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You Can Say Goodbye to Cannabis Legalization


Active member
Scott Brown winning the Massachusetts election is the death knell for progressive politics. Because the Democrats sat on their asses and fumbled the election, the bastion of liberalism which is Massachusetts, has been compromised. The Teabagger Movement is gaining ground in this country and California is next.

The Democrats are losing their majority state by state. We will see the defeat of Legalization bills and repeals of Medical Marijuana bills ALREADY IN PLACE when the Republicans gain the majority again.

If you don't believe me, look at Michigan. And. It's only going to get worse.

Chuck Devore who is running in the GOP Primary is already being billed as the Scott Brown of California. The Teabaggers are gaining ground throughout the country. If they keep winning seats we can say goodbye to any thoughts of legalization and Medical Marijuana will be a thing of the past.

You can either sit on your ass and smoke dope all day or you can get involved and stop this travesty from happening. Or. We'll be back to the days of LEO's raiding dispensaries and jailing sick people. Come on people. It's time to get active.

Everyone thought the Teabagger Movement was a joke. No one is laughing now. They are a serious threat to progressive politics.

Who are you referring to when you mention teabagger movement?

I know you aren't talking about the Tea parties..

And I know there are republican examples of failures, but the democrats in top office are ruining our country on purpose TODAY..

I don't play the democrat/republican party game anyways. Its pathetic, who can actually side with all the beliefs of one party?

You know our two current parties CAME FROM THE SAME PARTY, the democratic republican party, yet now we are divided and conquered.


Active member
Dave - I don't mean this in a condescending way, but you are a good example of the problem with voters today. You seem to think that either party, as they exist today, cares about anything other than more power, and all that goes with it. Granted, we are probably stuck with a two-party system for some time into the future. So you have to work with what you've got. But repeating the same behavior and expecting different results is insane. (Einstein)

So what I'm saying is that we, the people, have to regain control of our government, and the only way to do that is to get rid of all the incumbents, and the only way to do that is to devise a strategy to defeat them in the primaries.

If incumbents are not running in the general election, then both parties, vis-a-vis how the people vote in the primary, can field decent candidates, or candidates that they feel reflect their views in the case of heavily conservative or heavily liberal districts. The point is, it will be a fair election. And it will send people to Washington who will not be beholden to special interests and who will know that their asses can be kicked out just as easily as they were voted in. If you look at the majority of Americans, we don't want extreme right or left ideologues representing us. We want socially middle-of-the-road, live-and-let-live, fiscally conservative pragmatists.

You also have to consider that, if we had a populist Congress, whether it be Democrat or Republican, we would have a new Congress with no ties to the past, which would be willing to enact strict anti-corruption laws, meaningful campaign reform, and a means of prosecuting the incumbents who have prostituted themselves to the oligarchs for their own personal power and enrichment.

We can throw every single incumbent in the House out of office this November, and 1/3 of the Senate. If we, the people, actually take that power, which we have, and use it to completely clean house, the Dem and Repub thing won't matter that much because we will be represented by people who really want to represent us and who will be willing to work together for the good of the American people.

It will take a few election cycles to truly decide who deserves to go and who deserves to stay but, even then, the electorate needs to keep on its toes and keep a fresh supply of new blood in DC, just to ensure that what we have now never repeats itself.



Active member
Michigan is in shit because of so many democrats over the years.

Least they got MMJ now though.


I don't understand why they call them parties. The only thing they do is talk alot on the public platform and stress or gloat over the outcomes of the elections.
Where is the party part? It ain't no fun I can see.
Should call them factions cause all they do is make some pretty f'ed up actions.
I don't believe in voting a party ticket.
I try to put my 2 cents in for the ones that will cause the least harm, but we have been overwhelmed by all the political BS that is shoved down our throats, so there almost isn't a lesser of two evils anymore. They're all evils.


The most serious threat to progressives is Barak Obama. The people that voted for him are really pissed that he's turning out to be just another puppet of the Oligarchs. The vote in Massachusetts was a slap in the face to Obama, by the liberals and progressives, who could have easily elected Coakley, if they had wanted to.

Anyone with half a brain who looks at the politicians in DC right now has to realize that our political parties are but two heads of the same beast. If you want to kill the beast, you need to chop off both heads, not just one.

The next election presents a fantastic opportunity for the people of the USA. As many in DC have said, "Why let a crisis go to waste?" Well it's time for us, the citizens, to turn the tables and use this same strategy against them.

The next election needs to be about one thing - kicking out the incumbents. If we re-elect any of those bastards, we are fucked!

Kicking out the incumbents doesn't have to be as hard as it might seem, but it is going to mean that we, the people, put aside our political differences for a short time and do what is in our long term best interests instead of what makes us think we just won an argument. The only way to defeat all the incumbents is to defeat them in the primary so that they never have the chance to run for re-election because, if they get the chance to run, they will be re-elected - that's just the way things work.

