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Your November vote CA Predictions


well as i see it.
If prop 19 passes, there will be a lot of hub-bub around it for about 1-2 years. Once the established business leaders refine their market parse, most small cannabis suppliers will fold. Then the large scale cannabis growers will refine the market value of the product, to be more in line of their projections. Now for the common user, if they get busted by the ATMF (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, & fire arms) for growing outside the 5'x5' square, or transporting 28.+ grams of cannabis, or any other minor infraction you might not know about = fine and or jail time. which is a mark on your record and potentially your employment (for LIFE). As ex-law enforcement i can see the "probable cause" issues this will raise.
If prop 19 does not pass, Life will be just the same. 18-90 year old people will be paying 100-180 usd for a shady doctor to write you a false prescription for something you dont "need" but want (so you can be in the "in crowd"). Medical users will still be at the mercy of hard core criminals (the kind that do home invasions) and Medical cannabis shops out of control prices.
I feel passing it would only serve to help those looking to profit off of it. The rest of us who enjoy using it would suffer at the hands of the "free market" and legal liability. Passing it wont stop thugs from breaking into your house and ripping off what you have. It wont stop the police from arresting you (~28 grams). Wouldn't put it past the cops to adjust their scales to tip the "scales of justice" in their favor. I just see so many ways for the law side of it, to screw normal users in the court of law.
If it fails to pass, I honestly feel it would be better. If you want to smoke it and live in CA and havent gotten a medical permit to do so.. your lazy and stfu. a simple doctors note will suffice to this prop. 19 stature. If you really want Cannabis reform and change, then you would be wrong to pass prop 19. We (cannabis users) should demand more of ourselves and move this prop. 19 to be "DECRIMINALIZED".. No laws, no bullshit, no hidden agendas, etc.. just raw plant material being inhaled into my lungs, with the most important thing of all "NO WORRIES"...
Have you (the pot smoker) ever walked down the street smoking a joint, looking at the beautiful people pass by, while being in awe of the architecture of the buildings and landscapes? Knowing full well you will NEVER be arrested for smoking what is in your hand... NO? heh, i didn't think so. None of us have here in the U.S. That is the most fucked thing about this.. prop. 19 wont do shit for that.. The paranoia will still be in your head.. It is like a fucked up version of a Soldiers PTSD (not to compare a soldier to my lame ass issue, but...) I am real sick and tired of our country playing these psychological mind games on the masses. Its fucking up our society as a whole.. BAH! /SCREAM! I'll sign off now.. I just cant believe in the 14 years of the medical cannabis movement here in California, we haven tried to tackle "Decriminalization". It seems so obvious.. or am i missing something.? heh :)
love, peace, hope, play.. 'till next time..



ICMag Donor
well as i see it.
If prop 19 passes, there will be a lot of hub-bub around it for about 1-2 years. Once the established business leaders refine their market parse, most small cannabis suppliers will fold. Then the large scale cannabis growers will refine the market value of the product, to be more in line of their projections. Now for the common user, if they get busted by the ATMF (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, & fire arms) for growing outside the 5'x5' square, or transporting 28.+ grams of cannabis, or any other minor infraction you might not know about = fine and or jail time. which is a mark on your record and potentially your employment (for LIFE). As ex-law enforcement i can see the "probable cause" issues this will raise.
If prop 19 does not pass, Life will be just the same. 18-90 year old people will be paying 100-180 usd for a shady doctor to write you a false prescription for something you dont "need" but want (so you can be in the "in crowd"). Medical users will still be at the mercy of hard core criminals (the kind that do home invasions) and Medical cannabis shops out of control prices.
I feel passing it would only serve to help those looking to profit off of it. The rest of us who enjoy using it would suffer at the hands of the "free market" and legal liability. Passing it wont stop thugs from breaking into your house and ripping off what you have. It wont stop the police from arresting you (~28 grams). Wouldn't put it past the cops to adjust their scales to tip the "scales of justice" in their favor. I just see so many ways for the law side of it, to screw normal users in the court of law.
If it fails to pass, I honestly feel it would be better. If you want to smoke it and live in CA and havent gotten a medical permit to do so.. your lazy and stfu. a simple doctors note will suffice to this prop. 19 stature. If you really want Cannabis reform and change, then you would be wrong to pass prop 19. We (cannabis users) should demand more of ourselves and move this prop. 19 to be "DECRIMINALIZED".. No laws, no bullshit, no hidden agendas, etc.. just raw plant material being inhaled into my lungs, with the most important thing of all "NO WORRIES"...
Have you (the pot smoker) ever walked down the street smoking a joint, looking at the beautiful people pass by, while being in awe of the architecture of the buildings and landscapes? Knowing full well you will NEVER be arrested for smoking what is in your hand... NO? heh, i didn't think so. None of us have here in the U.S. That is the most fucked thing about this.. prop. 19 wont do shit for that.. The paranoia will still be in your head.. It is like a fucked up version of a Soldiers PTSD (not to compare a soldier to my lame ass issue, but...) I am real sick and tired of our country playing these psychological mind games on the masses. Its fucking up our society as a whole.. BAH! /SCREAM! I'll sign off now.. I just cant believe in the 14 years of the medical cannabis movement here in California, we haven tried to tackle "Decriminalization". It seems so obvious.. or am i missing something.? heh :)
love, peace, hope, play.. 'till next time..


