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you know U are a real grower when:


Active member
when PM hits and you flip out and buy like 100 in fungicides of all shape and form .....

FUCK PM....swear to god im doing 3 sulfur baths in veg from now on.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
-getting 2lbs per bulb is an expectation not a dream

-when your flower room always matches the night cycle of outdoors

-you finally understand that money grows on your trees

-you have 2 vehicles, one is your sports car and the other is your beater for going to the grow store

- when you have a post office box, but own no business, have lived in the same property for years, but just need an alternate address once in a while

- you plan your vacations around crop time

-you think of an environmental condition and smile telling yourself, ya i got a piece of equipment for that

- you read threads of how to fix this or that and always have the right answer.

- when you are more excited for your seeds to come in the mail than your batchelor party

- you dont know your girls favorite... but you know exactly what your temps, co2, humidity, light spectrum, ferts... your other girls love.

- you think that all other shades of green not matching your plants are imposters.

- you have not been told what strain it is but can tell by the smell

- you know more about botany than human biology

- you went to horticulture college, got a diploma and all for one plant

- you decided in high school you would be a professional grower

- you are always passing up others blunts just so your high does not come down. lol

- you know exactly how many days til cropping, but dont know what day of the week it is

- you think you can barter with weed

- you have at least 5 subscriptions to grower or pot related mags

- for christmas everybody knows to renew your subscriptions

- you cant remember the last day you where not high

-you just cant stop adding to this thread
... when your barely-small-enough-to-fit-in-the-window air conditioner is running full blast. in the middle of january. at 3 am.
... when you have at least two trash cans in the living room, one with 'Trim' in small writing and the other labeled 'Fan'
... when you finally take a shower and put on some clean clothes, then realize you still smell like fresh dank.
... when you can convert from teaspoons to cups to ounces to mLs, and have a good idea how many PPM it is per gallon without a calculator
... when you make brownies 5 times in one week for yourself
... when you can spot a bud at the bottom of a bag of grass clippings
... when honey oil "doesn't get me that high" anymore
... when every visitor to your home says "what's that sound?" at some point
... when you bake weed a triple-decker birthday cake for 4/20, with an oz per layer
... when you have a drawer labeled 'seeds' but have seeds in 10 different locations
... the first time you say "damn these buds are getting huge!"


Cannabis 101
when you have to pay people with brand new nutriends, hps lights,buckets,water/air pumps, light movers and weed and nothing else.
knowing that the Dollar bill will loose its value.
dont know if its been said....


When u find yourself building grow rooms in your head in every single house or office u walk into


-When you make the mistake of setting your room 12/12 cycle to turn lights on at 4pm and off at 4am in the morning, and it results in that you go to bed at 4in the morning and wake up at 4 in the afternoon for the next two months..

-When you cant be arsed to process dry trim into hash for a year or two because its "boring", until you finally one day have buckets full of it lying around and you realize that the pigs dont see the difference between 2kg trim and 2kg bud...



how boring, to have to process it.. need a tumbler it seems... how boring to need all this fkn equipment, its clogging up every storage space in the house.

-When stepping and stumbling over pots gets so annoying that you occasionally enjoy kicking the motherfuckers across the room!


Active member
When somebody mentions the holy grail and you think about Sour Diesel, Cinderella 99, Chemdog or other hard to obtain strains, instead of the cup that Christ drank from.

When then first and last thing you do everyday is check up on your ladies.


.... you are talking about strain you like & someone says "That Jorges Diamonds that was about was some of the best weed i smoked" & you say "I grew that!"

rocket high

Active member
....you start to sweat when you see a cop car coming down your street

.....it sounds like your running a bath in your bedroom

love the thread funny as :)

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
you have a seed jar not a penny jar
your calendar is in terms of crop weeks
you become a pot snob


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
when you look at lil cool looking containers to store seeds and nuggies in...


Loving this thread

Loving this thread

When you see a bust on the TV news and you're checking out the equipment and trying to ID the strain they were growing.


Active member
when you trip over fans, eqiupment, and bags of soil everytime you take a piss in the morning

when you go run errands and realize you got chopped fan leaves all over your clothes cus you been trimmin all day.

when you go to the bank and all your money smells like weed

when you got dozens of empty and half filled canning jars all over the place

when you find random bags of shake or nug in your cabinets and your like "thats where its been!"

when you gotta load up your SUV with bags of soil/trim and go dump them in random dumpsters around town

when you scratch your balls but your hands still smell like fresh bud...


Active member
when plants pop up and grow themselves bar some water your half way there.

when spending your hard earned on good weed is not an option.

When The weed you grow is better than anything youve smoked in 5+ years.

when you can laugh at spidermites and get away with it.

If your happy with the final product in my book that makes you a good grower, master tomato growing for extra credits 10x harder to manage and pre planning needed.

well done master growers.