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Yellow new growth



8 x 4 Hydrohut Deluxe

What STRAIN are you growing?
Island Sweet Skunk
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
1 month
How Tall are the plants?
6'' - 10''
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
1 Gallon Pots
What substrate/medium are you using? (percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
Moonshine's Mix, 1 bag of FFOF, 1 bag of FF Planting Mix, 1 bag of FF Light Warrior, a Coco brick, about 10 qts of perlite
What Nutrient's are you using?How much of each? How Often? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* Humboldt Nutrients, used Myco Madness and Humboldt Roots on the first watering, in 1/4 dosages. Used a dose of Grow at 1/2 strenth.
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
No idea.
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
Not sure how to measure properly... think when I tried it was about 7.2? The Moonshine Mix is supposed to be properly pH'd though...
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
Hanna Pen.
How often are you watering?
Every three-four days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
Only fed them about three times in a month. Last feeding was about 5 days ago.
What size bulb are you using?
600 w HPS
What is the distance to the canopy?
2 feet!
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
Low, about 40%
What is the canopy temperature?
Never higher than 80 F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
Inside the tent, about 66-80, outside about 40-70.
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
309 cfm Elicent cooling entire HydroHut, and a 309 Elicent with a split on it... half is air cooling the lights, the other half is bringing in fresh air from a nearby window.
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Yes, should it not be? I have a 12 inch fan blowing the air between the light and the canopy and another 6 inch fan moving air across the canopy. I also have a 6 inch fan moving the air that comes in the hut through the ducting. THat fan is pointed across the HydroHut. So the air comes in through the back left side and ends up being pushed to the front left and then pushed across the right side of the Hut.
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
Not constantly no.
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
Been using spring drinking water, should be fine.
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
Are plant's infected with pest's?
A FEW spider mites, but nothing crazy yet.

Basically I got the clones from a 3rd party, they looked great, and then when I put them under my 2 foot T-5 fixture, all the new growth started to turn yellow. I figured I had the T-5 too close, it was about 2-3 inches from the clone tops. Growth continued but it was still yellowing. About a week ago I threw them under two 600 HPS in my Deluxe, and raised the light up extra high. The yellowing still hasn't gone away, although they appear to be gaining a bit of green back. I should also mention that when they were under the flouros, they were in party cups of Happy Frog, but before I put them under the 600's, I transplanted to the one gallons of Moonshine's Mix. Now the leaves have started to curl and discolor like they are being light burned... even though the light is 2 feet up and they should be adapted to their soil by now...

The only possible solution I can think of is a flush w/ pH water... I think this whole thing is a possible pH issue. Last night I flushed two of these plants with 2 gallons of balanced water, but still haven't seen any improvements on these test plants. Any help would be greatly appreciated it, and I will try and get up pictures later today.

Hi StiflersMom,

don't expect affected parts to recover. Pay close attention to new growth. If it is healthy then your doing things right.

Since there are no pics of the plant, i suggest that you stop feeding and watering until soil is dry. Lift the pot to make sure your medium is almost dry.

After that, fix your water PH with the pen you have, and water normaly no ferts. Feed your Grow ferts with the next watering.

it should recover

Good luck


Dr. Doolittle
didn't you post before on a problem like this in a hydrohut? I have seen peeps with sulfur deficiency's with using hydrohuts; yellowing new growth sounds just like a sulfur issue... not sure as to why people are getting this issue though with hydrohuts......

You got pics?


No Stitch this was my first post ever. But it is funny you mentioned that, because I saw the thread on yellowing new growth in the Huts, but I did not see a solution to the problem. I thought that the makers had some kind of bacteria on the metal poles, but I was unaware it was a sulfur issue. I went through your sick plant guide and that was the solution I thought it was, but someone else on a different forum said it was probably the light bleaching.

Thank you Stitch, I will post pictures tonight, but assuming it is a sulfur issue, what course of action would I take.



Dr. Doolittle
Honestly, I think it's the hut; sounds crazy crazy, but its true....... I think I would remove them from that hut and let the plants recover on there own; something cannabis does not like with that hut, I have no idea but I WOLD LOVE to know and find out......

Without pics I can't say what it is I can only assume and guess by the information you give to me; if you got pics I can tell you what it is.....


Active member
Read up on Bad Room Syndrome !!! plants need to breath too :wink:

the huts have a problem ,plain and simple . either get yourself the new free replacement poles from Hydro Hut which other members are reporting solve the problem or remove your plants from the tent . this problem has nothing to do with Sulfur being locked out or deficient . please trust me , i v seen this in my own grow with my very own eyes!!!

your plants cannot breath properly in the atmosphere inside your hydrohut .


Dr. Doolittle
The problem is sulfur is being locked out, not deficienct; deficienct is just a commmon word I use a lot; its there but it's being locked out through means

are those poles galvanized steel? If so that solves the problem then, to much i iron locks out sulfur and it's been known for some time this happens to cannabis plants.


