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Yes, I'm stupid...you have been too...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
many years ago, I was in a pub in Bristol drinking that funny orange cider.. I decided enough was enough and picked up my coat to leave..and a 9bar fell out with a deafening thud on to the wooden floor!

(ok it wasnt that loud, but nuff ppl looked....:blush: )


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I was 15 it's 2:30 or so AM and I'm on the way to ditch a stolen car with my friend. We decide to stop and roll one on the way cause we were going to have a long walk in the cold. Were sitting in this parking lot car running lights on every possible thing you can do to look suspicious and some dumbass comes flying down the road with the cops bluelighting them. Idiot decides to pull in right next to me. I figured the cop was after this guy so I would just pull off, not so. The cop motioned for me to stay put. I floored it and I'll be damned if he didn't leave the other guy in the parking lot and chase me down. WTF. Karma huh?

I constantly walk around with shake stuck to my shirt or resin on my lips.

I dropped a sack in line at a gas station pulling my wallet out of my pocket.

I found a sack on the floor when I worked at the gas station.

When I was in 8th grade there was a class field trip to a drug abuse prevention thing, they had wood and glass display boxes with paraphernalia and roaches mounted inside. Me and a friend were in line looking and I was like "Thats not a roach, that's half a fucking joint. I'd smoke the shit outta that." Yeah there was a dare cop behind me.

When I was in ninth grade i had slid back in my desk trying to get comfortable when My sac and my knife fell right out of my sweater pocket and landed in the middle of the aisle. The teacher heard the knife hit the floor looked up and saw it all. She couldn't tell who had dropped it. Had someone besides my best friend been sitting across the aisle that day, they wouldn't have had a good day.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I'm waiting to go to work with a fan leaf stuck to my shirt.

daddy fingaz

Active member
Theres some good stories here!!

A few years back a friend and i were going into a local nightclub one friday night, anyway at this particular club you would get searched on the way in.

my mate proceeded to empty his pockets in front of these bouncers and unwittingly pulled out a lump of hash along with his pocket change.

The bouncers duly confiscated the hash before letting us in to the club, obviously my friend and i being a bit bemused and gutted but happy that we had still been allowed in to ogle over some of the local ladies.

Anyway time came to leave the club and encouraged by several beers inside him my mate walks straight over to the kiosk were we had been searched and paid to come in, he gestures to the woman stood behind the counter and says something along the lines of 'the bouncers were looking after some stuff for me'
... to our disbelief the woman turns round, gets something of the shelf behind her, then hands him over his lump of hash and we go home on our merry way for a smoke!! Result!!!:joint:


I remember some years back I was at a really nice restaurant with a bar in the center of it. I was sitting at the bar area and this guy next to me asks me for a light, I say here you go and he lit his cig up. When I took back my lighter I looked at him and I said hey bud do you know you have a big joint tucked behind your ear?

The guy was so baked he didnt even know it, he just kinda slowly reached up for it and put it away.....not even a thank you from the guy!!!

~ Jenn


ICMag Donor
I remember some years back I was at a really nice restaurant with a bar in the center of it. I was sitting at the bar area and this guy next to me asks me for a light, I say here you go and he lit his cig up. When I took back my lighter I looked at him and I said hey bud do you know you have a big joint tucked behind your ear?

The guy was so baked he didnt even know it, he just kinda slowly reached up for it and put it away.....not even a thank you from the guy!!!

~ Jenn

In hindsight you should have put a move on him...gave him a playful run of your fingers through his hair and snagged the doobie for yourself!!!

If you had told me that, we would have been puffing on it together...


Kanye WeED

Active member
I've had this happen on numerous occasions...people that know, looking for the friendly gesture for a smoke out....


