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"You can grow it and use it at home - but not buy/sell it."


Tropical Outcast
...yep that's how it's done in Spain.

Spain was one of the first modern European countries to decriminalize marijuana. Spain’s marijuana policy is rather unique in that it encourages marijuana smokers to grow their own product.
Personal consumption and home cultivation have been decriminalized, but buying or selling marijuana/hashish remains a criminal offense.

Sources: http://www.drugpolicy.org/global/drugpolicyby/westerneurop/spain/


Tropical Outcast
A major breeder has moved his facility to Spain due to the laws they have there.

I got some friends over there and many of them grow on their roof top terrace!


After we adopt this could we look into maybe adopting ciesta also? The dinner until midnight sounds like my current schedule. Well lunch anyways.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Yes, that is pretty much it, but please realise, it is now ILLEGAL to publicly possess, or drive under the influence of.... A mate just got pulled apart last night after they found [his bosses] a joint in the glove box .... anybody suspected of being under the influence while driving will get a roadside saliva test and a E600+ Denuncia [fine]

As ever, Police try to extend their powers and are uninformed about the exact laws or up to date current legal state. People get told X number of plants is "The Limit" and with any old random Lawyer may get poor service in the courts. You are far more likely to get robbed than arrested, if the Police do catch you they may well just steal the crop themselves if it looks nice, that is what happened to the only guy I know who got caught....

Do not sell it, do not take it outside your property, do not leave plants in public view, do not talk about it or upset people, especially your neighbours, it is very unlikely you will have a problem.


Active member
damn i'm moving to spain , good weather and you can grow at home

too bad i hate the spanish language


2 options now i can move to amsterdam or spain,where would you guys move to and why?


Well it is a good idea cuz a lot of the issues people protest is that with weed illegal you ofetn find dealers of coke and H selling weed but they look at it like pot dealers sell hard drugs too...if legalized that would go away but I think Spains law is decent since it isn't being taxed, that is probably why sales are illegal but being able to grow your own is great, even if the 1st 4-6 months would suck waiting for your 1st harvest to cure...
growing in spain is actually ilegal...... but as long as you can proof it was only for personal consumption you "only" get a fine....:wave:


Well-known member
some of the most common sense laws i've seen
this is part of the issue in the US, so many want 'total legalization'
it's so much easier to progress when you meet at reasonable middle

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