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Yum Yum Organic "Fertilizer" ????


Really nice! I can't complain.

Not going to use it again.

I now prefer to source each ingredient for the highest quality....individually. But once I got over the initial heat of this yum yum and all the other additives I had, things worked wonderfully.

I think no matter what you use, if your humus source is solid and the soil has enough time to become alive with activity. You're going to have a good grow.

I'll still probably use the yum yum mix in my veggie garden, because I still have some left. And I'll also be using some on my lawn this year once the snow melts.

I'm in 303 too. Where are you sourcing the ingredients like neem meal, kelp meal, etc? Are you buying locally or online?


Active member
I'm in the 970 and we have a lot of agriculture out here on the western slope.

The Neem Meal, Karanja Meal... Etc. I buy at www.neemresource.com

I would also Highly recommend www.KISorganics.com If you call them, they have a million products not listed on their website.

I really really like Ebay because most items that I want have free shipping.

Kelp Meal I can buy locally but it is $16 for a 3.5 pound box... Crazy. So I bought mine from www.KISorganics.com for 2.25lb + Shipping for less than local.

I just grabbed some Ful-Power on Ebay with free shipping and a good price.

Anything specific you can't find on those website, just let me know!


Rock phosphate is not bioavailable to a plant for 12-14 months, but will be good for up to 5 years. Would be good if you recycle your soil, but you would need to supplement for the first year.

I feel rock phosphate is better suited in the field. Not in marijuana growing. As the cycles are so short, and most do not recycle their soil.

Another thing to remember about rock phosphate is that it can be as much as 6% fluoride, and also contains pulonium210, which is radioactive. It also contains some heavy metals however with humic acid, and compost tea you can remediate the heavy metals from the soil.


Active member
Exactly why I don't use this anymore.... and other reasons.... like Cottonseed meal.

Anyways, It's still in the ground in my garden from last year... and that was the original purchase reason. Let's just say I bought it cause the guy at the nursery said it was good stuff.... before I even knew what each ingredient was.

For those looking for a One Bag of Nutrient type mix.....

www.KISorganics.com has a $40 Nutrient Pack that makes 30 Gallons of soil.... might be a good idea for some that are working with less soil and dont want to source everything individually.