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You know its a great bong rip when....

when you exhale, (set the glass down safe and sound), get tunnel vision like an old school tube television, hit the floor, and fish out with your legs still kicking to right yourself like a beetle on its back...
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New member
If you're falling asleep with your bong in your lap right after a smooth hit (eyelids just drop), then sleep in that exact same position for about an hour, wake up without spilling anything and feeling like you've just slept 2 days on a beach in the carribean...

Looks fucking funny too. :D


Active member
I set up this crazy bowl for when I got out of the shower and was going to start my paper.

I sit down, cherry it up and fill up my lungs. My cat had been scratching at the door knowing whats going on and wanted in. So I got up to open the door (holding in the hit.. big mistake).. I wake up probably a few seconds later facing the other way and about five feet away.


Once in a blue moon I take a perfect bong hit that is just the right amount to not kill me, but more than enough for most to handle. It depends mostly on the strain and my new experience to different strains seems to make my cannabinoid receptors go wild. I have a certain strain that I grew this last season and I'm coveting the last of it and will most likely have it until this time two years from now, and I'm not kidding.
Anyways from this and one other strain I've grown, I seem to have no tolerance even over months if not years of the same strain. As stated though the perfect amount held for the perfect time=euphoria. After initial exhalation I feel woozy and on the brink of passing out. One of the two makes my chest contract and feel like I almost can't breath in fully, (that hurt's sooo good feeling) I get a little hotter and perspire a little on my forehead and face. The other of the two that is smoother gives me tracers and highlighted colors if too heavily consumed, not a horrible side effect to say the least.

I've also seen many pass out, not as many well one person cried, one all out hallucinated, and one older gentleman had to leave his car over night at our dispensary after calling a cab and having to be wheel chaired out. He never had a problem walking, but he just couldn't do it after a rip of pure kief, full melt hash, and BHO. He thanked us for getting him higher than he's ever been in 60+ years of smoking.

Ah good ol' schmokin' stories...

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
All I take is bong hits, cause the sheer violent efficiency.

I usually have to make a bunch of noise. Moaning and grunting.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you know its a great bong rip when you are really angry then after you hit it in 2 seconds you are melting into the couch with a shit eating grin on your face.


When you think you gotta be done blowing the smoke out, but it keep on coming.
That happened to me tonight actually... it was like never ending billows of smoke...... and i'm totally, and unequivocally amazed and lit off my ass rght now.... yay


You know it was a great bong rip when: you are gasping for air and are stiff and shaking 10 minutes later...you get confused and can't focus on what anyone is saying. :)


seeker of greater knowledge
LMFAO...what an awesome thread Kaotik_Kreation.......lol

Personally i have pretty much a similar description of the experience...usually when im taking a big rip of the bong most of the time with some bubble hash or iso covering a mountain of bud..i choke my f*****g brains out ,turn beet red , start profusely salivating and sweating , get blurred vision and cough to the point where my eyes seal shut and need to spit all that extra saliva in to the bathroom sink......its a brutal experience but after the inital choke fest, sitting back down and justing letting the buzz creep in is awesome ..everything gets almost slow for a few seconds.....lol....

i'm glad to read all the posts in this thread ......everyone may be thousands of miles/kilometers apart but we all share the same story.......Just Awsome:smokeit:

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