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This is not an easy thread for me so please if you wanna make me feel like an ass, pm me and i can deal with it there.

sigh, My landlord smelled a pungent odor as he put it. he went to the Police and made out a report about what he smelled. the grow was in the basement, but apparently, he smelled it from the 2nd floor apt through the staircase. (separate entrance) Anyway, cops came to the house and one detective went up to the 2nd floor apt and smelled it as well. (I been doing this for a few yrs, so maybe i dont smell it anymore. all i smelled was the polyurethane from the wood floors)

I leave to go to work and i'm stopped about 1 mile away by the detectives, including the cop who went up to the 2nd floor apt. They took me to the back and said very politely that they know whats in the basement yada yada. i'm silent and tell em i want my lawyer. the other cop began searching my vehicle and found in my bag a used pipe.

while at the preceint the cops were securing a search warrant im thinking about the pistol i have in one of the bedrooms it was Unregistered and i have no idea of its history. if they find that, i might really be screwed. I motioned for one of the detectives to get the arresting detective and asked to speak with him. I pretty much wanted to go home, i didn't want them to find that illegal handgun so i signed the search warrant. and i have to say, they kept their word they only searched the basement.

Now, i had about 85 rooted plants and they were not in the budding phase. there sizes ranged from 6in-20 inches. I was there while they searched the basement and they took my lights (9), trays and ez clone sprayer. pistol was never found, nor was my computer searched. i was charged with Criminal possession of marijuana in the 4th (misdemeanor) and unlawful possession in regards to the pipe they found.

My main concern was they NOT find that pistol. I probably could have fought this, but this was my new location and i sunk a lot into the rent and security and was broke. if these cops were robocops, they would have waited and hit me when i'm blooming.

I don't have money for a lawyer right now, but i'm hoping to get a ACOD i have no priors.

btw, landlord is returning my $2000 deposit (ill wait till its in my hands)
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how did they smell it if your plants weren't budding? maybe your landlord came into your place without your knowledge and found the grow.


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just curious how the vehicle search happened. did they ask for consent, or just do it? the consenting for the basement search was probably a smart move on your part. an unregistered gun if found would have made things much worse. good luck with the rest.

as a side note, that many vegging plants will put off an odor of their own and may possibly be considered pungent to someone who hasn't ever smelled real pungent flowering plants!


your only getting a misdemeanor for 85 plants?!?!?!?!

your so fucking lucky I had 9 and im getting charged with a felony...

what state are you in

but anywho

good luck looks like your in the same boat as I am. get a lawyor trust me they are worth it
Did you change the locks when you moved in? That is always the first thing I do when I rent a place. Change the locks, keep the old ones in a box so when you move out you can restore the originals. You can't trust anyone in this perverted society. :wallbash:


Its funny how when cops intrude into your house they always find stuff that was hidden in a place where you always say to yourself, "they'll never find this in here", but then if you put your 'hide-ables" in a really really lame place, like under your bed, they never find it.

Anyways, how are you brother, you ok? Did you get into any trouble, or did they just "confiscate" your equipment?

Oh and just so you know, scent receptors in your nose can get saturated when exposed to smelly smells. So If you were exposed to the smell of pot for quite sometime, chances are that your scent receptors have become saturated and you cant smell the smelly smell of some pot, but virgin noses can. Kinda like when you fart and you think the smell is gone, but then your girlfriend walks in and almost instantly makes the "what the fuck is that smell" look.
Or your landlord went into your house and saw something, then made up a story so you couldnt take him to court. Then when he told a cop that he smelled marijuana, it gave the cop probable cause and thats all it takes for him to legally start snooping.
Either way tho you should bost about how stinky your herb was :) And be happy that they didnt put you in jail for the gun you had. Money is money, every time you go broke dont think about it, stay positive, and it always seems to work out.
Ugh, something fishy here. Did your landlord seem like the L7 type to just hate on anyone having a better time than them? Play the music too loud one night last week?

Definately you were used to the pungeant aroma, so if it was there then you wouldn't catch it.

I think you could have gotten off a lot easier by saying you smoked a fat bowl and your landlord must have smelled that. How can they search your house just because your neighbor smells your fat spliff? Maybe I am wrong here, but I think you might have been able to get away with a ticket if you weren't tryppin off that gun.

Thing about guns is, you have to have them ALL the time for them to be useful. Everytime I got rid of the pistol I got robbed/beat up/cornered and all I could think was "why did I get rid of that pistol". I honestly think I'm lucky to not have had the gun, because then I would have used it. Instead of getting a little ass beating or losing a few bucks I would have been sittin in a cell for years to come. Knives are waaay deadly in trained hands.
Also, they didn't want to bust you. They stopped you down the street from your house so you could say "Yo I smoke all day out that pipe, what you gonna give me a ticket?" When you started trying to cover up your tracks they knew there must be something else. Anyone who asks for their lawyer is guilty of something. Innocent people tell the truth.


I don't mean to be a dick, I really don't, but you're a fucking retard.

