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you know U are a real grower when:


"It's just a flesh wound"
....When you wake up in the middle of the night because you think you hear rippers going after your babies.


....When there are trimmings all over the house.
....When you are thinking of ways to convert said trimmings into smoke.


you've gotten amazingly better at math, especially measurements, conversions, and fractions lol.

i know i have gotten better at it lol


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
The conversion thing, such truth there :biglaugh:

I've already contributed here, but I've got a few more -

You know you're a grower if...

You have an electric bill higher than your car payment, but all of your light bulbs are CFLs, and everything else is gas.

Payday = Hydro shop

You live in one place more than a year, and you start getting antsy.

You can spot a government tag from 12 car lengths away.

You have a fire pit or grill you use once a month like clockwork, regardless of the weather.

You understand the concept of disposable credit cards and disposable cell phones.

Hot coco is a problem, not a drink.

Flushing has nothing to do with using the bathroom.

You could build a class 4 biohazard facility in under a week.

You check air traffic lanes when moving.

You've ever measured to the foot how far you are from schools and churches.

No one drops by your house without calling first. No one. Ever.

Your friend's friends have the best pot, period.

You check your babies constantly, but you have no kids.

There are more, but I'm watching my Titan's on Monday Night Football.



When you meet an electrician you try to find "something" in common

Your garden (not MJ) looks amazing, and friends and family comment on the skill of your gardener.

Everytime you see a "For Lease" sign you imagine putting a couple lights a couple plants and a little bit of love into it.

Your girl complains that you can't sleep without the hum of a fan...and soon enough she is lucky enough to find out why.

Your dreams are never as good as what you wake up to...


Active member
Truth said:

-When you are actually patient enough to let the plants finish properly


Hello all,

This is an important one I learned as a consequence of being lazy and having buds to hold me over till.

Once I figured out when to harvest, the buds are sooo much better.



When you have dreams of throwing 1,000s of seeds on a beach and start tripping when the tide rises. That was one of many strange bud dreams.


When your looking for your checkbook and find an old pack of serious ak 47 you stashed and forgot about a year and a half ago.That was a good day.
when after all this time of talking to your plants you are convinced that one of them finally said something back

when it takes you an hour to drive to the growshop that is 5 minutes away

when your friend are passed out comatose from the first joint while you are smoking a 2nd and rolling a 3rd


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
TrichomusCaesar said:
When you see every HID street lamp as a potential pot farm :wink:

When you have a holster for your spray bottle when you go into the garden. And a secret mini holster on your ankle under your pant leg should any surprises occur :biglaugh:

OH MAN! I have to get me a holster for my spray bottle! ****in' A!


"when it takes you an hour to drive to the growshop that is 5 minutes away"

HAHA yes! The U turns, and side streets, and more U turns..."They could be watching"


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
when...you finally bag up that last and final manicured/dired nugg of perfection, sit back and light up a big joint of your own tasty bud/hash/&keif watching television..looking at your jars/sacks of buds....you get stoned off your own sweat and fear..you know you accomplished your dreams....and reward yourself by ordering foood and actuallly paying instead of letting your GF pay(Just kidding nycdfannette)

...you know exactly where to find exactly what you need at your local lowes or home de POT without asking even if they moved the isles & shit on you), or know at least 3 or four head shops or grow shops....or if you know a guy named stan who lives in his grandmothers house is 46 and has a garage band...
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he he that's a cool thread this one.
just a bit shit that all i wanted to write is already there :)

i definitly look for grow spots all the time i'm away from home. driving a car, going on the train, walking in the woods, visiting friends... damn! it's scary sometimes. especially when i'm telling everyone how and where they could grow nice weed :)


Active member
Hello all,

My wife and I just purchased a piece of property that has a delapated 12x60 mobile home on it that is in no condition to live in but with some money/power tools/time and energy could be made into a fine grow-op.

When we first were looking at the place that was the first thing that came into my mind was....gee, I could pay off the property in a few years with this set-up..out in the country...no neighbors. Beatiful.

But then reality reaches up and smacks me in the face and says...you are too old to go to prison now. I will stay with my 250w bud box that supplies me with just what I need plus some to pass around and gifts.

But I dream of a 4kw system in that trailer...that would be kewl...ah man, I can see it now...the hugh colas swinging in the breeze.

But I ramble...back to work.


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