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Your November vote CA Predictions


Figured this would be a fun idea for a thread to let our imaginations run wild instead of all the bickering. Put your feelings about 19 aside and think to yourself what will happen in the subsequent years after the pass or fail of Prop 19.

If it does pass I think Cannabis will go the way of the Dutch Tulip. With the perceived risk of growing out of the way everyone will throw a plant or two in the backyard for a season long stash provided free of charge by mother nature. Immediate sales may go up due to out of state demand, but CA residents will no longer be subjected to grossly overpriced marijuana at the hands of greedy dealers and dispensary owners. The second and third seasons with the law in place will see a displacement of the pharmaceutical market in California with manic depressives and psychotic individuals realizing that the risks of treating their condition with Cannabis are much less than treating with mind numbing pharmaceuticals. The trend will then follow in the PNW and the West side of the United States will officially repeal Cannabis prohibition. Then, hopefully, with the ever-demonized marijuana perceived as a safe and valuable alternative to addictive western medicines a dialog may finally open on the subject of other drugs illegality.

If it does NOT pass.. I think we will see more of the same in CA and a defeated sigh will ring through the rest of the world's Cannabis community. More dispensaries, delivery services and Doctors charging obscene prices for access to medicine, less respect for the laws in place by the police force..

So what say you?


Game Bred
PASS: on a day to day life level not much changes for most folks. enforcement will still be lax where it is lax and strict where it is strict. most people will still get their cards anyway. Richard Lee will set up his flagrant warehouses in oakland baiting the feds to come get him. this will set up the much needed SCOTUS fight for the first time on a 10th amendment recreational basis
Federal involvement in the large scale manufacture and distribution networks will see an increase in activity IE:arrest and prosecution.
Tourism will increase HEAVILY in the "friendly" areas.
in the long term we will see even more weakening of the lies and distortions concerning marijuana by the prohibitionists. we will see a new industrial hemp revolution. most importantly the nation and world will see that jeebus will not rain down firey judgement upon their heads for allowing a plant to be grown. Because of the local governmental control structure MANY more "heads" become involved in local politics where it is EASIER to effect change.
it is seen as a referendum against legalization and marijuana as a whole. Anti drug crusaders are emboldened and bolstered by their perceived public support and begin dumping money into efforts to attack 215/420 as well. the movement is set back 10 years and when the next legislation comes up it is EVEN MORE RESTRICTIVE.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
pass::: big herb opens up a hooters themed cannabis bar

fail::: jesus christ rides the white horse of the apocalypse to come rip bonnie dumanis and steve cooleys ass to shreds with lightening bolts and lsd-tipped spears

win/win !!!!


Folks will start growing plants is secluded areas of their yards.

No one will feel comfortable letting neighbors know they use pot especially in the Central Valley.

Most everyone will actually be rather slow to accept the new freedom since they have grown up on prohibition.
And of those caught with plants they will face eviction.


Game Bred
so as a tourist if prop pass's where do i go to buy, are dispensaries still just for patients or do ''cafes'' open?

in the "friendly" areas i would bet on "coffee shops" amsterdam style

so jack your saying nothing will change?


the movement is set back 10 years and when the next legislation comes up it is EVEN MORE RESTRICTIVE.

This is a valuable point indeed. I wonder if those who view Prop 19 as too restrictive on dopesmokers think that a future bill would be less restrictive or with no restrictions at all?

rick shaw

I predict a 55%-45% for Prop 19.I also predict DEA to file suit,just like Arizona.


IF Prop 19 passes, Eric Holder specifically said he would not intervene in states' matters when it came to medicinal marijuana, dispensaries, etc...as long as they followed tax laws, etc.

I wonder...knowing how corrupt our government is i can see many, many BigPharma companies lobbying against this and pumping millions into congress/senate/judges/doj simply to stop the passage or to fight against it/sue.


I will plant Ducksfoot in my front yard if it passes, and see how long it takes people to figure out what it is. Probably get ripped before anybody comments on it though, prematurely.