Let's take California as an example. Barbara Boxer is pretty much a shoe-in for re-election. She has so much campaign money, as all incumbents do, that she can outspend any opponent and it's advertising that wins elections. So, Boxer has to be defeated in the primary, but, at this point, she will receive only token opposition in the primary. However, let's say several million California Republicans switched their registration to Democrat so that they could vote in the Democrat primary, and that they let it be known that they were switching for the sole purpose of displacing Boxer. Well, all of a sudden you would see some quality Democrat candidates running in the primary. There will still be plenty of Republicans running in their primary, and plenty of Republicans to vote for them. This same scenario works with a Republican incumbent, it's just the Dems that switch sides for the primary.

When it comes to the general election, conservatives and liberals, Democrats and Republicans, can vote for the candidate that best meets their criteria. But it will be a fair election, with no incumbent advantage, and, most importantly, it will put the politicians in DC on notice that we are tired of their bullshit.

It would only take two election cycles for us to re-take control of our government. By the third cycle (six years), the remaining 1/3 of the Senate would have retired, trying to beat the new laws that the People's legislature has enacted against them taking jobs with anyone affected by any legislation they ever voted on.

Taking back our government is not impossible - but it is going to take a united strategy on the part of the American electorate.


Commenting on the Bold part because you are correct. They are called the Neocons. If some of you think Obama isn't a neocon because he isn't a republican you might want to do some research on exactly what a neocon is and then apply that rule to people regardless of party affiliation because they are taking our government over one seat at a time.


Once its legalized then it will be taxed and commercially grown ie tobacco. Look at tobacco industry. Nothing but crap tobacco thats chemically saturated and yet you pay tax for every pack. I don't smoke cigs but I know thats some bullshit. Same with liquor tax. I don't want to be taxed any more by the blood sucking vampires/motherfuckers any more than they are already sucking from me. Just look at your paycheck next time if you have a job. We are taxed to much and have to pay for to much bullshit. I pay money for basicly nothing. Several insurance companies and next its going to be the government insurance. So I support decriminalizaton but not legalization. You got to understand politics when talking about this stuff. Remember when anything is brought up politically (issues) it is more than likely to screw you out of money or your "so called freedom". Its not about helping people out if it was things would be alot different. "We the people" do not run this country. Big banks/ Wall Street and Big Corperations run this country. They fuck us over hard by stealing,lying,cheating, pay people off to lie for them. They are all pieces of scum IMO. So just to say again legalization is not what I am looking for... its decriminalization. Weeds not for everyone... Most people can handle it but few cannot. Eventually it will be decriminalized... I hope.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
All I can say is do it quick cause the upcoming elections are going to make 94 look like nothing. The people are not happy. There's a lot of buyer's remorse going on these days. I've seen more than one person scrape off that big "O" bumper sticker.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Grimr3efer said:
Just look at your paycheck next time if you have a job.

Better yet ask how many even know how much they paid last year, or how much interest they made off you, that could have been yours.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
im from mass and that election was a big deal bro... brown is the man FUCK OBAMA and his proposed healthcare


Patient Grower
Wasn't this Coakley the same fascist bitch that was AG and heavily lobbied against the decrim ballot measure, who after seeing that it passed with 2/3 support continued to ignore the will of the people and tried to convince local jurisdictions to pass laws to subvert the will of the people?

I'm supposed to view her getting tossed out on her ass because she ignores the people as a setback to cannabis legalization, simply because she has a D behind her name and the other guy has an R?

The Democratss have been no friend of cannabis re-legalization. Yeah, the Republicans have been ever so slightly more onerous but frankly neither party is a friend of mine.

She's a fascist bitch. Good for Massachusetts seeing through her perfidy and kicking her to the curb.

Kola Radical

Look what the democrats did with a total majority in congress. Nothing. Worst than nothing. Instead of Health Reform, they wrote a love letter to the ultra-corrupt insurance industry.

Don't say goodbye to legalization... say goodbye to the government. Then go out and fuck something up gubment.

Spray paint a pot leaf on a U.S. Postal Mailbox.

The secret to getting what we want is Organization.


(replace Z with S if you are british) :)


Patient Grower
Why Didn’t the Democrats Embrace Marijuana Reform in Massachusetts?
Wednesday, 20 January 2010 16:16 Ben Morris Analysis
Washington, D.C.--(ENEWSPF)--January 20, 2010. Last night, Scott Brown (R-Mass.) beat Democrat Martha Coakley in a special election to replace the late Senator Ted Kennedy, becoming the first Republican to hold a Senate seat in Massachusetts since the 1970s. So what happened up there?

To state it simply, the Democrats chose a bad candidate. They backed one of the most vocal and public opponents of the MPP-funded ballot initiative, Question 2, which decriminalized marijuana possession in Massachusetts in 2008. Question 2 was more popular than President Obama on Election Day, garnering 65% of the vote compared with the president’s 62%. All but three towns in the state supported the initiative.

