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Yucca extract


Active member
Well I finally tried the yucca I got on Ebay and it seems like a quality product plants seem to like it.

I cant say I see a big difference in growth but man is this stuff sticky I left a little on the spoon and it was damp out.

I could hardly get it off the spoon...sticky stuff!

I guess that is what I bought it for though!!


New member
What make a good yucca extract?


Doesn't yucca also contain silica? (Been reading so much lately it's all jumbled together!) Or is that only derived from horsetail?


Active member
Several people have stated it will clean drip lines....it is kinda like soap!

What is the real answer?

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Yes, yucca contains saponins, some sort of natural soap. Due their very gentle and mild action, saponins are actually used by museum conservators to clean for example fragile medieval tapestry because they're prone to loose colour when washed with more aggressive soap.


Active member
Can you tell me more about this product...EZ Wet SE ?
Has it changed?
The ingredients look unusual!

The product I use


Is the active ingredient in Advanced Nutrients Wet Betty.

Wet Betty is way too much for my taste.
I had a free sample, it was good..but I just can't afford that.

The yucca I use, does a double duty with a bit of a carb source.
And as far as sticky goes this stuff really sticks to the leaves.
Now, I believe it works as a cleaner,as well as reducing the bad fungi and other bad microbes on the leaves and in the root zone.

EclipseFour20 says:
While researching alternative pesticides to combat Root Aphids, I discovered some very interesting information regarding the potential insecticide properties of saponins.

Best of all it is ultra cheap!

I lika cheap!
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I got all my info in the broad mite thread from storm and eclipse
The search feature on this site is incredible... So I cant really get all the info I want out of it...
This is from Storm and Eclipse

I use the Grow More brand EZ WET SE..its Yucca extract and when used instead of Indicate 5 as a wetting agent.. its does a bomb ass job

EZ Wet SE is a cuticle disrupting insecticide which contains a sugar detergent (soap) as the active ingredient. Sugar soap is a new generation bio-pesticide that belongs to the soaps (or salts of fatty acids) class of chemistry.

Unique cuticle disrupting properties:
• Excellent control of many sucking and soft body pests.
• Used at very low rates 1/2 to 2 % by volume
• Works through contact activity
• Not affected by hard water, metal ions or variations in water pH(Unlike insecticidal soap

Mode of action:

EZ Wet SE has contact insecticidal activity on all stages of soft body insects, including eggs. Insect pests that are contacted demonstrate altered behavior within minutes and rapidly die The active ingredient, sugar soap, works like a detergent to dissolve the wax and lipid layer component in the cuticle, spiracles, and tracheae. EZ Wet SE interacts with the lipid bipolar protein matrix of the cell membrane disrupting their semi permeability. Iinsect respiration and moisture regulation is interrupted, causing immediate mortality. EZ Wet SE can also provide fungicidal activity as a cuticle disruptor by killing the mycelium of fungi which have the same dissolvable wax layers as insects and higher plants.

Let me help set the record straight, as I hate misinformation!

Might Wash is "ionized water" with a wee bit of a surfactant (look at the label)--no yucca, zero.
EZ Wet SE is 90% natural saponin derived from yucca schidigera and natural sugars.

Saponins derived from yucca schidigera have shown to have certain pesticide benefits.

Saponins are known to have various biological properties.
They have membrane-permeabilising, haemolytic, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant and anticarcinogenic
activities, they affect feed intake, growth and reproduction
in animals, and they can be used as fungicides, molluscicides
and pesticides, as well as against some bacteria
and viruses (Francis et al. 2002; Sparg et al. 2004; Avato et
al. 2006; Tava and Avato 2006). In this part we will discuss
the activity of saponins against insects.
Saponins give rise to increased mortality levels, lowered
food intake, weight reduction, retardation in development,
disturbances in development and decreased reproduction
in pest insects. The mechanism underlying these actions
is, however, still largely unknown, but it is likely that
saponins have multiple activities. The main hypotheses are
that saponins could either make the food less attractive to
eat (repellent/deterrent activity), bear digestive problems,
cause moulting defects or have toxic effects on cells.

Source: 2007 PestTechnology DeGeyter review saponins (attached pdf)

The other 2 saponin studies are worthy of reading as well.

BTW, last month I paid $90 for 2.5 gallon container of EZ Wet SE--and I use it as a soil conditioner, catalyst for compost teas, and of course--foliar sprays. Since Growmore packages 2 products under the name "EZ Wet", make sure you get the "EZ Wet SE" not the other one..."EZ Wet 26" (for lawns and is not 90% yucca schidigera).

Attached Files
File Type: pdf 2007 PestTechnology DeGeyter review saponins.pdf (722.6 KB, 2 views)
File Type: pdf 2007 iscp degeyter.pdf (50.6 KB, 0 views)
File Type: pdf Wina-et-al-2005-Saponins-review.pdf (122.6 KB, 0 views)


Active member
I see what your saying about getting the right one.
The one I looked at was Grow More 80 E - Z Wet Soil Penetrant

Active Ingredient: Iron - 0.10%
Non-plant food products:
Active Ingredients - 26.00% (Mixed Isoalkyl, Alkyl Polyoxyethylene and Alkylaryl Polyethylene Ethanols)
Inert Ingredients - 74.00%
For use in: Any type of outdoor setting soil.
Clearly not the same stuff!


Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
(Mixed Isoalkyl, Alkyl Polyoxyethylene and Alkylaryl Polyethylene Ethanols)
So called nonionic detergents... *WREEEEETCH*
Low biodegradability, apart from the alkylaryl stuff no to very low toxicity, proven benefits for the soil, but 100% synthetic. It's kinda like those very mild hair shampoos or dish washers used 10 years ago (the recent ones are at least biodegradable). Who wants to put that on his plants? :noway:


aka "Doc"
Growmore produces a couple of flavors of "EZ Wet" so be careful...the variety sold as "EZ Wet Soil Penetrant" at different strengths 15%, 26% & 80% are not the ones to get. You want "EZ Wet SE" which is 90% yucca schidigera (which kinda smells like a cut vanilla bean).

I add EZ Wet SE to certain foliar sprays (spray adjuvant), to my normal enzyme brew and as a soil conditioner when I mix the growing medium--the yucca helps break down clay particles.