Game Bred
Folks will start growing plants is secluded areas of their yards.

No one will feel comfortable letting neighbors know they use pot especially in the Central Valley.

Most everyone will actually be rather slow to accept the new freedom since they have grown up on prohibition.
And of those caught with plants they will face eviction.

so your saying nothing will change whatsoever?

thats enough reason to vote yes right there!


Patient Grower
There's absolutely no basis to predict the Feds attempting to get Prop 19 overturned. There are no grounds for such a suit. The prohibitionists' dislike of the law are not legal grounds. Prop 215 has been to the SCOTUS 3 times and still stands. I'm not even sure why there are people who entertain the notion who are not simply ignorant bystanders.

The Arizona law has grounds to be overturned because the US Constitution reserves the power to regulate immigration to the Feds. There is nothing in the Constitution requiring a State to have laws that duplicate Federal laws. Do people think that New Hampshire is required to prosecute people for evasion of Federal income tax? Has anyone ever heard of a State law that makes High Treason against the United States a State offense? I can understand why those who don't have a particular interest might reach such a silly conclusion but anyone that's been following the process of cannabis re-legalization should know that it's absurd to predict such a suit over Prop 19.


There's absolutely no basis to predict the Feds attempting to get Prop 19 overturned. There are no grounds for such a suit. The prohibitionists' dislike of the law are not legal grounds. Prop 215 has been to the SCOTUS 3 times and still stands. I'm not even sure why there are people who entertain the notion who are not simply ignorant bystanders.

It's a schedule one drug, you think the feds are going to let California legalize without a fight?

The Strain Man

what about prop 8 that became state law and look what happend if it goes the the supreme court aka the feds were screwed imho.


It will pass...common sense dictates it...not that common sense is in great abundance...
It must pass if only to place another foot in the door...something like that

peace all


New member
It's not going to pass unless people get out and do something to help. Contribute and network with others or it's doomed to fail. The fear-mongerers are a powerful opponent and they don't need much money or news coverage to frighten the "soccer Mom's".

This ballot is trending downward, act NOW.


Patient Grower
what about prop 8 that became state law and look what happend if it goes the the supreme court aka the feds were screwed imho.

It was California courts that struck down Prop 8, as they should have. California courts have upheld Prop 215/SB 420 for the most part. Somebody has to bankroll the court battle or The anti-gay marriage know nothings are motivated and see it as a 'mission from god'. I can't for the life of me understand that what two consenting adult consenting to whatever in their private life threatens my marriage to my beloved wife. Then again a very dear friend of mine is gay, and lives in LA with her SO and it pisses me off that anyone is preventing them from living the life they choose. Prop 8 was/is a violation of human rights and also a violation of equal protection under the law.

There's no grounds whatever for California to be sued by the Feds or residents when Prop 19 passes into law. That the Feds are groundless is not debatable, there is no Constitutional authority to force a State to have duplicates of all Federal laws or to enforce Federal law. Take a look at the history of New York State and how it repealed all of its laws against alcohol prohibition in the 1920s. It's cut and dried black letter law supported by SCOTUS written precedent. The New York thing is great and I wish cannabis activists would use that in addition to what happened after nationwide repeal. The violence that occurred in other cities was noticeably absent from New York while alcohol prohibition related violence was skyrocketing in States that didn't repeal their State laws. SCOTUS has had 3 chances to toss out Prop 215 and declined. The 3 time they basically said they weren't interested in the issue and told San Diego and San Bernardino Counties to piss off. Prop 215 and Prop 19 are carbon copy duplicates if the eyes of the Feds. Any argument that Prop 19 could be tossed out would apply to Prop 215 still the law of the land almost 14 years later.

The Feds are perfectly welcome to send their agents into California and enforce Federal law at their expense. Now if Prop 19 had directed California to protect Californians from arrest and prosecution by the Feds, that would generate a lawsuit at the bare minimum.


there are many "soccer moms" that already have recommendations now - it would be cheaper for them to vote yes unless they also grow their own

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