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yeah I freakin did it.

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LISTEN to dank.frank yummy. He would make a good wingman, with a similar POV as myself.

Please just go talk to her, in person, for your own sake. Email is such pussy communication.

women DO have a 6th, 7th, 8th sense for everything. They can smell your bullshit a mile away, they can smell your weakness a mile away, if she's anything like ANY mother out there, she has decent intuition and will call you on it - or ignore you if she's also shy, because silence is punishment in itself; and you already said youre both pussies.

youre not in it to get laid, she will smell that. Hopefully not literally, like some folk said, do some manscaping and look sharp, not too sharp the inmates juice all over you.. though.

dont TRY too hard to impress her, just make it happen. Act as an equal and be confident in yourself. only the most vane girls will be impressed by SPLIT second judgements over looks, money, cars, flashy things, vocabulary.

i recently grasped a new outlook all by myself. I used to give women an undeniable respect right off the bat, as in putting the pussy on the pedestal.(One should always respect other human beings, but there's a fine line before "getting hopes up") One can relate to that in dating literature, but i figure it works for men AND women, even as a guy. I wouldnt give another man any respect for just meeting him.(unless duly respected) Who says he/she is even worth your time? let them earn it, but dont be a dick throughout the process. They too are only human, they arent royalty. you think those "famous", "skilled", "athletic", "political", "educated/scholarly","celebrated" people who sign books, walk the red carpet, sign autographs, shake hands, even CARE 1% of the time which layman they are talking with/to/at? give me a break, it would be an honor to meet prof. hawking, but i doubt he would remember my name at the end of the day. actually he probably would, because he's so very smart. but any other actor, tom cruise, bush senior, gore, mandela, yeah distinguished, but what really makes them any better than you? get what im saying? youre one of those people too...in a way?

dont talk too much. ive lost many an opportunity for porking to laying it on thick, not worth it, say what is worth saying, and then some, cause you get leeway for being jovial..

it's all learning experiences man, this isnt the brink of humanity were relying on. it's. just. one. girl..

man i'm confused. so I shouldn't email her at all. I want to know if she is going on the same monday as me I never asked her that just assumed. (the thursday i now for sure). thought I'd email her today say hey so which monday you going?

or should I just wait till next class...

and then I should be nice to her but don't be too nice jeez fuk this is too confusing.

i'm always really nice to girls, and not just girls I like i'm just nice to all girls.

man I felt really shitty lately, with the girl I liked at work for so long I asked her out finally in a pussy kind of way alll nervous she gave me her "number" never picked up and then I never saw her again.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
jeez fuk this is too confusing.



yummybud, ask her next class. i say this in a strategic way. How many things off the top of your head can you think of you could possibly have an excuse to talk about with her in class? if that number is close to 0, you need to be prepared when youre there, the best pick up artists need no preparation; feel free to start thinking now. THEN you can use this upcoming trip for a reason to get in touch with her at class to ask that pertinent question, right? then shoot the shit... talk to her dont be weird, just act your age, etc etc etc et al.

okay be nice to all girls...girls dont not like nice guys. They just dont want a pushover, there's a difference. Who said you are a pushover? no one.

now there's a girl at work? what the hell yummy, i did not know of this one too. spreading the seed eh? good, the more tries you make the sooner you'll "get it." Look at every single girl as a possible match, cept the ones that dont strike your fancy, of course. Because it's true, every single girl IS a match, look at all these unhappy married couples, they all end up in divorce, come hell or high water. But they thought they were good matches to start with. You dont know until you try them out, or enough to make a judgment call. You might have something or nothing in common, you have no idea yet. It's people in relationships that so called 'try' to make it work even after red flags of not right, differing traits, personalities, that end up staying rocky, creating unrest or ultimately rocking the partnership apart. I know this doesnt really affect you, but in the bigger picture i think it does, all of us, and since you seem unprivy to things, i thought id give my opinion on the whole matter.

So do not be scared to approach them, or befriend them in any way, you talked in your last thread of escapades, the high ratio of females to males around, and they probably have no life, are bored etc etc(i thought i recall you saying that, if not...) they probably dont and probably are, not unlike yourself. Missed opportunities man, if not, stop fking complaining.

you also continue with a ton of negative self ideation. "I....in a PUSSY kind....NERVOUS..."

stop just no more of that. you can you will. try to be positive mate.


Be sure to shave your junk all nice and tidy. No girl likes a bunch of sack hair in her mouth, especially on the first date.

Just don't shoot your junk with cologne :yoinks:


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thanks. no the girl at work is no longer at my work. I asked her out finally in june after like a year of thinking about her and going crazy and she gave me a number and never picked up after she quit. I asked her out finally right before she quit..... then never heard from her again. and couple weeks ago she deleted me from facebook or thats what I thought but someone else told me she deleted her facebook account.


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alright i'll wait till next class.

well yesterday she was standing behind me so I turned around (right end of class) and said hey how'd you do on your assignment and she said good then there was a pause and she asked me how I did thenn I asked her about the trip and she said yeah i'd like a ride.

