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YES! found a store!


YEEEEEEEEES, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg. JUST found a hydro store in my local area! it's a little bit more expensive, but at least for the hydroton, where shipping is a bitch, and fittings and rockwool slabs it's a godsend!

oh god, thank god for targeted google ads.

It's a bit creepy, i got it from the govtrack.us site when looking at a decrim bill by barney frank.

Well, i'm off to shower and spend my christmas earnings :)

PS: if i don't post again, it was probably a bad idea to go local, jaja.

el dub

Prolly nothing to worry about....

I have a friend who once was busted for using a local hydro store, but that was years ago. The owner of the store had gotten popped and was giving out names/information on people buying lighting systems to the po-po. Friend ended up with a felony on his record.

I drive 120 miles and cross a state line to visit my favorite "local" hydro shop....

seems obvious enough

pay with cash if possible no paper trail
buying small ammts of ferts isn't gonna get your name added to a list
if you go in buying lights and carbon filters with a debit card yeah you might get on a list
moral is pay with cash and possibly don't even park out front the shop.

Had a homie that lived in a small oregon town(not small anymore thanks california) well there is a little hydro shop in town but the town is so small it would be bust to have your car and license plate leading back to the op house sitting out front. so just be smart
States matter. In California my friends have great relationships with their hydro store owners and employees.

In Ohio my friends won't even pull a U-turn in a strip mall that has a hydro shop, as every single car that pulls into the shop is almost assured to be tracked.

Do your homework on this. You have every reason to be paranoid about using a hydro shop in a state not named California. There is a precedent, and a long one.

I recommend public transportation and or a cab, which takes you to a crowded mall parking lot where your car is parked.

And yes, I do realize how silly you will look carrying huge bags of medium on a bus. You look even sillier spreading your butt cheeks for contraband, promise.
States matter. In California my friends have great relationships with their hydro store owners and employees.

In Ohio my friends won't even pull a U-turn in a strip mall that has a hydro shop, as every single car that pulls into the shop is almost assured to be tracked.

Do your homework on this. You have every reason to be paranoid about using a hydro shop in a state not named California. There is a precedent, and a long one.

I recommend public transportation and or a cab, which takes you to a crowded mall parking lot where your car is parked.

And yes, I do realize how silly you will look carrying huge bags of medium on a bus. You look even sillier spreading your butt cheeks for contraband, promise.

good advice
California is pretty cool now, I still wouldn't buy all the supplies on a card though..

Ohio is def a no no

don't assume places like Oregon and Washington are "cool" either...yes they are great places, some good people live there and its a nice place to be but the cannabis laws are draconian...Washington will throw your ass in the can for a day mandatory for even a joint. Imagine growing yikes

If I had to buy from a hydro shop in a bad state, I'd use public transit, cab (not to or from your op either). Sucks but its better safe than sorry..cover yourself every way possible...

Regardless of your op you don't even want the slim slim chance of LEO knowing that hey you were in a hydro shop and yes you purchased something. its just intel they don't need to have period

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
In Ohio my friends won't even pull a U-turn in a strip mall that has a hydro shop, as every single car that pulls into the shop is almost assured to be tracked.

Do your homework on this.

Ohio is a decrim state. The laws look pretty good compared to many states.


My homework needs graded. :bigeye:
Ohio is a decrim state. The laws look pretty good compared to many states.


My homework needs graded. :bigeye:
It's probably the most deceptive state in the union relative to how it looks on Norml. Especially for growers.

They weigh wet; the roots (wet), and the entire medium. The odds of getting a mere cultivation charge are slim to none. They'll get you with intent to distribute almost every time, as well as operating a drug house (or whatever the wording is), and para. for anything. Afterwords you won't drive for 5 years.

Getting busted for cultivation in Ohio is a nightmare. You'll probably do serious time. There are a few members here who have been busted in Ohio and shared their experiences.


right on team... just found one across town, first in my area. seems like a good biz to be getting into now as long as you can compete with the internet. always paranoid out here in the midwest though...
I do the same thing. I am upgrading my light as soon as I can get time to get to the store. It's a day trip, but safer.

Officer McDouche: "Hey sheriff [] this is officer [] from []. We just wanted to give ya a heads up on what's probably an easy felony raid if you're up for it. License plate xyz, address xyz, just picked up all kinds of doper gear at a hydro shop we're watching."

Hometown Sheriff McSeminstain: "thanks officer! What a bunch of clowns these dopers are."

Officer McDouche: "Yeah. Anybody who reads a newspaper knows we've been watching these shops for twenty years. These dopers think we're scared to make a phone call or somethin', driving all around to different shops."

Hometown Sheriff MCSeminstain: " Thank god we're getting these dopers off the street. It's too easy..."

Just sayin.:wave:
hah, I'm not trying to be a know-it-all or a jerk, I just can't comprehend how awful some people are about security.

There are people who spend hours of their life cultivating a detailed process by which they log on to icmag.com with 37 proxies, double-layered TOR, and use "scroogle" instead of "Google..." who will also just park their car in front of the grow shop and cross their fingers that the cops randomly decided that watching grow shops was no longer an easy way to pick off pot growers.


LOL, I hear ya. I will continue to drive a few hours away. I don't park near the hydro store. It's not perfect but it is better then going local or ordering online.


Hear me my brothers and sisters!!! Come to Michigan,The water is fine...sort of frozen right now tho. I used to remove plates,cover vin numbers,cash? of damn course. my name changed many times over the years while I was growing tomatoes in hydro. Ive humped bags of hydroton thru the parking lots to get back to where I parked. Etc. ad infinium!!! Paranoid?? Hell no.They still are out to get US.Here the despensaries are catching the mans eye now. I still cant get used to things now that we went legal (by a vote of 63%) chatting online ?? OMG... Now the local store has me help new folks with their hydro ;)- Keep up the good work

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's probably the most deceptive state in the union relative to how it looks on Norml. Especially for growers.

They weigh wet; the roots (wet), and the entire medium. The odds of getting a mere cultivation charge are slim to none. They'll get you with intent to distribute almost every time, as well as operating a drug house (or whatever the wording is), and para. for anything. Afterwords you won't drive for 5 years.

Getting busted for cultivation in Ohio is a nightmare. You'll probably do serious time. There are a few members here who have been busted in Ohio and shared their experiences.

Knowing a few guys who have been popped for growing in Ohio, I came up with a totally different shade of risk. Only one served more than a year... but it was still a year.

They weighed wet and charged them... then dry weight was used in the proceedings.

Getting busted for cultivation anywhere is a nightmare... one that continues to haunt us all.

I'm on the fence about Ohio... maybe others will share.