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Yellowing and dying leafs.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
The plants being discussed in this thread are over a month old and damn sure not babies anymore.

And to be 100% honest, I haven't been able to see the OP's pictures until today. And the pictures I was looking at look perfectly healthy. There is normal lower leaf damage. But that's always expected from handling the clones, transplanting, and then nutrients and water splashing on leaves.


And I DO agree with your idea that most new growers over water.
10 days? It doesn't take that long to grow roots on a brand new cutting. I just can't help thinking about what one of my aero-cloners would look like after sitting for 10 days.

In this case: LESS really is more. Water in smaller amounts that the plant can utilize immediately and water more often. Hey! Here's a concept: Ever wonder why hydro and aero grow so much faster than soil? Smaller doses, more frequently.

Also, I would clip all those damaged leaves off, and any that can touch the soil should be clipped too. It'll help prevent PM and other nasty plant killers from getting started.


He was not the one asking the water question. Another new grower was. I agree about the op, his plants are fine but that is how the ph discussion began. In soil things take longer as you know that is why I said 10 days. The plant will make it and the grower can really feel what dry is and those roots will go searching and stretching there legs.


Active member
man my waters shitty too probably worse than yours. Find me a thread ph police

You're water can't be as bad as mine, because plants in soil were completely stunted by the PH 8.9.
They just don't grow. I found that out the hard way on my fist grow in that water in soil. After adjusting the PH, the plants eventually came around. If you don't believe that, adjust your water to PH 8.9 and give it to your plants and see what happens. They will be stunted.
The OP may have no PH related problems at all, but to advise people not to check their PH is just bad advice. Proper watering is important, but it doesn't exclude checking PH.
By the way, find your own thread on the importance of PH, and I am not the "PH police".
By your "reasoning", you are the watering police, no?


come on.. PH is not that improtant in soil if your tap water is about or below 8 in ph. my first year of growing i checked ph. all it did was strees me out, haven´t checked it since. No need to :)

did not mean you shouldn´t check if youre having issues. :)
you should. meant no need to adjust PH if it isn´t high like retrogrows


if u can drink it so can your plants. what do you think the plants around you, inside and outside and the grass, drink or is that all dead and everyone having to ph everything. give me a break.


New member
I checked the ph today, and i got the following readings.

The tapwater i use, 8.5ph, and the runoff water from the plants, 6.7-6.5ph.

I noticed some of the leaves started to curl a little bit today, i pulled off some of the damaged ones and will update with some pictures when i get home tonight.

Cheers folks.


New member
I just noticed something, not sure if its the cause of the problem but is curtenly not good xD

My groowroom is conected to a timer, and everything including the fans shutoff at night, and today when i went in the room before the timers went on i noticed that the humidity was at 72%, so everynight sofar the humidity has been really high, could that cause these problems you folks think?


Active member
if u can drink it so can your plants. what do you think the plants around you, inside and outside and the grass, drink or is that all dead and everyone having to ph everything. give me a break.


We come here to learn to grow optimal plants. As a farmer I categorically can tell you that your post above is complete bullshit.

Just because you can swallow high ph water DOES NOT mean you will get good growth or any growth at all by using that water for irrigation.

WTF man - are you just posting shit to build your post count or WTF. Quit posting bullshit as if you know something.


New member
The humidity was 79% tonight so i am going to guess that might be the problem.
The growtent is inside a closet and the fans turn off at night.

Should i have the fans on 24/7 or open the closet door to fix the humidity problem?


The humidity was 79% tonight so i am going to guess that might be the problem.
The growtent is inside a closet and the fans turn off at night.

Should i have the fans on 24/7 or open the closet door to fix the humidity problem?

is the problem getting worse? those old leaves will not get better concetrate on overall health and new growth. how about some new pics


New member
The plants are now on 12/12 timing and a 200W LE light for blooming.

They are still growing and although the new leafs look good, some of the older ones that was looking healthy before have started to look bad now, not sure if i should be worrying about this or not :/

Here are some new pictures i took today, also one of the closet i have the tent in, i normally have the door closed.

Also a unrelevant picture of my new grow light, it got two dark spots on it that i dont know what they are, anything to be worried about or just dirt?







We come here to learn to grow optimal plants. As a farmer I categorically can tell you that your post above is complete bullshit.

Just because you can swallow high ph water DOES NOT mean you will get good growth or any growth at all by using that water for irrigation.

WTF man - are you just posting shit to build your post count or WTF. Quit posting bullshit as if you know something.

Optimal and healthy are 2 different things. This gentleman's ph is 8.5 and his plants are growing fine and healthy. Ph is not the cause of what he is experiencing. he is watering with 8.5 water and it is coming out at 6.4-6.7. his soil is doing what all good buffered soil is supposed to do. Here is my problem with ph as it pertains to the infirmary, everyone goes to it first thing when a new grower comes here looking for a solution. I have yet to see on major problem caused by water ph in the infirmary. A new grower chasing a ph issue usually makes things worse because it causes them to overwater, which 99 percent of the time is the problem in the first place. Are there optimal ranges for growth, yes. Can you grow healthy plants outside this range, yes, its proven here everyday. Is there a yield or quality difference from healthy plants grown optimally and healthy ones outside these ranges, maybe, it depends on all conditions in the grow area and how far off they all are. I want a new grower to get through his first grow with healthy plants, he can optimize later.


Overall things look good. Those lower leaves may not be getting enough light and that could be affecting them. if they are not getting some direct light they will probably die. not much you can do about that unless you want to train them, which i would suggest. you may want to check out some other grows where people are using the lights you are. The canoeing leaves generally mean to much nitrogen but i have seen leaves canoe in flower if they are not getting enough light and they eventually die. When a plant goes into flower its hormone levels change and so do their needs and wants. The plants are adjusting so it may show some blemishes a little more than in veg.


New member
Maybe the new 200W light will help some if there is a problem with the light reaching down, i will read up on training as well.

Next watering i will start add some Flowering nutrients from Canna, better start of with a small dosage, next grow i will probably put the soil in the oven or something to try and burn off all the nutrients they add in it, this particular soil seemed to contain a bit to much from what i have read and learned from you folks.

Will update once i start seeing any changes, better or worse :)



Active member
Optimal and healthy are 2 different things.

Hmmmm NO. the man is here asking questions. Now he may or may not have ph problems. But to tell him not to check his ph then post 20 more times covering your ass by saying it's "too complicated for a first time grower", then to tell him and others that if you can drink the water it's perfectly OK to blindly use is complete bullshit.

A proper comment would be to send him off to an organic soil forum where properly made soil pretty much makes ph concerns insignificant.
Stop with the bullshit already.


i never said it was too complicated. now i see your problem, its reading comprehension. is that the best you got. give me a break.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else

We come here to learn to grow optimal plants. As a farmer I categorically can tell you that your post above is complete bullshit.

Just because you can swallow high ph water DOES NOT mean you will get good growth or any growth at all by using that water for irrigation.

WTF man - are you just posting shit to build your post count or WTF. Quit posting bullshit as if you know something.

i think it's somebody's kid out to get laughs by telling people various ways to fuck up their plants. I've seen him give so damn many bad recommendations that I finally just blocked him.
The first and only member here whom I have blocked. He just has absolutely nothing intelligent to offer and I don't like giving bad rep.

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