I remember one time a complete stranger, kind of a "hood" looking white guy, was behind me in line, noticing I was buying a swisher, makes the comment about how I must be getting ready to have a good time. I calmly responded to him with an offer to buy him a blunt as well. He smiled a bit, but said he had nothing to put in it...I told him not to worry, I just don't smoke after strangers, and once again asked him if I should buy another blunt for him. He still didn't really catch my drift, so I proceeded to buy a second blunt. The attendant, at this point has already caught on...and kinda rolls his eyes as he rang up the second one. I told the stranger behind me bye, and went on out the door....but stood to the side waiting for him to come out. Not sure why, sometimes I enjoy new company, and don't like smoking alone. So, as he came out the door, I tossed him the swisher, and told him I had something to put in it if he wanted to follow me. NOW he was certain what I was talking about, and was making an invitation. He was a bit flabbergasted but I checked the rear view, and he was following. Needless to say, he got a free blunt, free weed, and met a new friend. Asked me if I could sell him some....I simply smiled and told him I don't sell, but at least he had a cool story to share with his friends...and then gave him some extra so they wouldn't call him a liar...lol. After all, how often do you come across true homegrown dank...nobody would have bought his story....
So, struck by the mood, I did expose myself to this stranger and I assume that it went down as one of his, "This one time" stoner legacy stories that he probably shares often....or at least I like to think so...

Never saw the guy again...but I did feel a bit like Mother Theresa...hahahaha.


cool ass thread and cool ass story my friend, that was nice of u, shit i might have to try that with a chick some time.

tho i dont buy blunts i do buy papers.

come on dude smoking on the shit we grow why waste the extra weed man, save that shit for a later date, lol

u seriously got me wantying to try this tho.

wish me luck!!!!


who remembers this? spike and mike's sick and twisted

who remembers this? spike and mike's sick and twisted

spike and mike's sick and twisted festival of animation. okay used to sling just a bit and this was before i knew about kief, bho, etc. i used to make hash oil. well i got huge bag of bud shake and i don't want to make oil this time and the show is coming and i want the extra weight gone. so we sit down and start rolling joints for the show. this was back during the films dog pile, no neck joe, lupo the butcher, wrong hole days. so we are drunk, tripping, stoned and we are walking through the line asking if people smoke, lighting joints, handing them out and basically passing them to EVERYONE. needsless to say next to the whole line is stoned outta their minds and we go in to watch the scotty dog tear the fuck outta those beach balls we all have been volleying around the la jolla theater. this became my regular m.o. for a coupla years.....

hope someone on the forum remembers and had fun i sure did.

nothing bad or stupid. but it was funny hunh fool?



Can't think of any major screw ups while being stoned. Now on the booze...different story. Why oh why is booze legal and not MJ.


In search of Genetics
Watched someone swallow a gravity bong hit Accidentally
About 10 minutes later they burped a huge cloud of smoke it was the craziest thing i had ever seen.


ICMag Donor
I am still checking this thread daily hoping to see more people sharing their similar stories....this thread has brought me MANY laughs....

Let's make this thread about all the stupid times we've been stoned and exposed ourselves in public...

Wow...that sounds terrible, so let me give a personal example...

One time....completely blazed, after a heavy smoke session with a group of friends, and I do mean HEAVY. Blunt after blunt, the pipe made its rounds, the bong got found....roach joint was rolled...STONED STUPID. Munchies became necessary.

So, I made my way down to the local gas station / grocery mart. Upon walking in the door, the fluorescents causing my eyes to squint, the smell of pinesol stinging my nose. Well, after walking up and down the isles, red eyed and disoriented, looking at the shelves just trying to see what catches my eyes. You know...trying to find that one perfect thing snack for me AND a group of friends. So after grabbing a few random things and going up to the counter, I made casual chit chat with the attendant...like always....we were basically on a first name basis. So I proceed to pay, and reach into my pocket, and set the handful of change down on the counter to sort out the necessary damages. Well, upon beginning to sort the change, I pulled out a few quarters, pushed the 1.5g nug aside, found a dime and a couple pennies, OH WAIT...look at that, there's some dank sitting on the counter!! My eyes darted up to the attendant, and sure enough she was clearly amused with my obvious state of "duh"....but she never said a thing about it...nor did I.

