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You know you're an old fart if....


You remember watching TV in black and white.
You remember when there were only 3 stations to watch.
It was a big thing to see crotch hair on a Playboy centerfold,
and even if you remember seeing "pink" from a rag called Hustler.
If you bought weed at a time when it all came from Mexico, and Oxacan was primo.
The units of exchange were called Lids, were 3/4 of an ounce and cost $10.00.
Animal House was watched more than 3 times at the Original release date.
You know and can appreciate what Zap comix was, and know who R. Crumb is.
MDA was called the Love Drug, and raves were non existent.
You can identify with the movie Dazed and Confused.
You remember hearing Oh Holy Night- sung by Mario Lanza around Christmas each year.
You've played Pong.
You've played only Pong.
keggars were a way of life for you and your kind.
Cops actually would let you slide, and dump your bags out in such a way as they knew you could come back and reclaim the weed.
You had an art teacher who was so hip, that he let you make clay bongs in class, let you organize "guitar day" in your school. spend time making the posters for same in class, and who actually
would toke with some students on occasion, and everybody sort of knew, but he wasn't fired.
Had the aforementioned art teacher that did the aforementioned things, and still had a whole new gymnasium built using his name, 20 years later.
There were Lesbians in your class, who could out-do some guys in athletics, but it was just One of Those Things that were kind natural, and nobody said too much about it.
There were exactly 3 gay guys that everyone Knew were gay, and it was no big deal. You would hang out on occasion, party, and it was no Big Deal.
Your Brother or a friends brother was in Vietnam, and had to do things like run a mini gun
on a huey and had nightmares about water buffalo and people falling in half from his gunfire.
Iggy and the stooges were not called Punk.
You wore a Political pin actually piercing your skin, like you saw the MC5 do on the inside of their album cover of the same name, with Kick Out The Jams Motherfuckers as the single.
You remember books called Papillion and Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee.
Who Erica Jong was.
Who Susan Sontag was
That Burt Reynolds was the first male centerfold for women.
The hysteria over the movies, The Exorcist, Jaws, and ET and Star Wars.
And who Tanya Tucker was.
Doctors would prescribe you Desoxyns.
And Preludins.
And Bi-phetimine 20's. (black beauties)
There were tons of ads for ephedrine and pseudoephidrine pills in skin mags, to make meth with.
Colombian weed coming in to the market in the 70's and being outraged at paying $20.00
an ounce.
Seeing a thing called "sinsemilla" hitting the market in the '80's and being outraged it cost 30.00 an ounce.
You remember a beverage labeled just Beer in white cans, or called Buckhorn which would provide suds for you and your friends to imbibe when smoking the aforementioned pot.
You could go to drive ins on Friday nights, and everyone who attended the Keggars would also be there for grade B movies and sex, but from many different school districts.
You could but a Mountain Dew, a pack of Viceroys, and a Snickers, and still get change from a dollar.
You could go to a pawnshop and buy an American made used guitar from 40 to 500 dollars.
I could go on, but you get the general Idea.


He He

He He

Also if you remember the Marijuana Consumer and Dealers guide. (by Mountain Girl)

When I was 13 I worked at making brass and bead roach clips at a head shop
called Phase Two in GR MI.

Anyone from GR remember that place?
You rember what L.S.M.F.T. means.
Your first used car cost you $225.00 or their about.
The good concert tickets were $8.00
You could get a quart of beer for a quarter.
you know what 33 1/3 was.
P.F. Flyers were the coolest tennis shoes on the planet
Gas was 25 cents a gallon and smokes were 28 cents a pack
You could walk into a bar and get a shot and a beer for a quarter
the striker was on the front of a pack of matches
All the good music could be found on the AM stations
You had to be home right after the street lights came on
A lincoln automobile cost $3400 brand new!
Your hair cut style was called a ducks ass
Oil came in cans
No pull tops on beer or pop cans
Ya needed a church key to open a bottle of pop and you kept one on your key ring
My first real job payed $1.00 an hour
yep,3 black and white tv chanells
you could buy re-treads for your car

AH the good old days, I'd get 3 buds who wanted an oz for $15 and I'd buy a QP for $45 and get an oz for myself for the week of Columbian Red ;)


