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Yellowing and dying leaves


New member
Soil- happy frog
nutrients- kool bloom, karma,botanicare bloom, cal mag, 1/4 strengh
1000 w lights 24" away from plants
temp- 78 to 88
humity- 50 to 70
water as needed


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New member
forgot a few things. I am 4 weeks into flower. This doesn't seem to be affecting my yield. Has been going on since I put them in flower.
Any help would be appreciated


This is not from over feeding ... This is a cal/mag issue... The later effects will be P getting locked out which ya see is causing the purpling in the leaves stems... Ya need to add more cal/mag to your feeding regiment.. All your blooming nutes ( P/K ) need to have a well balanced cal/mag inorder for the plant to take up more P/K ... The cells are being burned out in the pictures above.. The yellowing is magnesium def and the rusting is from cal def... This is correctable issue so best of luck buddy :) Epsom salt is great source of Mag/Sulfur and I use dolomite flour lime for my cal issues...

the gnome

Active member
Soil- happy frog
nutrients- kool bloom, karma,botanicare bloom, cal mag, 1/4 strengh
1000 w lights 24" away from plants
temp- 78 to 88
humity- 50 to 70
water as needed
forgot a few things. I am 4 weeks into flower. This doesn't seem to be affecting my yield. Has been going on since I put them in flower.

are all the nutes listed being fed at 1/4 strength
whats soil ph, do you ph you water?
are the damaged leaves on the bottom and working up?
The yellowing is not being caused by the 88 degree temps, but if possible, get that number down to 82 or below... Some good advice above..good luck.

I'll second, adding Dolomite Lime to your soil before using..it will help with Cal, mag and will help keep your PH is teh right range....It seems Fox Farm never has enough lime in their mixes, Ive never used Happy Frog, but am pretty familiar with Ocean Forest...I don't use it anymore, I make my own soil, and it works, just as good, or better, and its about 1/5th the price, or better. Stick with it and learn from your experiences, soon you will have flawless grows, from start to end....Again, Good luck to you.....


New member
I was having some of the same issues until I started adding more cal/mag. I grow hydro and use calmag+.


Utilizing dolomite lime without affording it time to breakdown in your soil will only give you the advantage of its ability to provide a steady ph within your soil. You need to enable your soil to cook for a few months in order to put to use all of its advantages.



New member
The nuts are at 1/4 strength. I don't feed every watering. My PH has always been 6.5.
What I don't understand is I have been using the routine for every grow and this just started last run. Trying to think of what I am doing different.
I will add more cal/mag. I have only added at 1/2 strength.

Thanks everyone for the advise