I have in San Francisco, we walk down the street all the time smokin a doob, on our way to the restaurant or down the block to the Plaza to hang out and people watch, have done this many times :D

Big Country

Prop 19 passes
Other States take a look at the tax revenue Cali collects and decide they want a piece of the cannabis pie
Probably after I am dead the great State of florida will reform its cannabis laws


well as i see it.
If prop 19 passes, there will be a lot of hub-bub around it for about 1-2 years. Once the established business leaders refine their market parse, most small cannabis suppliers will fold. Then the large scale cannabis growers will refine the market value of the product, to be more in line of their projections. Now for the common user, if they get busted by the ATMF (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, & fire arms) for growing outside the 5'x5' square, or transporting 28.+ grams of cannabis, or any other minor infraction you might not know about = fine and or jail time. which is a mark on your record and potentially your employment (for LIFE). As ex-law enforcement i can see the "probable cause" issues this will raise.
If prop 19 does not pass, Life will be just the same. 18-90 year old people will be paying 100-180 usd for a shady doctor to write you a false prescription for something you dont "need" but want (so you can be in the "in crowd"). Medical users will still be at the mercy of hard core criminals (the kind that do home invasions) and Medical cannabis shops out of control prices.
I feel passing it would only serve to help those looking to profit off of it. The rest of us who enjoy using it would suffer at the hands of the "free market" and legal liability. Passing it wont stop thugs from breaking into your house and ripping off what you have. It wont stop the police from arresting you (~28 grams). Wouldn't put it past the cops to adjust their scales to tip the "scales of justice" in their favor. I just see so many ways for the law side of it, to screw normal users in the court of law.
If it fails to pass, I honestly feel it would be better. If you want to smoke it and live in CA and havent gotten a medical permit to do so.. your lazy and stfu. a simple doctors note will suffice to this prop. 19 stature. If you really want Cannabis reform and change, then you would be wrong to pass prop 19. We (cannabis users) should demand more of ourselves and move this prop. 19 to be "DECRIMINALIZED".. No laws, no bullshit, no hidden agendas, etc.. just raw plant material being inhaled into my lungs, with the most important thing of all "NO WORRIES"...
Have you (the pot smoker) ever walked down the street smoking a joint, looking at the beautiful people pass by, while being in awe of the architecture of the buildings and landscapes? Knowing full well you will NEVER be arrested for smoking what is in your hand... NO? heh, i didn't think so. None of us have here in the U.S. That is the most fucked thing about this.. prop. 19 wont do shit for that.. The paranoia will still be in your head.. It is like a fucked up version of a Soldiers PTSD (not to compare a soldier to my lame ass issue, but...) I am real sick and tired of our country playing these psychological mind games on the masses. Its fucking up our society as a whole.. BAH! /SCREAM! I'll sign off now.. I just cant believe in the 14 years of the medical cannabis movement here in California, we haven tried to tackle "Decriminalization". It seems so obvious.. or am i missing something.? heh :)
love, peace, hope, play.. 'till next time..


lol.. Yes. I can't imagine how any dopesmoker in CA has not experienced this sensation yet. That's the great thing about joints is they're so incog.. You'd probably have to blow the smoke directly in the cops face to get ticketed for smoking a joint where I live.

As for the rest of your post.. interesting.


When it passes I expect the feds to go after CA's highway funds, as with the 21+ drinking age. Since p19 specifies it's only for adults 21 and up, the feds will be shit out of luck in court.

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