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What the gov'ts are likely doing is collecting proxy IP#s into a database, then segregating and recording their activity so they can be monitored and researched as needed.

The focus of gov'ts is terrorism. Are YOU terrorizing ppl with your cannabis? If not, there's probably not anything to worry about, unless they have another reason to hone in on you. There is too much data for them at a Federal level to deal with unless it affects national security.

Now let's say you're a big money launderer. The gov't wants to build a case against you and recover whatever money it can. If they check your ISP they can get a record of all your online activity via IP#s. If they find a lot of proxies being used, then they'll have even more reason to suspect you. Then they can research your use of proxies based on date and time and bring up the IP#s of banks you logged into. At that point they can go to the banks (depending upon which country) and get them to lookup your accounts. I believe this may have happened with those Swiss bank accounts.

So basically that's how it works...

If you want to understand more about what the gov't can do with this tech, watch the show "Person of Interest".

Fortunately, this kind of access to that data is probably limited to FBI/CIA/NSA and not in the hands of your local constable.


This stuff began with the federal act called CALEA, and was and has continued to be nicely rounded out by provisions within PATRIOT. The federal government now has its own equipment in every ISP's central office. That means that "they" have their own access, anytime they wish, without ISP permission. It doesn't matter if you use TOR or any other proxy, you, by necessity, must access the outside inet world through your own IP# unless you're hacking someone else's wifi signal. You'd want to clean the logs of your MAC address and stuff, though, PITA all things considered.

Most folks will blow by this, most will forget it, and so most will continue thinking they can take these odd precautions that ostensibly will protect them.

Local police do not have the same accessibility to these central offices as the feds do, btw.


Active member
This week's Person of Interest had a great scene where this guy is hacked into everything, creating whole new identities on the fly, while at the same time, an FBI agent is looking up the very same info that was just created as a cover story as they were interrogating the main character of the show. It really showed what can be done these days by both the Feds and someone with the skills and resources to outwit them... :)