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Yellow tips on leaves

Hi, plants are healty and growing like horses but i see yellowing of about 1/4", tips only, on about 20% of the leaves. anyone know the cause? outdoors. thanks, cbl


yep- tip burn is the first sign of overfeeding. give'm a little plain ph'd water flush
thanks for the replies. looks like i'm on the top edge of feeding i'll skip a feeding or two. lots of water. love the girls, 6ft and still 10 days till july, blue dream. cbl


Active member
agreed with the overfeeding guys.

anything showing up in the viens of the leaves or on the serrated edges?

Also what are you feeding the ladies outdoors outta curiosity and how much?
veins and edges all good. been only feeding girls with a rich rabbit manure based worm casting tea and adding under maximum dose fox farm grow big and a little kelp concentrate to the tea, + molasses, 36 hr brew, feed once a week, lots of water, in the desert, 110 degrees daily and they're lovin it. will skip the fox farm every other. thanks, cbl

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