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Yet another idiot stoner trying to grow ye olde ganj.


New member

How are you fine gentlemen here? First time grower here, and this seemed like the best community for like-minded folks.

So i got some peat-pots, and filled it with Miracle Grow Seed Starting mix, with 1/4 perlite tossed in.

Giving them plenty of outdoor sun, along with added a hanging fluro and 42 watt cfl light at night, so they are getting light 24/7 both natural and unnatural.

The seed mix stuff said to transplant after the first true leaves appeared, I waited an extra week after that (Day 10 right now) and moved them to pots with regular miracle gro potting soil, just snipped the peat pots down the corner and put them in.

Having problems though. I think I've been overwatering. Don't know how to correct besides not watering and putting a fan on them at night to dry them out faster. They have went from a nice dark green to a very lime green, although no burned tips. Just want the back to the dark green color and not getting yellower.

Any tips from the pot professors here?



New member
They are getting quite lime green, and I have purple stems. I'm thinking either overwatering (best case, babying too much n00b mistake) or maybe even nute lockout due to ph being off balance (stalks are purple).... Or perhaps the seed starter didn't have enough N, and I waited to long to transplant and am in the beginning stages of N-deficiency.


New member
The seed-leaves are yellowing. I know they fall off around this time, when they established their roots. However I'm concerned this is instead a symptom of N-deficient or Ph N-lockout.

tube dude

Calm down help will come.There are a lot of great guys and gals here ready and willing to help.

Most of us around here try to stay away from miracle grow. Pot plants just don't seem to like it very much.I know people that have had successful grows using it but most have problems.

That being said, your plants don't really look that bad.I would give them several days to get use to the new soil before trying anything else.

Sat X RB

don't look overwatered to me either.

when they're little, cannabis can be a bit slow.

I would suspect the miracle grow too. (do they call it 'miracle grow' because it's not actually soil?) especially when y've transplanted from one of their products to another.

probably there is a chem imbalance of some sort in there which will take a while to settle down. watering MORE will help cool this imbalance down! flush it thru!

and ... did you add nutes at transplant? naughty naughty if you did! that will really put things out of whack for a while.

just water until the seedlings begin to grow ... patience is a virtue!


New member
Well, I just planted them into the potting soil mix last night. before then I used a MG brand soiless seed starting medium with .05 percent NPK. I'm hoping that this medium just ran out of nutes, since it instructed to translant after first true leaves and will green back up when the roots get into the new soil medium. Thanks so much for the advice! I will keep you posted if they get worse. I'm just worried because they were so pretty and dark green but now look as light green which is a prelude to death in other things i grow, like rosemary.


New member
And so sure, I added no nutrients as they are little babies. I'm feeding them with milk first the seed mix was only 0.5 npk and probably got flushed out due to overwatering, and i kept them in it too long.


New member
I'll definitely take these advises to heart. I believe after I gain experience from this run, I will use a coconut coir/perlite and hydroponic juices. If something goes wrong due to nubness, then I'll have some inert ph balance soil/perlite on hand to transplant. I will keep ya'll posted, and any other advices are much appreciated! thx guize


Really....? I thought this community was friendly.... Did I break some sort of etiquette to be ignored like this?

As a general tip: Don't expect to post stuff at 9 AM and get a massive response by 3 PM the same day... People here are busy, and often schedules only permit checking these forums once a day, if not less. I know for myself at least, the time I check these forums is at home at night...my job probably wouldn't be to keen on me surfing a place like this. If you post something, give it time to get views and responses.

Also, coming in on your first thread and acting like people owe you instant answers isn't going to win you a lot of friends.


Well-known member
regular MG potting soil can be the devil's dirt, it can fuck you royally
that said, it can also work very well
if this is the MG soil that contains the time release nutes, it can be tricky, not a good newb soil


New member
I'm sorry for my impatience. The forums I post in are much more active, and people access them throughout day through smart-phone use and such. I understand now my behavior was childish, however my main intent in posting it was wondering if I had indeed broken an unspoken code.

My humble apologies to all the gentlemen I offended. I beg your forgivenesses.

I will check the bag to see if it's time-released, if it is I can still transplant as they are peat pots still. What is a good beginners medium?


Active member
MG seed starter is just peat like a Jiffy 7 only loose particles. It isn't the MG.

You are going to fertilize with milk?

Some seedlings are pale lime green. They look fine. Leave them alone. Those first things are cotyledons and not leaves. They will shrivel up and waste away as the plant uses them for energy. The seedlings don't need anything but water for several weeks.

The seedlings are fine.


Well-known member
... I will check the bag to see if it's time-released, if it is I can still transplant as they are peat pots still. What is a good beginners medium?

i think the phrase is 'feeds every watering' or something like that, if it says feeds then it has those time release nute balls inside it's touchy with PH, some will have great results, others not so much i found organic easier to deal with, MG has an organic garden soil, that works for me, though there are better soils out there


Overwatering. Poke some holes in the mix with a chopstick/swizzle stick/whatever every 1", but leave a 2" circle around the plants so you don't hurt its roots. Since those pots are fairly large for a seedling, overwatering is very common. Since they're outside they should dry out quicker. You probably won't need to water for a week or more with those pots. You may notice slow growth too. With 24 hour lighting you should be further along for 10 days.

I don't see those Osmocote-type balls in the soil, so that's a good thing. I used MG for my first grow in '99.


New member
It does have the osmocote balls! I've seen em. Wah wah wahhhh. Thanks for the info on overwatering! I suspected that. I've got me fan blowing on them all the time and i'll keep putting them in the sun. Might even fire up the dehumidifer.


We all make that mistake at times. I started growing in '99. Took a long break, and I overwatered the heck out of my first girls of the year. :) What matters is that you remember not to do it in future as it will hurt your yields.

The Osmocote has a lot of nitrogen. You may end up with VERY green plants with lots of leaf, and it may taste a little grassy. They should stay green all the way through flowering.


New member
After drying them all night with a fan they seem to have perked up, and not only are darkening, but producing new growth again! Thanks so much for the advice guys!

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