Word of advice...don't pull out your stash and set it on the gas station counter for the world to see!! I exposed myself in public....

this happend to me once at a 7 eleven but i just stopped what i was doing and walked out of the store


New member
Well, this is kind of offtopic because i cant remember if i was stoned or not but here it goes. After taking care of my growtent going to public places and not having a look at the mirror had me walking around with leaves in my hair or stickied to my shirt. Makes you feel kind of dumb when a friend grabs something of your hair and shows you had a leaf hangin there, happened more than once.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
back when i was like 17 me and a couple of friends were going to a show of some band we liked at the time. we thought "let's go get some really great weed, and smoke it RIGHT before we go in" as opposed to the usual smoke at home then drive there then wait in line forever then wait for the band forever....completely burnt out by the time the show started...
anyway, we got the good weed, drove to the venue, get out and wait in line forever, pay for our tickets then we run back to the car to blaze...

we get back to the car, laughing, in good spirits, ready to smoke and see an awesome show! my buddy pulls out the tray, my other buddy pulls out the papers and pipe, i pull out--FUCK! NOTHING!

i freak out, look everywhere in the car, my friends are fucking pissed! lots of yelling and tearing my (girlfriend's) car apart...

so then i come to the conclusion: i must have dropped it while we were in line..! the shouting and berating start all over again lol ...

so we get out, start weaving through the line, weaving through all the other kids waiting around smoking and talking, getting in the way of the crew and other "staff"... we all meet back up with nothing, we're all pretty bummed, smoking cigs and talking with some security guy watching the crew unload the instruments and cases and shit... this kid walks over to us and said "hey did you guys ever find what you were looking for?" and we were all "naw man, unfortunatly" lol... the kid tosses my friend the bag of weed and walks off...the security guy laughs and turns the other way...we're all just sitting there looking at the weed and each other.....

then we snap out of it and run back to the car and start blazing lol :joint: about halfway through the session (and i mean the car is fucking FULL of smoke), we notice that the tour van that the crew was pulling instruments and shit out of was full of people and smoke was streaming out of the top of it lol... (we were the only other people outside; we skipped the opening local band to smoke for the awesome headlining band..) we see the band, drinkin and smoking and havin a good ol' time, the crew, the security guys... it was a regular fiesta lmao :joint:

then we went inside for an epic show lol

sorry it was so long, i'm high and i thought it was a good story


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Two stories.

Me and my buds from highschool are all circled up in a heavy smoke sesh. you know, who can pull the deepest bong-rip kinda thing..... anyway, I'm a lightweight in this category so I bow out and watch the hilarity ensue. Seriously thick smoke is being pulled and the competition comes down to H and G. H pulls hard and it looks like he's gonna win the final round unless G can come up with a show stopper. Then it's G up to bat and he pulls a similarly long time, but it looks like the smoke's a bit thicker. Debate ensues about the winner and we agree it's a tie so we can start on the muchies that N was cooking in the kitchen.
G burps a small puff of smoke and says, "Dude, I'm sooooo hungryyyy-lurfffggghhh!"
Midsentence he's cut off by a copious stream of vomit.
Never seen someone barf off a bong rip before or since!


ICMag Donor
^^^ Hahahahaha....

I've literally seen a person take a hit....3 footer....and then within moments, actually puked INTO the bong....lips never really left..

I don't think I ever seen eyes or a face more RED than this....hahahaha...



dank no matter how many times i read this story, i still laugh, its awsome


New member
This happened about 3 years ago.

My friends and I were at a buddies house smoking and drinking. We got really hungry, so we decided to drive to the 7/11 down the road and get some food. Well it happened to be the right when they were restocking the shelves. I'm walking down the candy aisle when I see a large cardboard box full of different boxes of candy. There was a box of 4 pack twix, there must have been around 100 twix altogether.

So, I motion my buddy to come over and stand in front of me while I tried to stuff this huge box of twix down my pants. Well, after undoing my belt about a half dozen times I finally managed to get it behind my belt. So there I am at the counter buying a pack of blunts with this huge bulge on my front side. I buy the blunts and walk out to the car and get in . I ask my buddy if anyone saw it, his reply was, "EVERYONE SAW IT!"

Needles to say we smoked a pack of blunts and I was the hero for bringing the holy grail of twix back to the casa. However, for the next few months I was paranoid as can be that the cops were going to bust me for stealing candy.:peek: