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You Can Say Goodbye to Cannabis Legalization

Totah Sam

Scott Brown winning the Massachusetts election is the death knell for progressive politics. Because the Democrats sat on their asses and fumbled the election, the bastion of liberalism which is Massachusetts, has been compromised. The Teabagger Movement is gaining ground in this country and California is next.

The Democrats are losing their majority state by state. We will see the defeat of Legalization bills and repeals of Medical Marijuana bills ALREADY IN PLACE when the Republicans gain the majority again.

If you don't believe me, look at Michigan. And. It's only going to get worse.

Chuck Devore who is running in the GOP Primary is already being billed as the Scott Brown of California. The Teabaggers are gaining ground throughout the country. If they keep winning seats we can say goodbye to any thoughts of legalization and Medical Marijuana will be a thing of the past.

You can either sit on your ass and smoke dope all day or you can get involved and stop this travesty from happening. Or. We'll be back to the days of LEO's raiding dispensaries and jailing sick people. Come on people. It's time to get active.

Everyone thought the Teabagger Movement was a joke. No one is laughing now. They are a serious threat to progressive politics.


I surely hope not! I will continue to do my part to help in any way I can.


The GOP is gonna gain more power over the next couple elections and maybe even more. The only way to keep this from happening is showing the current government support. There is the current mind set which sees the current administration (dem. party) is enept and not living up to promises. The backlash from the negative publicity is crushing this administration and many dem. and independents are becoming uneasy. I personally feel we need to make a stance and stand up in what we believe our rights should be... but if we allow the GOP to feed off this momentum and their conservative ideologies prevail... it will be a long while until we see large quantities of pro MJ laws passed


Legalization is not the answer IMO. Weed is a gift from the earth and its tax free. We don't need legalization IMO. You'll have everyone smokin and I know there are lots that don't need to be puffin. Politics are all bullshit anyways. Democrat and republican mean nothing. The same puppetmaster controls both left and right sides. When will we realize we have no control of the country.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
What part of the world are you referring to?

This is an international cultivation web site, based in the Netherlands,

But you're right; too much poop in the sewage tank and it might blow...

Totah Sam

Legalization is not the answer IMO. Weed is a gift from the earth and its tax free. We don't need legalization IMO. You'll have everyone smokin and I know there are lots that don't need to be puffin. Politics are all bullshit anyways. Democrat and republican mean nothing. The same puppetmaster controls both left and right sides. When will we realize we have no control of the country.

Keep your head in the sand then. But don't be surprised when mandatory jail time for possession, regardless of amount, will be implemented once again. This is a really bad thing for legalization as well as medical marijuana legislation.

Flying Goat

We're doing our part to get a bill passed this February in Alabama. What torques me is why, when we have so many smokers, is the burden of fighting placed on ill people with medical issues?

Stand up & be counted, tokers! Don't make sick people do your fighting for you!

Any of you who want to make a difference in Alabama, please PM me for contact details.



Well-known member
i don't buy into it as republicans versus democrats in this. a couple of years ago tennessee passed a resolution that passed something like 94 to 3 asking the feds to allow studies of marijuana for medical purposes. this, with a near 50/50 split dems & reps in the legislature. there are assholes in BOTH parties, & anyone that doesn't believe this is either naive or lying to themselves & everyone else. republicans are not evil monsters, & democrats are not white knights on horseback, in spite of what nancy pelosi & chuck schumer might have told you. :whistling: AOH




Cannabis Legalization laws need to happen fast because there is coming a backlash against the Democrats in the next elections. Obama health care is unpopular with a huge amount of voters .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
a sad turn of events indeed.. As Bob Marley would say.."Get Up Stand Up!" Its time. Register to vote no matter what state you are in and make your voice be heard!


While I can dream about change on a national level, I believe that its going to be local and state governments that drive the change. I would not have looked to national legalization from the Feds. What currently exists is a national policy that is a great deal more neutral to decriminalizaiton and medical marijuana than the administrations of the past that have been openly, rabidly hostile. For now, that will allow an envirionment that will let the local movements gain traction and flourish. Politics is local and its going to be local politics that determines this. In one way, it's a shame, because it will allow states and municipalities to have wildly disparate laws that will still result in marijuana martyrs...at the same time, I have seen change over the last 10 years that I NEVER EVER believed possible. Keep up the fight!!


Active member
The most serious threat to progressives is Barak Obama. The people that voted for him are really pissed that he's turning out to be just another puppet of the Oligarchs. The vote in Massachusetts was a slap in the face to Obama, by the liberals and progressives, who could have easily elected Coakley, if they had wanted to.