I don't think it really matters what I talk about as long as I maybe just say hi to her and maybe ask her about the trip again? or the next assignment we have due?

seriously what else can I talk about I don't know her yet.

fuk seriously in that class there are only like 3 other guys and I keep on getting a lot of the girls looking at me. this asian girl sitting next to me yesterday in that class kept on looking at me like turning to me and looking at so I looked at her a couple times also and she'd look away..... she always comes and sits next to me in class also.I swear smart good looking girls probably just study all day and are lonely lol.

but yeah I don't have the experience or social skills to do anything lol, I'm already overwhelmed with trying to talk to one girl.


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her one arm probably weights more than me, i'm a skinny fukr she'd eat me as a snack.

is that a donut handing on her necklace hahahah.


Don't be a faggot and email her. If she let you have the digits its time to TELL her you two are going out on a date. But this should be done in a manner that it will come out funny rather then demanding, be confident and she'll notice. Always make her laugh over the phone blah blah blah. You should know the drill. Don't be a shy little boy and just express yourself over the keyboard.

Hash Zeppelin

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fk i'm confused though how do I show her I like her without coming on too strong or freaking her out lol. i've never had a girlfriend so I have no clue. I've only been on like 2 dates with one girl so i'm really stupid when it comes to this.

she also most certainly is really shy from what i can tell. like when she talks I can tell she is nervous.

I've also never met anyone from el savador lol, she is originally from there so I assume she speaks spanish. she is freakin hot though damn.

I don't really know if she likes me though, if she said sure to this she may just want a ride? how do I know if she actually likes me or just sees me as a potential friend. she keeps on laughing at whatever I say in class and I doubt i'm hilarious.

today I looked at her from across the room a couple times to see if she'd look at me once she looked at me then quickly turned away then the other time she just looked pissed when I looked at her lol.

she likes you man, it just sounds like you have a confidence problem. So the best thing to do to avoid being weird in your situation is be straight foward and just ask her out. Say "I really enjoyed hanging out with you on the drive today, Would you like to go out sometime?" Thats all. It is that easy. there will be nothing wrong with that aproach at all. She would not ride in a car with you that long if she didnt like you. Would you ride alone in a car with some body of the opposite sex that long that you didnt like?

Just talk about school, and what ever during the drive. dont talk about anything to intense or serious, dont wanna get to deep on the way out there that is weird. Talk about movies or something, but nor dorky or weird movies, unless she brings it up.

Dont act to excited.


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well if I didn't have a car and some fat ugly chick asked me if I need a ride I'd say sure lol.

but yeah I think she likes me because I asked for her number and email also last year and she gave it to me but I never called her or anything because I asked her if she wasnts to go for lunch after class (last year) and she said um no got to go and I stopped talking to her after that because i thought she doesn't like me lol.

I think girls are different though, if she thought I was creepy or didn't like me at all she probably would have made some excuse not to go with me even if she didn't have a car.

she already said she was thinking of using her moms car but wasn't too good with directions so she'd like a ride with me.

and when I asked for her email she asked for mine too.

so I think i'll just send her a email saying hey hows it going blah blah so what day was it again or whatever.

I think our first trip is like couple weeks from now. yeah I will ask her out afterwards for sure, like how you said, just ask her if she wants to go out something.

but is that too long wait another 3 weeks or so until the fieldtrip...


Call her up.

Some women will test you to see how interested you are in them. If you quit at the first hesitation or sign of trouble how do you think she'll view you. She didn't give you her phone number so that it could just sit in your cell phone to impress you homo buddies. Stop being a little pussy and call her up.

Tell her its friday night and I think there is a good movie showing. Tell her what time she wants you to pick her up. If you're a broke college student go the ice cream before the movie route. If you have some money take her out to eat before the movie. BUT!!!! Always try to initiate some type of conversation, don't let any type of silence remain to long. That is the test women use to see if you are compatible with her. Talk about subjects that you two have in common, ask her questions about herself how is her old country like blah blah blah. Always flash a smile when you're looking at her and let your eyes do the talking sometimes, women like that shit.

Most importantly make her laugh. If she is laughing then you're doing it right.


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no no not going to call her up yet she seems shy I'll probably scare her off. I think I sould wait till the trip and just talk to her in class till then then after the trip ask her out. that way, I'll have talked to her some and she'll be more comfortable around me.

she seems nervous around me right now don't want to freak her out.


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lol I don't want to put pressure on myself trying ot make someone laugh. but she (and other people in class) laugh at the thinks I say in class..... and i'm not really trying to say funny, but sometimes I say things that make people laugh...


Yummybud, you should definitely follow dank frank's method of starting a conversation, but first you need to toughen yourself up. The first thing you should do is punch yourself in the nuts as hard as you can repeatedly. I want you to do this every day until the next time you go to class and see that girl. By that time the repeated punches to your testicles should have toughened you up enough to make talking to that girl easy. Think about it, any guy who can punch his self in the nuts as hard as he can repeatedly should have no problem whatsoever starting a conversation with a girl.


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well I tend to make people laugh for some reason, like I saw her laughing at the comments I made in class a couple times.

some girl at my work also told me she thinks i'm really funny. I say random things sometimes which makes people laugh..... I don't want to come off as a stoner though....

lot of people always assume i'm a stoner which I don't want to portray.
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