Active member
MnS , you are coming across as very arrogant . this problem has ZERO to do with sulfur . you think you know everything from reading books and the internet , but please believe me , experience matters more than your reading skills.


Dr. Doolittle
I got plenty of experience dude but yet you just registered here 1 month ago? You are telling me what experience is?; just ask around and check out my grow pics; sorry if I come across arogant; but the plant is clearly showing the problems; even the overgrow growfaqs show what a sulfur problem is showing the plants ARE showing sulfur weather it's from not enough or being locked out and I am sure many people who know on this matter with agree with me and I stand firm by my diagnosis; you can all me whatever you want; but I know what I am talking about

Your mom ever told you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Well that goes for you too :)
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Active member
MynameStitch said:
The problem is sulfur is being locked out, not deficienct; deficienct is just a commmon word I use a lot; its there but it's being locked out through means

are those poles galvanized steel? If so that solves the problem then, to much i iron locks out sulfur and it's been known for some time this happens to cannabis plants.

What are you talking about . how would glavanised steel , which is steel electroplated in ZINC , cause too much iron to become available in the rootzone or atmosphere . please explain this theory Mns ??


Dr. Doolittle
Steel has both zinc and iron duh and sometimes traces of lead; steel is just not made of zinc!

BEsides it was a theroy; if it has to do with the damn poles then it has to be in the air of the hydrohut when it's closed up...... like you said yourself, people said they replace the poles and it goes away; so it's got to be a problem in the air; unless you yourself is being wrong again :)

Besides in my other post I did not post it here but I posted in the chat room about it; it's just a theory about possible iron/zinc being released in the air, weather it's from the heat in the room or not enough air flow.

You being here so soon and trying to come around bossing someone around trying to say something is wrong or right without proof, but you criticize me like I have no experience, but you just came here Nov 2007.... funny how the tables turn.
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Active member
MynameStitch said:
Steel has both zinc and iron duh and sometimes traces of lead; steel is just not made of zinc!

BEsides it was a theroy; if it has to do with the damn poles then it has to be in the air of the hydrohut when it's closed up...... like you said yourself, people said they replace the poles and it goes away; so it's got to be a problem in the air; unless you yourself is being wrong again :)

Besides in my other post I did not post it here but I posted in the chat room about it; it's just a theory about possible iron/zinc being released in the air, weather it's from the heat in the room or not enough air flow.

You being here so soon and trying to come around bossing someone around trying to say something is wrong or right without proof, but you criticize me like I have no experience, but you just came here Nov 2007.... funny how the tables turn.

your science and theory is seriously flawed :wink:. first it s iron , now it s zinc ?????

why do you feel the need to be defensive saying i v only been here since November :D . does this really tell you something about my experience growing MJ because my present handle was registered last month . another arrogant asumption on your part i m afraid .

you are a very arrogant , know it all type of person i have absolutely no time for . you dish out bad advise , in pigeon english time and again .

you say "unless you yourself is being wrong again :)" . please point out where i v been wrong on this subject . i have said from the minute i seen pictures in the other thread this was a problem caused bt the hydro hut , while you maintain it s a sulfur lock out . please just accept you are wrong on this occasion . even "experts" can t be right all the time :D


Dr. Doolittle
First off I am not going to get into the discussion of what all elements are in steel; I just listed a few that was in there; do I have to be detailed about all my posts? no I do not I just said one thing that can cause sulfur to be absorbed less and I said iron, just because I said one element that could cause it I did not SAY that was the sole cause; again you can't read to well.
You assume to much crap when I say something ONLY because YOU want it too look that way..... I don't care if you have something against me or not, I don't have to bow down to you. When people want to see fault in something so silly like you did then you have something against that person or want to show dominance.
Well either one of 2 things either A you got banned; ( good choice made admin) or 2 you are new to growing...... so either way I still see you being a newb.

Ok, if that is what you look at me giving bad advice; alright no problem there dude! I don't got nothing to prove to you, nothing, I for one thing KNOW the real answer :)

I SAID the hut is causing the problem of sulfur being absorbed wrong in the plant; I never said the hut was NOT causing the problem.
I tell this to everyone; I don't know everything and I will NOT post if I do not know something on the matter.
But I will say I am not wrong on this matter; I never said the grower caused this issue I never said it was a nutrient problem, I never said anything like that; all I said is the way the hydro hut is designed SOMETHING is causing the problem for the plants to show sulfur related deficiencies and again i NEVER SAID it was caused by something else; I said the term deficient meaning not there/ or not being absorbed right; again I don't have to explain in detail; but for you since you can't understand simple terms I put it into details for you.

know it all type of person i have absolutely no time for . you dish out bad advise , in pigeon english time and again .

Right, sure, I don't know how many times I have made this clear to you and so many others I DO NOT KNOW IT ALL, NO ONE DOES; just because I know a lot does not mean I know the answer to everything I have said this so many times in and times out.

