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Yellow leaves, partially green


New member
Hi. Im growing in soil and my plants are about 7 weeks old.
They have been in flowering phase about 2 weeks.
pH is ok and so are temperatures. My problem is that my plants
are making yellow leaves as you can see from pictures.
Ive been giving nutrients to plants only once during the flowering phase. My guess is that this is nutrient related problem, but what kind of?


N deficiency presents like that, starting from lower leaves and moving up the plant.
It can also be a N lockout caused by PH.
For the first two weeks of flowering they are stretching like crazy and use lot of N.
Also, later during flowering it is normal for the plant to start yellowing like that.
For example check this picture.

Thats DiscoBiscuit's Zombie Virus grow in late flowering.

What nutes are you using?
Do you have picture of whole plant?

I would check water PH and if its normal (~6.5) just give them some flowering nutes coz they usually have a little bit of N.


New member
Sorry i was away for few days. Yes my pH is okay and the strain im growing is Northern Lights.
I really dont know is this underfertilizing or overfertilizing.
I gave nutrients to plant 3 days ago, and now i gave them only water. Im using GHE Flora series.
Attached are also picture of the whole plant and picture from lower leaves.


Sorry i was away for few days. Yes my pH is okay and the strain im growing is Northern Lights.
I really dont know is this under fertilizing or overfertilizing.
I gave nutrients to plant 3 days ago, and now i gave them only water. Im using GHE Flora series.
Attached are also picture of the whole plant and picture from lower leaves.

I recommend buying a book about growing cannabis that has a section on plant health.
Try Jorges book "the medical marijuana's growers bible", it should have everything you need to know.

To fix your N problem; try adding a tsp/gal of calmag+ or seabird guano or 1 tbl/gal of Epsom salt to remedy your situation.
Most if not all of the yellow leafs will remain the yellow color but new growth should be green.

Hope this helps,


Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"I really dont know is this underfertilizing or overfertilizing" then "I gave nutrients to plant 3 days ago" There's your answer. If the problem were a simple nutrient deficiency, you would have seen immediate and obvious improvement from the nutes you gave 3 days ago. Since there was no improvement, the conclusion is; some other problem, most likely watering or rootspace/health.


gh flora should do the trick are you mixing by directions and it does apper to be a nitrogen deficency and since you feed them has it spread and what is your ph looking like also have you checked your ppm what kinda lighting are you using the whole thing could be from the light not reaching threw the canopy with out it the leafs will die off


New member
So it is not a deficiency then. Not, because i gave them flowering nutes each time i watered them last week and it was 3 times.

Plants still have those yellow and dead leaves and they are getting worse.

I wonder is the problem in roots. From the picture you can see that roots have not come out from holes from bucket and plants have been in flowering for about 2-3 weeks.
Im using womens pantyhose in bottom of a bucket to prevent dirt from spreading. I only put small pieces of pantyhose. Could this be the problem? So if those pantyhoses
are blocking the rootgrow or suffocating them is it possible to take the plant from bucket, remove those pantyhoses and put that plant back? Or is it too difficult?

-10 Litres bucket
-GHE Flora
-Northern Lights
-pH is ok
-Temperature is ok
-Distance between light and lamp is ok


How tall is your plant?
I grew 1'6" bushy plants in 16oz cups and didnt have problems with root space.
This is two months old plant in 16oz cup.

10l should be plenty root space and roots will definitely poke true pantyhose if they wanted to.

Since adding more nutes didnt stop the yellowing progression i would suggest you flush them with PH'd water very good, and start feeding them with 1/2 strength flowering nutes.
You sad you are using 3part GH nutes right? How and how much nutes do you mix? eg. 0ml - Grow, 8ml - micro, 16ml - bloom is standard Lucas formula for flowering plants.


New member
My 2 plants are about 50 centimetres long.