Damn, I feel older just reading this post. Must be all the yeps and approving nods that it elicited. Must be having an old fart moment though as I can't figure out wtf L.S.M.F.T. was.
i had long hair and i used to wear a earing that had three beads and a peacock feather on the end,used to drink boons farm wild mountain wine as well,those were the days my friends.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Red Ball Jets

10c Coke only machines both upright and ice chest models

Nash Cosmopolitan

Intermission reels at the movies (laden with subliminal's)

The feel of a drive-in speaker

Vrooom Vrooom's

Rat Fink

Bubble gum cigarettes w/powder smoke (and their hard candy imitators)

Pull tab chains


"I'd rather fight than switch"

Johnny Unitas

Roberto Clemente

Rubber pants

hemos and triple beams

Strobe lights, flicker lights, black lights

Banana seats



On another note.... when you bend down to pick something up off the floor, while down there you have a look around to see if there is something else to pick up on your way up :muahaha:


hoosierdaddy said:
Red Ball Jets

10c Coke only machines both upright and ice chest models

Nash Cosmopolitan

Intermission reels at the movies (laden with subliminal's)

The feel of a drive-in speaker

Vrooom Vrooom's

Rat Fink

Bubble gum cigarettes w/powder smoke (and their hard candy imitators)

Pull tab chains


"I'd rather fight than switch"

Johnny Unitas

Roberto Clemente

Rubber pants

hemos and triple beams

Strobe lights, flicker lights, black lights

Banana seats

Rat Fink!!!

I had a plastic Rat Fink model!
Chuck Barris?



Active member
Did anybody notice they still make Convers All Stars? They even gottem on comisary in P.I.C.C. I got me a bran new pair in 06. I still gottem too! I liked these back in the day and I still likem now. The High Tops!


Fireside Theater
Premium gas 48 cents a gallon
E tickets at Disneyland
Movie tickets 75 cents
For my fellow ladies:
Dark Shadows


Rose56 said:
Fireside Theater
Premium gas 48 cents a gallon
E tickets at Disneyland
Movie tickets 75 cents
For my fellow ladies:
Dark Shadows

Hey I remember Dark Shadows. Barnnabas Collins.
I even remember the actors name Johnathan Frid.
Came to GR once.
Sat on top of a hearst with a gallon of fake blood.
That was a popular show back then Gothic soap opera!


Active member
Dose anybody remember Wonderama with Bob McAlester? I remember one time when he was givin away albums as prizes he gave away an album he said was from "The Grateful Dads". -Then he said, "aAAA, wait a minit kids, thats the "Gratefull DEAD", not the "Grateful DADS". Anybody remember that?


Active member
And how bout Bozo. Dose anybody remember Bozo? The actual origional "Bozo". The Man who made the name into an icon. BOZO. Now THAT man could spin some plates!


OldBastard said:
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco !

Brand You don't see much these days. Filterless.

Damn, now I feel ancient; have not heard that phrase in a looooong time and can actually recall buying Lucky's when we could not find Camel's.

One thing I noticed that no one else has mentioned yet, actually knowing someone who took the Berkley hoax to heart and attempted to smoke banana peels back in the mid 60's.


I'd race home after school to watch Dark Shadows!
What about our favorite leo Sheriff John? Romper Room, Hobo Kelly and Soupy Sales!
Phone numbers that started out as "Exbrook" and "Granite"
Didn't Bozo pass recently?


Polyester clothes that couldn't withstand seeds popping from the joint.
"quaalude" cigarrete burns from cigs on the thighs of your pants

Seeing The Godfather on acid with a date.
Rorer 714


16oz Pepsi in the glass (deposit) bottle

Putting peanuts in the above

Kool Kings, menthol with no filter.

Pall Mall

Schafer's Beer was $.99 a six pack

Boones Farm was $1.09 a bottle

MD 20-20 would make you puke purple


Rorer 714


16oz Pepsi in the glass (deposit) bottle

Putting peanuts in the above

Kool Kings, menthol with no filter.

Pall Mall

Schafer's Beer was $.99 a six pack

Boones Farm was $1.09 a bottle

MD 20-20 would make you puke purple

They don't make filterless Kool Kings anymore?

I remember when ALL black people who smoked, smoked Kools exclusively.

Mandrax, 714's and sopers were the same chem right?

I OD'ed on Park Davis quaaludes when in 7th grade, and still have a scar on my chin from running into a post in underground parking for a John Mayall and edgar Winter concert way back, doing sopers (sp).