Anyone with half a brain who looks at the politicians in DC right now has to realize that our political parties are but two heads of the same beast. If you want to kill the beast, you need to chop off both heads, not just one.

The next election presents a fantastic opportunity for the people of the USA. As many in DC have said, "Why let a crisis go to waste?" Well it's time for us, the citizens, to turn the tables and use this same strategy against them.

The next election needs to be about one thing - kicking out the incumbents. If we re-elect any of those bastards, we are fucked!

Kicking out the incumbents doesn't have to be as hard as it might seem, but it is going to mean that we, the people, put aside our political differences for a short time and do what is in our long term best interests instead of what makes us think we just won an argument. The only way to defeat all the incumbents is to defeat them in the primary so that they never have the chance to run for re-election because, if they get the chance to run, they will be re-elected - that's just the way things work.

Let's take California as an example. Barbara Boxer is pretty much a shoe-in for re-election. She has so much campaign money, as all incumbents do, that she can outspend any opponent and it's advertising that wins elections. So, Boxer has to be defeated in the primary, but, at this point, she will receive only token opposition in the primary. However, let's say several million California Republicans switched their registration to Democrat so that they could vote in the Democrat primary, and that they let it be known that they were switching for the sole purpose of displacing Boxer. Well, all of a sudden you would see some quality Democrat candidates running in the primary. There will still be plenty of Republicans running in their primary, and plenty of Republicans to vote for them. This same scenario works with a Republican incumbent, it's just the Dems that switch sides for the primary.

When it comes to the general election, conservatives and liberals, Democrats and Republicans, can vote for the candidate that best meets their criteria. But it will be a fair election, with no incumbent advantage, and, most importantly, it will put the politicians in DC on notice that we are tired of their bullshit.

It would only take two election cycles for us to re-take control of our government. By the third cycle (six years), the remaining 1/3 of the Senate would have retired, trying to beat the new laws that the People's legislature has enacted against them taking jobs with anyone affected by any legislation they ever voted on.

Taking back our government is not impossible - but it is going to take a united strategy on the part of the American electorate.



Pharmacan.. I agree it is def. a two headed monster, however, this is America and we are dick deep in a two party system. These two partes will most certainly rule or government for years to come. Even with a third party gaining power they will most likely fall victim to the some struggles that keep the GOP and the Dems from putting forth their political ideologies. It is extremely bi partisan.. I dont agree with this and it actual makes me fuking sick to see our government spin their wheels and waste our money because of it, but it is how it is. It seems to me we have to support (and I grew up a Red Republican in the bible belt) the party which gives us the best shot pushing through our "left wing" liberally seen thoughts and opinions about how MJ should be socially and legally accepted in our society. So getting back to the original post of mine and the icmager who started the thread... the loss in Mass. is huge for progressive politics. Once we give our support to the "puppet" who gives us the best chance to win our MJ rights then I think we may see some of those Independents speak out and we'll start to see more of the GOP members (those who want to get elected anyways) start to aid the MJ legalization process.


Cannabis 101
Legalization is not the answer IMO. Weed is a gift from the earth and its tax free. We don't need legalization IMO. You'll have everyone smokin and I know there are lots that don't need to be puffin. Politics are all bullshit anyways. Democrat and republican mean nothing. The same puppetmaster controls both left and right sides. When will we realize we have no control of the country.

right on man the Truth
Well im happy as a pig i shit........I hate republicans Ass there Cheats and rip offs just like The dems........But the dems might save a few trees and feed some poor people while there at it !!!

What happens when You legalize pott , All the poor poeple ,Just work at Mcdeez like driods to feed the fat soccer moms .....Fuck legalization !!! Fucking blaspemy......After that gotta learn to cock meth ?:hide:


ICMag Donor
Cannabis Legalization laws need to happen fast because there is coming a backlash against the Democrats in the next elections. Obama health care is unpopular with a huge amount of voters .

most of whom have no idea what is actually in the bill.


New member
I used to be a republican and have switched to the liberation party. Go to u tube and look at what Glen Beck has to say about pot. Welfare and all the other handout's are just a way to keep the peasantry down, don't want them to get educated and make money keep um out of my neighborhood. I personally believe that if I want to smoke pot have sex with prostitute's own a gun it's my own business not the fucking U.S congress. Republican or Democrat there just a butch of gangsters trying to tax the people and skim as much as they can, Global Warming Foreign add helping the poor is all B.S. very little of that money goes to where it is suppose to.It is stolen from the Tax payers.

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