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Yet another TAG challenge!!!


Container Store carries black tubs in all sizes, 10 gallon, 20 gallon, 40 gallon, all light proof from my tests.


Active member
Hey Howdy! I wish Ida seen this a fyew days ago. I wouldnt worry too much bout gettin yer containers dead pitch black. If you never seen any green shitt in yer res or chamber, I wouldnt think you got alge probs. Roots really dont care if its dark of not, its just that alge needs light so most Folks keep theyr rezes and grow chambers dark. Im not sayin it not a good idea, Im just sayin that most of them totes are dark enoughf. The same discrimination(or more)should be taken with your choice of container as far as the way they hold cold. Duribility and insulation should be your main concerns. I remenber a while back on OG I watched some dude build a cooler. He made it outta plywood and insulation sheets and pond liners. I thought it was prety stupid but I posted earlier in his thread and he was deaf and dumb so I didnt feel there was any point in telling him that he just built himself a cooler and could have much easier and cheaper got one (or a fyew)at K-Mart. --Annyhow. I think you had a heat issue with your root zones. If your rez was 70f and your room was between 70 and 80, your root zone was much higher. Prolly by about 10f or so. Put it this way, I bet that when your room went to 80f, your rez went there too. Your containere were pickin up all the heat in the room they could. Radiant from the lights, convectional from the air, conduction from the structures around it. Then your Shurflow. Its heatin your nutes right before they go into the chambers. Its sharin its heat from runnin and from the electric current and high presure. It even heats the nutes just from the presure it puts them under. Your root zones are suposed to be 68f - 58, NOT your rez. Your prolly 10 degreez over that. If you got yourself a chiller youd be on the rite track. Use coolers for your root zones too. They even hold the light out better than most storage totes. Its a li'l more trouble but its worth it. Theyre lots more durrable too. Mabey when ya start your aero up again you could get a chiller. And always go by root zone temps, not rez temps. --Please forgive me if I read your problem wrong but thats what I come up with. Hope I helped a bit!
Hey Villain....good news your growin
hope I can join you soon, ill be looking at this threar closely, nice job!

Hey HCA, good to see you around!!, did you build your system? true aerponic? im following your advie carefully, have averything just need to put it together, been busy so im smokin like an eighth every three months!!!! sheeesh

see you soon


Active member
Hey Howdy CG! How Ya doin Buddy! Yaa. We up an runnin. I hope ya get a li'l time for yourself so Ya can getcher system goin. Blessins on Ya!


Here's my system
water chilling, 60 psi's, 60 micron Superfine Misting Nozzles

DSD growing in it

My main ride

Its definitely a hassle to grow this way but I'm crazy anyways so no big deal



I'm sorry I have been gone for so long. At any rate after converting to E&F I yielded 118 gry grams from one plant. I am now 2 weeks into flowering my second round. I have a POS PH meter and the nice one I had is malfunctioned after a dunk in the res. It said water proof but hasn't been the same ever sense. With that being said I am in a very minor battle with PH. Really it is my fault for slacking on checking it regularly. I will post pics after I get some batteries.


Active member
It's nice to see someone put so much time and attention in their system. Just a few comments:

First, why use that cheapo clear storage container after investing so much time and money in your system? Buy a real fiberglass reservoir from American Hydroponics or any other rez maker.

Second, DC pumps/motors use brushes that do not last very long. You should have bought an AC model.

Third, it has always puzzled me why people will build some high tech complicated hydroponics system and use it to grow inside a thimble. Yes, even inside a thimble your yield will be higher, but if you were to add 6 inches to the cabinet and throw a few dirt pots inside rather than the TAG, your yield would be the same and without all the noise, mechanics, pumps, reservoir management, and overall problems.



Use coolers for your root zones too.

:yeahthats Keen observation right there. It's nice to have someone else who's already done the math. :wave:

Second, DC pumps/motors use brushes that do not last very long.

Third, it has always puzzled me why people will build some high tech complicated hydroponics system and use it to grow inside a thimble. Yes, even inside a thimble your yield will be higher, but if you were to add 6 inches to the cabinet and throw a few dirt pots inside rather than the TAG, your yield would be the same and without all the noise, mechanics, pumps, reservoir management, and overall problems.

Dude's pump has a 3 year warranty. :bigeye:

I can appreciate that second part. I've seen fine multi-branched roots like that in soil. It is certainly not necessary to build a highly customized (accurate & precise) op like TAG to get great results.


Villain, do you not have a chiller? Seems like you could just relocate your res and drop frozen water bottles in to keep it cool. Get you one of those wheeled coolers and you'll be good to go.

Do you do any aerocloning?


Third, it has always puzzled me why people will build some high tech complicated hydroponics system and use it to grow inside a thimble. Yes, even inside a thimble your yield will be higher, but if you were to add 6 inches to the cabinet and throw a few dirt pots inside rather than the TAG, your yield would be the same and without all the noise, mechanics, pumps, reservoir management, and overall problems.


Because for some people it is a hobby and just that, to each his own.

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