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yeah I freakin did it.

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bring handcuffs man. role play rocks!

I don't want to sound creepy but I was getting really horny when she was standing close to me today and I was talking to her lol. okay that is creepy.

well we are going to prison....

and yeah I thought if she is okay with getting in my car for a 3 hour drive to a secluded area she must not think i'm a creep or hate me lol.


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cant stop wont stop
ppppfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffttttttt.. couldnt even read after i saw it didnt say - ' i stcuk my penis up in it.' dude even if its a guy or something!!! just get laid man. vagina is like pure heaven tho. im sure you 'know' .. but come on man you cant poist a thread saying 'i freaking did it'


ICMag Donor
First of all....if you DON'T want to seem creepy....ditch the email ideas all together. Women want a man that is confident....not a dick...but confident. If you see this girl, and you have talked to her...the talk to her again. An email is what a scared little boy sends when he thinks he is going to be rejected anyway. An email is a cop out so you don't have to deal with a situation face to face. I say avoid that.

Also, I wouldn't bring up the trip at all, other than to use it as an excuse to get to know her as I already suggested. I mean, didn't you offer to drive her already...it should be assumed, that she realizes what days your going...or else she would have told you, no, we are going on different days. Don't find something circular to relate to her. Find something new to draw her attention to you....or else you end up making yourself seem uninteresting and lack luster.

Seriously....try this...even though you KNOW you have something to do...ASK HER OUT. But in a round about way...be like...ya know, I was going to ask you to do something with me, but I have this thing to go to this afternoon...perhaps next week after class when I'm not so busy...

That shows her you are interested in her for the long-term. Shows her you are busy and scheduled...complex...but still WANT to make time for her. It will make her feel special to know that you are thinking about her in a manner that needs to be addressed in a future context...and it lets her know she is on your mind...and doesn't force her to make an instant decision...it doesn't put her on the spot, but rather gives her a whole week to wonder why you want to PLAN for her...it builds tension in the best kind of ways...if ya know what I mean...

And yeah...the whole horny thing...could've lived without knowing that little detail...geesh.



Active member
lol i still live at home which sucks. if I had my own place I'd invite a girl over. i'm 24 and this is my last semester at university but i'm going to lawschool in 2011 most likely till thenI should probably look for a full time job and rent out a small apartment. this chick is like 23 and still live at home also so I don't think she'll think i'm weird because i live at home.


its weird I actually have a lot of positive rep also but also lots of neg. A lot of people gave me neg rep just for fun. I've seen the comments like " thought i'd add some more neg rep for you"

lol it says i'm the anti-christ.

You naughty boy. Anti-christ yes indeed. Keep up the good work. LOL.:moon:


Active member
um I'm actually not sure if I am going on the same monday as her, the thursday i'm sure but not the monday...... i migh thave signed up for a different monday so thought I'd email and ask her which monday she is going?

good point. so next class I should try and talk to her again and be like hey i'm busy after class today but next class want to get some cofee after class or whatever?

i'm really shy ie a pussy though, i'm not smooth about asking girls I like out.

I still want to email her though fi i'm not signed up on teh same monda as her I can probably email my prof and change it to the same day. I already know for sure i'm going on teh same day as one of the trips but not 100% sure about the other.

if I asked her to come with me to this trip and she said sure I assume she already has an idea I like her right? I also asked her to lunch last year and she said she couldn't after class.

so what do you think I should say hey want to go for coffee next class when I see her next week.... maybe say get coffee and discuss something what?

today I started teh conversation with her when she was behind me I turned around and said hey so how'd you do on the assignment, as we got our papers back today.


fk i'm confused though how do I show her I like her without coming on too strong or freaking her out lol. i've never had a girlfriend so I have no clue. I've only been on like 2 dates with one girl so i'm really stupid when it comes to this.

she also most certainly is really shy from what i can tell. like when she talks I can tell she is nervous.

I've also never met anyone from el savador lol, she is originally from there so I assume she speaks spanish. she is freakin hot though damn.

I don't really know if she likes me though, if she said sure to this she may just want a ride? how do I know if she actually likes me or just sees me as a potential friend. she keeps on laughing at whatever I say in class and I doubt i'm hilarious.

today I looked at her from across the room a couple times to see if she'd look at me once she looked at me then quickly turned away then the other time she just looked pissed when I looked at her lol.
Girls have a 6th sence, she will know you like her, just play it cool.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
ROAD HEAD!!! Come on Yummy you can do it!


all praises are due to the Most High
go yummy, go yummy, go yummy!

sometimes it seems that many of us here need Yummy to get laid more than Yummy needs it himself

don't disappoint us man! you are our last and only hope to prove man can redeem himself lol


Forget it Yum Yum.Go in the bathroom,drop your drawers,and put that imagination to work for you.


We've been chronicling the adventures of yummy since overgrow and he STILL hasn't gotten laid, you're damn right we need it more for him than he does himself, the suspense is a killer!

Go yummy Go yummy Go Go GO

Moldy Dreads

Active member
You naughty boy. Anti-christ yes indeed. Keep up the good work. LOL.
Clarence is Yummy, I figured it out...they even have neg rep in common, maybe they should just hook up and call it a day if they aren't the same person. Yummy need to give up on gurls....


Clarence is def. not Yummy :eek:)
Yummy is his own Enterprise. YummyInc.


LISTEN to dank.frank yummy. He would make a good wingman, with a similar POV as myself.

Please just go talk to her, in person, for your own sake. Email is such pussy communication.

women DO have a 6th, 7th, 8th sense for everything. They can smell your bullshit a mile away, they can smell your weakness a mile away, if she's anything like ANY mother out there, she has decent intuition and will call you on it - or ignore you if she's also shy, because silence is punishment in itself; and you already said youre both pussies.

youre not in it to get laid, she will smell that. Hopefully not literally, like some folk said, do some manscaping and look sharp, not too sharp the inmates juice all over you.. though.

dont TRY too hard to impress her, just make it happen. Act as an equal and be confident in yourself. only the most vane girls will be impressed by SPLIT second judgements over looks, money, cars, flashy things, vocabulary.

i recently grasped a new outlook all by myself. I used to give women an undeniable respect right off the bat, as in putting the pussy on the pedestal.(One should always respect other human beings, but there's a fine line before "getting hopes up") One can relate to that in dating literature, but i figure it works for men AND women, even as a guy. I wouldnt give another man any respect for just meeting him.(unless duly respected) Who says he/she is even worth your time? let them earn it, but dont be a dick throughout the process. They too are only human, they arent royalty. you think those "famous", "skilled", "athletic", "political", "educated/scholarly","celebrated" people who sign books, walk the red carpet, sign autographs, shake hands, even CARE 1% of the time which layman they are talking with/to/at? give me a break, it would be an honor to meet prof. hawking, but i doubt he would remember my name at the end of the day. actually he probably would, because he's so very smart. but any other actor, tom cruise, bush senior, gore, mandela, yeah distinguished, but what really makes them any better than you? get what im saying? youre one of those people too...in a way?

dont talk too much. ive lost many an opportunity for porking to laying it on thick, not worth it, say what is worth saying, and then some, cause you get leeway for being jovial..

it's all learning experiences man, this isnt the brink of humanity were relying on. it's. just. one. girl..
I remember being 14 and reading on overgrow Yummybud getting his ass chewed out.

I just cant believe 6 years later and I still see him getting his ass chewed out.

Whatever keeps you going I guess though. Do you have a grow going on yet man?
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