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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


great read again to wake up with , with some tea and a joint. thanks.

Cool cool,,im having coffee and I'll rip the bong with ya....

WOW i just heard the horn from a big ship,,time to go see whats dropping anchor in the back water,,gonna be dark in a hour...............


Active member
I probably ripped a bowl of hash and read this from start to finish as you two did the same.

Awesome read, speechless.. I'll be sure to return for more.


I probably ripped a bowl of hash and read this from start to finish as you two did the same.

Awesome read, speechless.. I'll be sure to return for more.

Cool,,, 3 guys getting stoned at the same time in different time zones and countries...:ying:


The foot thing makes total sense to me. For one thing, the feet are one of the most sensitive parts on your body. Cultures throughout time have feet, and in some instances the soles of the feet, as a more intimate part of the body than we westerners would think.

One of the favorite games my sisters and I would play was footie-fight. We didn't throw our feet at each other. We'd scooch up, butt-to-butt, then put our feet together, they had to be MATCHED, then PUSH. We did it for *years* and frankly, I have no idea why or what was so fun about it. We did a lot of things with our feet, though.

Here's to great feet!

Oh, that rope, masama.... ay carajo! It's not a bird perch, that's for sure.


:biggrin: hi man got any more yarns, or are you playing footseee:huggg: no i'm lucky the lady is tickalshsss soooo:woohoo:i have to travel alswhere .done alot of cray fishing myself. your a lucky man.


damn, tea and joint and no new post....
Maybe the ship dropping anchor was carrying Andre Braugher and hes dealing with nuclear drama?


damn, tea and joint and no new post....

So we'll just make the next one a "sweety" eh ????
Who likes chocolate ???
Stupid question I'm sure....Heres the perfect example of why I try not to make plans to far ahead.. 2-3 days ago I was making ready to go to the coffee valley, then theres a knock on the fence,,,my guy Berto says its time to havest "KaKaa",,, Cocao...
Lots of Cocao trees here and the beans are favored by everyone,, The beans are even a form of currency between Islands,, so when its time to go,,, we go, or we'll be suckin hind tit...

I mainly use my portion of the beans blended with coffee beans, roast both seperatly and store,,, when the time comes grind um both together,, make for one bad ass cup of coffee with a just a lil chunck of cain strired in,,,OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
I'm out of coffee at the moment and have been drinking everything from instant (YUUUUUUCK) to coffees ive gotten in trades with merchant ships,, None of it holds a candle to the natives little tiny coffee beans.

Everone gets a something from the cocoa harvest, some just have to wait longer than others...First up are the kids and younger adults,,17-18...For them a sweet drink is made from the pulp of the beans, as soon as the pods are back in the ville, they get opened and the beans pulled out,, ive had the drink and yea its sweet fruity and tasty its just pulp squeezed from the beans. My issue is the hands of the old women doing the squeezing,, not real appealing..
Next come the drying,, this takes a week or so of good sun,,right now its been on strike so it'll take a little longer, once dryed they get roasted till dark then spread out again and cooled for a few hours, then shelled,ya gotta rap it and crack the outer shell removing the inner "meat", it can be ground into a powder now, then blended with sugars and oils and they'll make a not so tasty chocolate, but does turn tasty when it's used for baking or a hot drink. Some of the beans will be used for butter, but its not really like Commercial coco butter, its not as refined, it gets used as a med by the "healing woman" dont ask me for what ,,,I dunno, and as a skin care item, it gets mixed with coconut oil and they use it and a semi smooth stone from the river and wash their bodies, and it smells great.......
So theres the kids and the women folk ,,what about the men ??

The men have to wait the longest. They make a fermented brown drink that has a creeping kick to it,,, they have to wait about a week or so before its ready, and then gets stored in anything with a lid. They save it for special occasions, ceramonies, burials, marrages, personaly I dont like it, but have to suffer through it when offered a drink, a bad move would be to not accept it..:ying:

Maybe the ship dropping anchor was carrying Andre Braugher and hes dealing with nuclear drama?View Image

Huh ????

let us know after the coffee and the bong.

greetings from amsterdam!

Dam fertilizer ship heading for Korea just wanting fruit,, big ass ships like that dont take on water.....


Shit fotos didnt make the last trip.............
heres the Cocao Piks.........


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New member
Chocolate, every time I think I'm out you pull me back in. Coffee and dark chocolate I could live on this stuff. That coffee and cacao drink sounds wonderful.

Masa thanks for this thread I'm wishing you many foot rubs in your future.


Masama, care to share how the coffee and chocolate are roasted? Seems to me it has to be done the old way. I have to roast some coffee today. I will use a machine.


Well-known member
Shit got me drooling on yer cacao...customs burnt my last attempt to get a pod posted to germinate. :( and coffee still in the bean..Ah shit you make me envious even though you don't like the drink haha...I'm a cacao fiend.. No milky and sweet stuff for me.. I'll have my grove yet and we can join in spliff and homegrown hot drinks..Keep the writing up bro. It is such a classic read!