distinguishing growing marijuana from smoked cannabis to enter simply based on a report of a alleged MJ smells.

You deferentially got a good deal there, did they leave any grow gear intact? Did the landlord kick you out or you decided to move?


Active member
holla at ya boy.. don't worry bout it now man just talk to that lawyer and fuck what ya heard

nothin you can do but reup and get a carbon filter and a legit spot.. you hot so the streets is watchin

maintain whodi


Active member
Wow, landlords. Man, maybe that would of been cool if he talked before hand. Obviously that wasn't for personal consumption.....but your weight was not suggestive of sales (great legal strategies of state by state/country by country laws.)..........I bet you would of taken extra payments. I never really figured why people narc to feel safe, I guess to get something on paper. Things happen and you got the best part of the deal that was going to happen whether you signed it or not. It probably would of taken time if you hadn't signed it, depending on the judge. The smell is not usually enough for a warrant, usually something in the billing records department coupled with the "smell". I have read that a cop must be specifically trained in distinguishing growing marijuana from smoked cannabis to enter simply based on a report of a alleged MJ smells.

You deferentially got a good deal there, did they leave any grow gear intact? Did the landlord kick you out or you decided to move?

i got pulled over by a sgt detective and a detective...both with about 45 yrs experience between them...safe to say they probably would have got the warrant....as i said tho, with a pistol i was not going to gamble with it.

they took my lights, and trays.......but i do have good news.....

i saved one plant from that was under water in the reservoir, she survived and is doing well :nanana:


no wuckin furries!
but i do have good news.....

i saved one plant from that was under water in the reservoir, she survived and is doing well :nanana:

hahaha i love it....i can see you must love growing....ya get busted and your hanging onto a plant ya just found.....hmmmmm is it wise? probly not.....but thats your call...stay safe...

though im the same while the cops where pulling all my plants out of my place(and not much less than you had i must say) i was already planning the next grow....
when i got back from being arrested i found a few broken branches i picked up and saved to grow but the molded on me....so days later planted a whole lot of seeds and started growing ASAP...yes dangerous? ...stupid ?....probly....do i love to grow? yes indeed...do i love my freedom more? lol hard to say but yea if i was jailed i would have to say i would want freedom more than to be growing.....

yea laws are shit house growing the plants we love.....not gona bust ya balls man...just hope your moving on with that "found" plant....but when you move ...you move into a place using "your" name and they could trace you if they wanted to be asses....just be safe thats all....and of course good luck with it all..HH. =]-~

Ajunta Pall

ok, do you see a state listed? do you see a county listed? How the fuck will they know? GODDAMN, what a fucking douche!! like i need to hear your fucking 2 cents...like the fucking Cops will waste their time stiffing thru cases to compare this thread to...For a misdemeanor? and the pistol has since been trashed

Way to go MJ's dad! That's tellin him!


Sounds like you got real lucky dude!

The day I started growing I got rid of all the dumb shit in my house.. spare baggies, my digitial scale, even my BB gun as it looks quite real and you never know what the feds will try when they bust you.


Active member
Your gamble with the whole gun-ouili dilemma and signing the warrant probably saved your ass. As much as I hate to say it, letting those pig fuckers in was a good move.

Good job in getting rid of that un-reg'd gun-ouili. Things scare the life outta me. I was at the local pawn shop a couple years ago buying a radar detector. There were 5 "homie-g-dogs" over at the glass case in the corner talking about which one they were going to buy with taxes. The guy behind the counter only seemed to be interested in the money they would eventually spend instead of the fact that he was selling them to complete idiots who can barely dress themselves let alone carry the responsibility and mental capacity that it takes to responsibly own and use one.

Anyhoo... Best of luck with your court case, hopefully over-crowding in the jails will keep you free.


Well-known member
MJs dad

Bro sorry to hear about the bust and I hope you do well in court. It’s hard to say that you could have done anything different so I leave that for you to decide.

My only comment would be it makes sense to me that there may be more smell two floors up rather then in the basement. Remember heat rises and any warm air would have moved up the stairs and that’s where the smell would have concentrated and also dissipated last.

I appreciate your honesty and openness to the community many would not have the confidence to air mistakes. The same people who only provide negative responses don’t seam to care that you took the time and courage to provide useful info to the community.

i got pulled over by a sgt detective and a detective...both with about 45 yrs experience between them...safe to say they probably would have got the warrant....as i said tho, with a pistol i was not going to gamble with it.

they took my lights, and trays.......but i do have good news.....

i saved one plant from that was under water in the reservoir, she survived and is doing well :nanana:

That isn't to bad, the way I see it.....if they leave you behind and a pair of trimming scissors all in all it was good day.


Active member
That isn't to bad, the way I see it.....if they leave you behind and a pair of trimming scissors all in all it was good day.

this strain goes back a loooong way...losing her would have been tragic...after all she's been through, im sure her children will be spectacular!!!!:woohoo:
So I presume you wont be stupid enough to grow again at the same place? Days after being popped already?

Just making sure... use some common sense here, lay low for a while, you dont need to hear it, you know.

peace and stay safe


Patient Grower
Also, they didn't want to bust you. They stopped you down the street from your house so you could say "Yo I smoke all day out that pipe, what you gonna give me a ticket?" When you started trying to cover up your tracks they knew there must be something else. Anyone who asks for their lawyer is guilty of something. Innocent people tell the truth.

Horse shit. That's what they said about the Ramsey's (Jon Bonet?), later they were cleared. Same fucking horse shit reasoning makes people think they can't say no to a search. Miranda was put in place for a reason, and it wasn't to protect the guilty. You better believe I know what standing mute is, and will exercise my right to do so if a cop starts questioning me.

Officer to Pythagllio: Wow, it sure is a beautiful day, isn't it?

Pythagllio: I really couldn't speak to that sir.

You go ahead and talk to the cops. Hope you get lucky and find an honest one if you're innocent. In the meantime, you need to work on grasping the concept of logic. With 6 billion individuals on the face of the planet, some who actually enjoy eating shit (for real) how the hell can you say that everyone to a man will make an identical decision? Did you really ever contemplate coprophiliacs before? If there are people that decide to try eating shit, there are people who will decide to do whatever you think 'no one' would decide to do.



Active member
So I presume you wont be stupid enough to grow again at the same place? Days after being popped already?

Just making sure... use some common sense here, lay low for a while, you dont need to hear it, you know.

peace and stay safe

of course not!! Im outta here, tonight actually...when i get my security deposit back.


my other half dont smoke , i have extraction + carbon filter and she still smells it from the attick , supersense , tell's me i reek after watering plants . pull through , look back and laugh , best of luck .
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