There is a lesson here for Democrats and Republicans alike: Support for marijuana reform will help, not hurt, a candidate in elections. Public support is surging forward. Polls on legalization are moving quickly toward majority approval nationwide — in the west, it’s already passed the 50% mark — and medical marijuana enjoys 81% support. Politicians on both sides of the aisle must recognize that it’s time to use this populist platform as a tool for winning elections.

Scott Brown is not a card-carrying member of the marijuana reform movement by any stretch of the imagination. As a state senator, he proposed that possession of marijuana in a vehicle remain a criminal offense, attempting to pull back parts of Question 2. But Brown was not a leading opponent of the measure nor was he publicly associated with the issue, as Coakley was. The lesson here, however, is of the could have should have variety: Democrats could have backed a candidate that supported Question 2, and they should have used marijuana reform as a tool in the campaign. Had they, today’s election results may have looked a lot different.

Source: mpp.org



Patient Grower
Spray paint a pot leaf on a U.S. Postal Mailbox

Back in the early '90s some friends of mine had a leaf stencil and would go around and vandalize various public properties. One of their most daring was to paint the side of a tunnel on a major freeway in DC. It took acrobatics to reach the place they painted these leaves as well as blocking access to the tunnel for about 15 minutes with a 'broken down' car. It was impossible for anyone to miss it upon turning into the tunnel. It took the District gov't less than 3 days to have them removed. Had the graffiti been all manner of profanity, racial epithets, and/or gang symbols it would probably have persisted for years.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
The most serious threat to progressives is Barak Obama. The people that voted for him are really pissed that he's turning out to be just another puppet of the Oligarchs.

what were they thinking exactly then? oh that's right, they didnt..

when will people learn why we have elections every 4 years.....


gets some
Oh to go back to the days where I thought the party in power made a difference.

Last I checked MJ was illegal under Clinton, Carter, and other Dem presidents and Dem Congresses. The issue does not rest on party politics and it never has. It rests on your pressure on your elected politicians, regardless of party, and the point in which the gov't decides that legalizing is a bigger revenue generator than the criminal justice system is. It happened with alcohol prohibition already. A Democrat, Wilson, was President when it was enacted and a Democrat, FDR, was President when it was repealed. Congress was also controlled by Democrats for both events. FDR also signed the law making mj illegal in the first place. Legalization of mj simply became a way for Democrats to win points on the campaign trail in 2008, and they correctly assume that you aren't up on the history behind it. With the emerge of Liberty candidates in the Republican party, like Rand Paul, I think it's safe to say that there will be much more talk of legalization from Republicans in the near future. The gov't needs the money no matter which party is in power at the time.

Step outside of the right v. left box and look at the big picture.


Well-known member
Back to the original post, is this the end of cannabis legalization?
Simple answer, there was no beginning of legalization, not at the federal level anyways.
Obama has simply instructed DEA to stop interfering in state sanctioned MMJ.
Federal legalization is a pipe dream at the moment. This new guy is going to have no effect.
And if you've followed some of the news on him, this is not the old style Republican.
More in the independent/libertarian style, and is telling this loud and clear to the press.

Legalization is moving at the state level, just like before.
And I don't picture future federal interference with state law and MJ, whether they're Republicans, Democrats, or whatever.
That time is over, it's not coming back.


pharmacan, no offense taken. Yes, throwing out the incumbents and putting peope in office who pledge to end the corruption ect ect would be ideal... thats not gonna happen. ever and your kidding yourself if you think there will ever be a situation where whoever we vote into office wont be corrupted or take part in the activities our current politicians take part in that hinders our governments efficiency and effectivness. Human beings are power driven and power hungry species. We may say "oh im not gonna be like those before me blah blah" but once they get a taste of the limelight then BAM... they will crave more and the "corruption" will once again be there. I was just trying to say in my post we need to be supportive of those who give us the best chance to give us what we want. Its either do this or overthrow the entire government and change the structure of the government fabric itself.



Aren't "Tea-baggers" basically GOP soccer-moms and conservative WASP dads that are jumping on the libertarian "tea party" movement? It's insulting that we get lumped in with them.. we can thank Glen Beck for that. Us libertarians, unlike the shitbag red and blues, actually publicly endorse legalization, none of this "if the vote was held in the hallway" bullshit. The ONLY reason the republican party is all of a sudden getting to it's "roots" by opposing all this erroneous spending is because we have a democratic supermajority. Partisan bickering is a fucking mirage made up to get votes out of us. Appeal to our current trends while actually accomplishing nothing but getting as much money to the special interests as possible (see: entire Obama campaign/presidency, or Bush for that matter). We need a whole overhaul of the whole system... I really can't wait for the economy to completely collapse and chaos to truly ensue... THAT is when the "revolution" that everyone always talks about will ensue. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots"

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