You on the other hand refuse to read that part and keep insisting I give bad advice; just because you don't think I am right does not mean it's bad advice; deal with it.
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Active member
:D @ the newb remark . you really are an arrogant man/woman . you see that s the problem with the canna boards these days , no room for civil discussion .

good luck with the sulfur lock out roflmao


Not to be a shit starter, as you could have never predicted it Stitch, but you incorrectly diagnosed my hydrohut doomed plants as needing magnesium the first round that died. Then told me they were underfed. I didn't even post the second or third round that I had trouble with due to the fact I didn't want to get another list of questions cut and pasted for which I have already answered in my first post to recieve an incorrect solution to be insisted on even when I said I had tried all of the solutions and changed every condition I could think of. I finally was about to trash the hut when I figured out it was causing my trouble, but then luckily found out it was only the poles. It only cost me around 150 plants. Email them for any information, they will be most correct, no one here will have anything to offer except crazy internet theory in this case. Wonderful place to help solve tradtiotional problems, but not this one. Email IGS they will help you out, but also test a plant outside of the hydrohut and the room it is in to see if that helps. I did not inquire as to the nature of the exact problem or I would post the correspondence, I was just happy for a solution. I do know it is not a problem that targets sulpher and locks it out. My hut cursed plants looked nothing like sulpher deficiency. I am posting this for people who might have the same problem, not to inflame anything. This is just my advise, which is just from my experience.


Dr. Doolittle
I did not know about the hydrohut problem either, who could have?
Not many peeps knew about it; so that was my bad; but you did not know about it either and many hydrohut peeps did not know about it either. I went by the grow conditions you gave me and that is all I can go by and others can go by. If you miss one little piece of information you or anyone else it could not lead to getting the problem fixed.

Fixing plants online is difficult, because I am not the grower; you are; its like someone is calling you on the phone telling you what is wrong without doing tests; it's hard to tell you a straight forward answer to as of why the problem is being caused; I forgot what grow conditions you were giving me but I think there was a lack of magnesium, not 100% sure.....

But like I told justagrower; just because they are showing the problem, does not mean there is an answer to as of why they are showing the issue; there is many things that can cause it; weather its grow room environment like your hydrohuts, deficient or lockout....

Your problem was not my fault; I go by what the plant is telling me that is the easy part; the part that is hard is finding out why it's doing it; and since I am not the grower; I HAVE to ask many questions to start from point 1 and get to point 10 to get an answer.
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So like I said I emailed International Grower's Supply, and am anxiously awaiting a response, hopefully with no fuss about replacing the poles. To keep the integrity of the Hut, I took down the right side of the Hut and soaked those in pretty much 75% bleach. They dried and I will put it back together and do the other side today. I already moved my plants to a nearby closet, but I wonder if the vapor will affect them as well. Hopefully I see improvements in the plants, and then when I put them back in there are no problems. That's a best case scenario...

Thanks for all your help, Stitch, I would never have been able to diagnose a problem like this in a million years... I mean a greenhouse company that has infected poles? I could not make that up if you paid me.


Dr. Doolittle
Actually, you should be thanking sammet; he is the one who let me know about the poles; I sent him an pm and asked him about it and he just told me about it today...... but glad to pass the information on and glad it helped you out.


sooo...now that we've worked out who's arrogant and who's guessing facts about the chemical make up of steel did stiflersmom ever fix his plant, or is he too scared to ask anymore questions in case mommy and daddy start fighting again?

I'd love to know a bit more about this cos I've got a similar problem, but don't use a hydro hut- although I have got some metal posts is the soil holding up my screen (don't even know if they're steel, let alone the zinc content!)


New member
Not poles!!!

Not poles!!!

Hi all, I own two hydro huts. It has taken me almost a year and the loss of two crops to figure out that it was the huts that were responsible for the plant problems. I went from ebb and flow to coir to soil trying to solve what I thought was a nutrient def or maybe some ph problem. I knew it was a lockout but couldn't figure out what was causing it.

One of my Australian grow buddy's told me about the problem with the huts and that I should contact the company for help. I did, and they responded immediately. Here is a copy of my note to them and their response:

My e-mail:

To whom it may concern,

I understand there is a problem with the huts out-gassing fumes from
the glue that is adversely affecting plants. This has been happening
to me with both huts I purchased within the last year.

I have been told that you are offering a solution to customers who
are having these problems. Please contact me as soon as you can and let me know what I need to do to get this 'solution' for my two huts.



The response from the company rep:

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:46:17 -0700
From: hydrohuts

Subject: Re: ContactUs


There is no glue but we have found*a part of the plastic which is off-gassing.

Please read the directions in our open letter to the public. Go to hydrohuts website and click on the commitment to quality section.

I went out to the website and it turns out that if you contact the company they will pay to have the canvas shipped out to their plant in California, treat it with a special process that will eliminate all out-gassing, and return it to you free of charge! The only proviso is; it has to be a 'Hydrohut' brand unit.

I'm sending mine in tomorrow. Hope this helps. Spread the word. I'm sure there are a heap of growers like myself who are losing crop after crop and suffering because they can't figure out what the hell is killing the plants.

Now you know!

Peace, and happy growing to all my compadres...


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