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You Requested it, here it is. The Acrylic Sump Builder's Step by step.


WTF. Sheeit. here's some pics of week three
3rd week in on round 2 of the Mary Purpins. Click to enlarge. 72 watts. Sweetness.

Notice in the last pic, that even with only 72 watts of PLL lights, the flowers are all the way to the screen. A full 11 inches below my lights and 10 inches above my canopy.


Don't fret everyone. I will take more pictures next week when I build my bubble cloner. Then you will know how to build a sump and a bubble cloner. Peace.


alrite i found out the problem with the pics. their not in Bolemans album anymore, what gives Boleman?
The pics are actually in my old account Melkor420, and when I deleted that account, the pics became no longer visible. I am sorry for the Inconvenience. I will be building a newer even bigger sump soon, so thank you for your YEARS of patience. It will just be a little longer before I bring you another tutorial!! Stay Tuned!!!