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you know your getting fat when ?


you know your fat when you got a DickieDoo... whats a DickieDoo? Its where your stomach sticks out farther then your dickie doo


When you visit the USA and everybody assumes you are a native. :)
Now excuse me please, have to run before some airforce fattie gets his drone in position...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
When you sit down and, the fat around your knees bunches up, making it look like you are wearing a flesh coloured wetsuit.
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avant gardener

when you've got more chins than an orange county phone book.



when all of your t shirts are too short
now I have a shitload of belly shirts


Active member
you can use your own fat, as sort of a thing to set stuff on while your manipulating said object.

kind of like a sea otter


or this other thing

when stand up activities have become a chore...

if one lives in america and accepts the culture of being glued to the couch and television only getting up to gather food and return...

walk up a neighborhood hill?? lucky to get up those house stairs without being out of breath...

you can fit an entire starving Ethiopian family of refugees in your gut...


ok I have no hate for big people. I think it kind of sucks the way a lot skinnier people degrade the over weight people in real life. We may not agree with the culture that even allows people to get that big... being big is a choice but often times its also hereditary to some extent. If that person would like to get help, there should be more free resources and counseling for people who need it. They do not need people looking down at them or saying mean things behind their backs when they walk by. I know many are guilty of this. They are people too, with emotions and feelings just like other real humans. Women have it harder than men, big men are accepted. big women, is the hardest. Look at the women magazines, rarely ever portray a heavier woman in positive light, even if she is above and beyond more amazing than some of the skinnier twats they put on the covers...I almost come to expect this backwards ass behavior in the USA.

In countries in Africa and others through out the world, a heavier woman is desired and considered more attractive, as it shows that the woman has the means to feed herself in a land where maybe not everyone is fortunate enough to eat all the time, rather it be money or her own farm or both. In America, it's not so much the idea of being skinny that is important so much as it is the elitist mind set to say, "well, I'm rich enough to eat and get fat if I wanted but I choose to stay skinny even though I have all the money and means to feed myself, I choose to participate in this idea of superior class and this is our outrageous idea of a fashion statement-being super skinny not necessarily healthy". it sounds crazy but this is the idea that american culture pushes. too not eat cause you can, sounds bizarre but look at all the models with eating disorders. They are consider the upper echelon and higher "classes" of our closet American Caste system(another time, another thread)....


Yeah it sucks to see a mom bring her fat little kid to mcdonalds and not be able to say anything about it. Is it anybody Else s problem if little diabeeto grows up unhealthy??


I think it sucks, I'll talk to people who want to learn and talk about it. I'm not gona force my ideas about whats healthy onto anyone else. If the collective population wants to agree not to allow shitty food in their towns, so be it. burn down the junk pushers fast food lots, take away the sugar drinks. If people still want it, let em have it. not fair to raise kids like that though, they don't stand a chance...

btw people trying to lose weight or beat diabetes, google the raw diet. all green vegetables and herbs, nothing cooked. 30 days works wonders. that is how disconnected we are from our foods imo. I'm guilty of it too, I've been watching how much me and my friends consume crappy food. amazing to think about it, no wonder why we all get sick within 40-50 years, the human body is very very strong and disease resistant just like cannabis but it can only take so much..I've met growers that treat their plants better than their bodies!