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Yellow Leaves on 10-Week ATF


New member
Thanks, mrk.

That pictures look like a great match--good call!

I seem to get pretty clear water running off, but I don't think I've ever gotten a quart of runoff. I usually stop watering when the run off starts trickling.

How long are the nuts in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil good for? I potted them with this soil about a month ago, and some of the soil came from the original potting, about a month before that.

Things seem to be generally be going well, though not perfect yet. I'm having trouble resisting watering, with 100 degree temperatures over the weekend. The plants are pretty much getting sunlight all day long. Previously, I had them under a tree where they got morning sun, "bright" shade at high noon, and intermittent direct and indirect light in the afternoon and evening.


New member
Here are some new pictures from Sunday, July 18. They're looking better than last week I'd say.

Pots are 5 gallon pots, 10 inches high, and 12 inches in diameter. The plants are 30-32 inches high, from the soil up.

If you click on the pics, you should get a bigger, better image.

1. This is the plant that was largely yellow in the earlier pic. I pinched most of the yellow leaves shortly after taking the earlier pic.

2. This is the other plant, which has had hardly any yellowing, compared to the first plant.



New member
Youre welcome, glad to see your plants are getting better.

The 30% runoff is just what I do, its not absolutely necessary but leeching the soils gets rid of nasty plant waste and salts.

Ive used FFOF for many years now and IMO its simply the best soil. Before I tried my own mixes and other name brands but no others compare. Yes FF is expensive but the soil is organic and ph balanced plus it drains well. I keep hearing that the nutes only last through veg, but when I first started using Ocean Forest I would use Big Bloom in flower and noticed overfert symtoms and quit using it. Also, watch for cal/mag issues in late flower, that seems to be the only problem with that soil, however it dosent affect all my plants. Trust me, If you cutoff the nutes now your plants will love you -OR- use it every third watering followed by lots of plain water for the next watering. I dont know how you feel about GreenHouse Seed Co but if you watch their vids on Youtube you will see that they feed nutes then flush frequently in flower and continue that cycle -thats just an example.

Dont worry about the temps if you are growing ATF because they are sativa dominant


New member
Dont worry about the temps if you are growing ATF because they are sativa dominant
This is news to me about sativa dominant and temperature: are you saying sativa dominant plants are not hampered by higher temperatures?

I'm obviously new to this, with a lot to learn, so thanks for the tips!


New member
In my experience sativa dominant means 70-100% sativa genetics. Ive Never had a problem with temps even @100 deg., just make sure theres enough water. This is also why you need to stop/limit the amount of nutes.

Sativas thrive best in 80-95 deg temps @ 50-70% humidity with adequte ventilation, and suffer with temps below 65 and low humidity (30%). Find out the percentage of sativa for ATF and look where those genetics came from. Those will tell you what the plant can tolerate temp/humidity wise.

My hazes like most all are equatorial -high temps and humidity...laos, cambodia, south america so those are the conditions which I grow them in. Dont forget that no matter what you grow, pay attention to where those genetics originally came from and try to mimic exactly those conditions...if a 50/50 hybid then play around with temps, fert, humidity, light intensity, growing mediums etc. till you find out what the plants like. It takes RESEARCH, PATIENCE and FAILURE to gain knowledge and grow flawlessly.


New member
Things are holding steady, and I'm on a plan of waterng every other day and adding nuts with every other watering (so nuts once or twice a week). They're up to 32-33 inches.

This is a dry climate to begin with, and we've had extremely dry weather for the past week--until some light rain finally fell yesterday. I'll ease towards less, but I want to go gradual for now so I can get a better sense of cause and effect.

Thanks again!