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Yellow leaves, soil possibly too hot?


I have some plants in FFOF cut with some perlite mixed with some happy frog soil conditioner. They were transplanted like 3 or 4 weeks into flower, a few of the plants are looking a little yellow. Any ideas?

I was thinking maybe the soil was too hot any they were getting some nutrients like once a week, but i think maybe the soil already has a bunch of nutes so they don't really need more nutes. Maybe just hit them with fresh water and some lk? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Registered Med User
hows the ph? could be slight lockout, id say ph the water and give um just some plain water and see how they do, if more yellowing occurs maybe use some cal mag, Im not a doctor, but ive experienced something like this before and I was told use cal mag.
Yeah definatly first thing check the ph. But you did say that it was already 3-4 weeks into flower when transplanted. What is it now 5 or 6 that would be about 2/3 of the way through its life cycle on a 9 week strain and it may be using up all the nutes left in the leaves. I may be wrong but a ripening plant will sometimes do that.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
looking at the veigns and color of your leaves....i clearly see a ph problem...but its all a guess right now...we need some more info ...give us all your info thats needed


The PH of the water is 7, did a soil ph test (just mixed some soil with water and tested) it came out to about 8, They were also being given nutes by a buddy of mine. We have gh nutes left over from a hydro grow... so i i'm kind of leaning towards lockout maybe? coupled with soil that has a high ph? Thanks for the help so far... They're probably about 4 to 5 weeks into flower and the strains are 10 to 12 week finishers.



Dr. Doolittle
PLants tend to yellow late into flowering, how far is this plant into flowering? how many days?

I do see a pH issue as well, but the yellowing looks to me from the plant late flowering......

I think the GH 3 part is for hydro not soil.......
What pH test method are you using? WHat are you using to test it?
a pH meter? soil probe? pH test strips?
8 is too high if your pH test method is accurate......

but I see common yellowing from flowering and I see spotting like pH issues as well.


MynameStitch we use the drop test, not very accurate but it gives us a round about ph. The plants are only about 4 to 5 weeks into 12/12 and they're 10 to 12 weeks strains so i'm pretty sure its not from late flower. Thanks.



Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Plants root growth slows/stops through flowering so the plant is most likely not getting the nutrients from the new soil,it's best to transplant them atleast a week before you start flowering.Pull the root ball out when you harvest the plants and you'll see the roots have hardly penertrated the new soil.