Any cop somehow gets linked to this site who handled your case will know it's you by your detailed description of the situation, and you just fucking comped to having an unregistered weapon next to a marijuana growing operation. That's mandatory minimum federal crime, and they could get a warrant in 5 minutes for a search. Even if you ditched the weapon they would have a serious case depending on their computer technology.

I'm not even gonna give you shit for growing 85 fucking plants in a rented home. It's your life, and as a smoker I've got your back brother.

But jesus fucking christ-posting specific information and admitting to an illegal fucking weapon, in detail, on a public website? Darwin worthy.
having an unregistered weapon isn't even THAT big of a deal. It was kept separate enough from the grow that he could easily claim someone must have left it at his house or he could say he found it or all kinds of things to get out of a weapons charge. If you are growing 85 plants, you got to have your monologue ready for when the popo show. There should be something on the inside of your door so you can read it word for word and there should be something in your wallet you can use as a cue card. There are specific statements you can make which pretty much dead any further questioning. One of those statements is "I want my lawyer". If you claim this to an officer at the precinct and they continue to ask you questions it is harrassment and battery and anything else they obtain as info in inadmissable in court.

The best thing you could have done was handle it at the site where you were stopped. By the time you were at the station they knew they had something besides your pipe. If only you could have sworn you smoke fat bowls all day everyday you could have been safe.
They took me to the back and said very politely that they know whats in the basement yada yada. i'm silent and tell em i want my lawyer.

Sounds like they didnt know for sure whats in the basement. All they knew is they smelled marijuana. Sounds like a typical phishing-for-information cop trick.

I would have never signed a warrant. EVER. Remember that next time.. If they are "securing" a warrant, you may still possibly have time to go and ditch the grow, depending on how it plays out.

But to just sign a warrant and sign your freedom away is just plain silly. Im sure they caught you off-guard and the statement "we know whats in the basement" probably freaked you the fuck out and you thought "im busted". Which is probably the most common reaction when you're in that situation.

Plain and simple I would have never signed a warrant, I would have told them to go get one. I had a friend with the exact same situation, they said they "knew" all about what was in his "house", he got off with a ticket, went home, tore down his grow, and the cops never showed..

Sorry to hear about your bad luck, things will get better, only a mis.

o yea, and I wouldn't believe that story about your landlord making a report unless he tells you himself or you see a copy of it personally. Police lie all the time. They love to fabricate evidence so that you believe they got you.

I would imagine you would try to be cool enough with your landlord before doing something like this to say "Hey man, if I ever cause you any problems let me know and I'll do more than I have to in order to make up for it." Or, "Let me know if anything is bugging you, don't want to be a nuissance."
Yea, and don't sign nothing! It will never help you out! It can only help out the LEO cause. Make them do all their leg work. If they can't produce sufficient evidence in 72hrs they have to let you go. Heck, who knows, maybe the judge authorizing the search that day was a pot head. He might have taken a look at what the officers offered as evidence to warrant a search and said "shenanigans" and you could have been let off scottfree
Ugh, sorry for blasting this thread... but also, you were renting? And your landlord was on site? Last time I checked my fine-print in the lease agreement the owner ALWAYS has access to ALL areas being leased. I dunno why he wouldn't have just let the police in the basement. Is your landlord scared of you? This could be a big reason for your bust. Seems like something is missing from this story.

I know it all makes sense to you because you were there and you had conflicting motivations to do what you did. But definately I think you shoulda done something different. Maybe start with the carbon scrubber


That sucks. I would suggest that you talk to a lawyer and see what charges you are facing. I love adjournment in contemplation of dismissal's but I don't know if they will give you one because you have 2 charges. Hope you get a sympathetic ADA even though I think their all dicks. I would definitely suggest you wear a suit and tie to court. You will look 100 times better than everyone there and the Judge will know you are taking this matter seriously. When I wore my suit the judge said thank you for coming so well dressed to my courtroom.
Also thinking on the subject of locks, always change your locks when you move into a rental if you intend to grow, it's better to be evicted than have your landlord stumble upon your grow.

Its not fullproof by any means, just one extra hassle for "them".


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let me clear some things up, i replied to all posts here:

the house is a rental, i changed the locks. the morning of the bust, my landlord came to my house in the late morning knocking on the door claiming he needed to fix a leak on the boiler. I stalled him and while stalling him, he and a detective went upstairs to take a smell. I let him in and turned off the lights and such. as they left, i saw one of his "workers" did not look like a worker more like a NARC. but i didn't really think anything of it.

I could have prevented them from coming in, but b/c my nasal passages are not as sensitive, i really thought i was safe. :wallbash:

the circumstances surrounding the traffic stop was BS! I dont think they had the right to search my car.

IMO, i signed the warrant so they would NOT find the pistol. The person i got it from was into things and i was petrified about potential bodies that might be on it. If they secured a warrant, they would have SURELY found it...it was in one of the bedrooms, in my junk box...i'm not taking that chance

the LL was ok, but def a little weird. Its kinda strange because i have since spoken to the landlord and he wished he handled things differently, i asked him why he just didnt confront me, but he said he was scared i would get violent....i can see that you never know who your dealing with.

i have no smell protection...never had to. Like i said, i didnt smell it, i really didnt.
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