Im giving:
2,5ml of Gro
5ml of Micro
7,5ml of Bloom
in 10 Litres of water on flowering period


i dont think the pantyhose is your problem them bottom leafs are not geting enough light to work photosynthesis corectly so they die off

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I didn't realize they were in buckets with holes. Those holes look way too small and too few, and I doubt the pantyhose is helping much either. I'm still betting on pissed off roots from too much water pooling up on the bottom. No way for oxygen to get in there other than from above. Maybe just remove the pantyhose, but I'd drill lots more bigger holes while your at it and concentrate most around the edge. Even out of big holes, dirt only comes out a little at first, then stops as it stratifies itself. No need for stuff like pantyhose. Cannabis loves a soilmix that drains fast most of all. It does like nutrients, but it has to be a well draining nutritive mix.


New member
I removed those pantyhoses from bottom of a bucket and drilled few more holes at the bottom. First i thought that it will be one hell of a job (new soil, gravel etc.)
but the removal and planting back went easily.

If growth of those plants resumes to normal and no problems wont appear is it possible to gain a decent crop after all this stress to plants? Those plants are on their 3rd week of flower.


Owl Mirror

Active member
Here is a major yellow leaf problem I experienced.
I had a confluence of bad luck over a two night period recently.
I had just flushed the two plants with some Epsom salt bath and then the night temps dropped below 50 degrees. My heater had tripped and I didn't take notice of it until the yellowing began.
I believe my roots may have been damaged due to being soaked and the low temps.
The buds on both plants look fine and the leaves closet to the buds are all fine.
I'm letting them finish the next two weeks but, I'm certain they will only be good for Hash.

It's hard for the small closet grower who has a run of bad luck like this as the next crop isn't ready to begin flowering.

Notice the dark purple stems on both plants too. They were like that from seed.
If I'm missing something in my estimation of what caused this problem please let me know.


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State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Here is a major yellow leaf problem I experienced.
I had a confluence of bad luck over a two night period recently.
I had just flushed the two plants with some Epsom salt bath and then the night temps dropped below 50 degrees. My heater had tripped and I didn't take notice of it until the yellowing began.
I believe my roots may have been damaged due to being soaked and the low temps.
The buds on both plants look fine and the leaves closet to the buds are all fine.
I'm letting them finish the next two weeks but, I'm certain they will only be good for Hash.

It's hard for the small closet grower who has a run of bad luck like this as the next crop isn't ready to begin flowering.

Notice the dark purple stems on both plants too. They were like that from seed.
If I'm missing something in my estimation of what caused this problem please let me know.

had this exact thing happen to me when landlord came over for a visit moved all shit outside in a uhual over night.... all leaves started to go yellow and die off... purple stems nothing to really cure it.....


have more hope owl mirror. that lil cold snap my have slowed the plants down.but it happens in nature all the time. no huge worries pot has survived for eons with out us fighting and thriving in nature the yeild might be a few grams short but not total loss

happy holidays

Owl Mirror

Active member
have more hope owl mirror. that lil cold snap my have slowed the plants down.but it happens in nature all the time. no huge worries pot has survived for eons with out us fighting and thriving in nature the yield might be a few grams short but not total loss

happy holidays

Thanks jyme !

I took some new pics of the problem.



It's an interesting trait or, an ailment I'm unfamiliar with.


how many weeks flowering are they you said you was gunna finish them up in two weeks.but i was just wondering if you gunna finish early.it looks like a typical nitrogen deficency that normaly ocures in flowering as the nitrogen take up slows down to absolute min. the plants slow in take of it and send all the last recources up the plant to complete its life cycle.

Owl Mirror

Active member
how many weeks flowering are they you said you was gunna finish them up in two weeks.but i was just wondering if you gunna finish early.it looks like a typical nitrogen deficency that normaly ocures in flowering as the nitrogen take up slows down to absolute min. the plants slow in take of it and send all the last recources up the plant to complete its life cycle.

She should be finished (8 wks) by mid-January.
This occurred after I flushed her, then a sudden cold spell caught me off-guard and I had to add a heater to the room.
The buds look fantastic and the leaflets around the buds are all green. It's just the fan leaves, starting from the bottom, upwards.
Maybe it was just coincidence that they began turning so yellow after the final flush ?

I've never had leaves turn this color yellow, coupled with the dark purple stems, they look strange.