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you know U are a real grower when:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
....when you havnt spent money on weed since 04....

....when a 4k op makes you feel like there just isnt enough work to do...

....when you always have bomb ass weed to smoke,but can never get any for ur friends...

....when you have 3 harvests worth of trim in ur freezer for the next bubble run....

....when ur friends call you to smoke "some bomb ass weed" with you,and when they show up its ur weed they bought from across town....

....when ur lookin to buy a new house you absolutely have to have a basement....

....when you have F.U.C.K.E.M. in ur siggy ( :respect: F.A.M.)....


High Grade Specialist
when you visit your friends, roll a few joints and leave a trail of weed behind that gets your buddies high for a week.

when you come home and find a nugget on the doormat (musta stepped on it).

when youre thinking of living in the kitchen so you have more space for your plants


Registered Cannabis User
When you say your out of weed, you have an ounce or two left.

When you have 20 trash bags of grow trash from the last 3 runs sitting in your kitchen.

When bags of media and 5 gallon buckets are the only seats you have.

When your shelf has more nutrients than the local hydro store.

When the hydro store owner starts asking your advice.

When you have purchased more feet ducting than than your own houses ducting system.

When you use more wattage for your grow than you use for personal use. (may have been said already)


When you drop buds on the carpet and instead of freaking out - you just grind up some more

When your friends ask "where did you get this bud?" and you answer with a blank stare (I know that's been said before but SO true)

When you inspect a room/location/area with the lights off to inspect for light leaks

When you imagine your grow spot going up in flames every time you return home

When you forget how to "conserve" your herbs because you dont need to


When you spend all day at your normal job researching, designing, and dreaming of grow ops...

When you daydream about growing so much at your normal job that it's affecting your performance and may lose that job...

When you don't care if you lose that job cuz you got something to fall back on...

when you quit that job and blaze up on the way out.

(none of that happened...but i like to fantasize.)

You become socially awkward, thinking every conversation will somehow end with your grow exposure.

Your friends still talk about fixing computers and other tech geekery and the only thing you care about is the fans inside the devices.

When you're wife asks how much longer you're gonna be in the garden...and she knows it'll be 2 hours longer than that.

When your wife comes down to the garden for a good bangin' cuz you aren't coming to bed anytime soon.

when you're wife buys a new washer and dryer and installs them upstairs because you have taken over the basement with tons of grow shit.

When you spend hundreds and hours designing and building a new system only to find something better the next cycle.

When you have found what system/setup works well for you...you gather all your spare parts, and then setup grows for all your friends from said spare parts.

When you can break down you're whole operation in less than an hour, moving only 2 large totes and a few packs of seeds.

When you've got your hydro setup so self sustained the only thing you buy is nutes and bulbs.

When you get an invite for a private, out of town 420 party.

that's all for now. best thread i've ever read. really makes me feel proud!



Active member
you go the laundromat and have to wipe down the machine from all the loose leaf and trim that is stuck up in your clothes.


All the world is crashing down around you...

And the biggest concern you have is dealing with the damn fucking phone calls... even when you told everyone it won't be for another week, at least... that was like 4 days ago... and they're already calling back...

The real problems of a grower ;-)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I was gonna say "week" but I feel ya man!

haha! i was gonna say, i wish one day towards trimming, but lazyman got it first..

you know what its like, fucking hell.......

probably the worst part, next to cloning........


Overkill is under-rated.
When a basement full of ganja is second only to a warehouse full of ganja
When you NEED a trimming machine because there's too much to trim before the next batch is ready.
When you know the Hydrofarm catalog by heart
When you have to correct even knowledgeable growers about how things are done/utilized.
When you cure weed in big rubbermaid tubs, because 140 mason jars is a little impractical.


New member
-when you have 75 gal of "emergency water" that is not drinkable by humans.
-when you tell your pothead neighbor youre out of weed and he calls you a liar, cuz he can SMELL it...
-when your bill at the garden store is 3k a month...
-when your girlfriend laughs when you refer to your "harem"
-Closet has a padlock and glowing halo when lights are out...
Man I been laughing since I got to this thread, thanks...
when you get called a pot snob and you couldnt be happier and think its a compiment. if i cant grow it i dont smoke it!!!!!:plant grow:BOYCOTT BRICKWEED
You know you're a real grower when......

-All the flower AND vegetable gardens have perlite in them
-You buy 100 lbs of ice in the middle January
-Never go on a vacation
-Become a hermit
-Someone already said it but I think it too......all parking lot lights and street lights are thought of as grow lights.
-The dude at the hydro store will trade clones with you
-Its tough to find weed better than yours, honestly.
-The snow can't build up on your deck because of the exhaust
-You know more about regular plants than the average gardener

Outstanding thread. I was in tears laughing at Page 1. Great read!!!!!!!!!!


your wife wonders why you always in the mood for loving when after you work on the flowering room.
You slowly pull up to your house expecting cop cars.

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