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yeah I freakin did it.

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ICMag Donor
dude, i meant for safety reasons. nothing says not getting any like putting the chick through the front windshield. think airbags bro.


Active member
fuk I swear something bad will happen later to screw up my plan. i'm draining my oil again tomorrow. I think last time I had metal shavings in my oil but not sure if dirt got in my oil drain pan. I was worried because last january my car idled for like 5 minutes with zero oil pressure so no oil getting to the bearings while idling and I fixed the problem but I was worried that my rod bearings got chewed up.

i'm going to drain out 60 bucks worth of mobil 1 again tomorrow (changed it 2 months ago) to see I see shavings in my oil. I drive my to school twice a week which is an hour drive and hour drive back and haven't had it blow up yet almost a year since the no oil pressure problem.


Active member

my car is an 80s car no airbagas and I think the passenger side seatbelt doesn't work but I can replace that soon. otherwise it is probable safer than a lot of new tin can jap mobiles. old german cars are built like tanks.

seatbelt not functioning is really dangerous though, even a low speed crash can be a serious injury or death.

lol I think my driver side tie rod end also needs to be replaced. I had a friend put it on a lift and he said there is slight play in my driver side tie rod end but I don't think thats too dangerous, i'll replace that also after my classes are done in december.


ICMag Donor
my car is an 80s car no airbagas and I think the passenger side seatbelt doesn't work but I can replace that soon. otherwise it is probable safer than a lot of new tin can jap mobiles. old german cars are built like tanks.

get a magnetic drain plug man. like $7. good peace of mind.

seatbelt not functioning is really dangerous though, even a low speed crash can be a serious injury or death.

if you were a necrophiliac this could ensure you get some though... i mean i am a silver lining kind of guy and all....
take budly kush's advice... girls hate guys who act fake or try to impress them with fake stuff. BE YOURSELF. oh, and yeah make sure your car doesnt die.


Active member
lol my car dying is out of my control. i'll cross my fingers. I'm going to drain my oil tom and check for metal dust / shaving again.

last january my car idled with no oil pressure for 5 minutes (warming up) i fixed it but I think the car running with no oil pressure ie no oil getting to the bearing may have damaged the bearings.

its been almost a year now though and it hasn't blow up yet but last oil change in august I say lots of what looked to be metal shavings (like sparkly copper sand) on the buttom of my drain pan.

if this was metal shavings and not dirt that I somehow got in my drain pan then my rod bearings are chewing themselves up probably from damage from teh time it ran without oil pressure.

if the rod bearing clearances get too big then you will eventually spin a rod bearing and get engine knock and your engine is toast.

i'm crossing my fingers that this time I change my oil there are no more oil shavings.

my oil pressure is still good but I use thick mobil one oil.

it would be embarassing if I blow an engine on the freeway and we don't make it to the destination lol.

if my oil change tom doesn't show metal again I should be fine.

actually rod bearing metal is not magnetic..... I learned this from a mechanic, rod bearings are made from non magnetic metal so they won't stick to a magnet.


Tropical Outcast
A car break-down in your situation can have an advantage to it you know...just be prepared with stuff to eat and drink!

It's all about what you make from it!

Oh and PS: Forget the oil change, if you got more shavings in it...you're still gonna drive it anyways!


Active member
yeah true its just wasting another 60 bucks (i'm putting in expensive mobil one).

i'm just wondering if what I got in it last time was metal shavings or some drit I somehow got into the drain pan when it was under the car.

I'd just feel more at ease if I drain it this time and there is no metal shavings or whatever in teh oil.

last time after I poured the oil from the pan into a bottles there was a ton of fine sand like metal shaving looking stuff on the bottom of the drain pan I had used... made me real worried but its been driving without a prob since.

if I have shavings again I may get the rod bearings changed in january if it last that long.

i'm also worried about losing my drivers license as I got 4 speeding tickets in one year paying for my fourth next week. they might suddenly take my license away. but I think I need one more ticket to be in danger of losing my license lol.

lol I should keep some rope, sausage, wine, and shovel in my car. lol in the movie me myself and irene, the chick asks jim carrey " what are planning on doing with a sausage, wine, shovel and rope".

but seriously i've been thinking of buying road flares if my car breaks down on teh freeway.


ICMag Donor
OKAY....advice on what to do next....that is what you want, right?

You have plenty of time to get to know this girl before the trip...so, I personally, would try to touch base with her again, just to be friendly. I mean, you have already offered to drive her somewhere, and it is a long trip, so she must not be too weired out by you...

I'm a kinda forward guy when it comes to women...I don't sit around and wait for things to happen...I make it happen.

I'd simply wait a week or so...then leave class one day...and wait in the hall outside the door. Stare at the door way...make eye contact, and let her follow your stare. Don't be creepy...but do be intense enough to make her KNOW you notice her. Once you have locked eye contact, simply break it by shaking your head in a manner that says - wow, girl you look good. Then proceed with your day. This will get her thinking and wondering what that was all about...all you really did, was create a reason to talk to her.

Wait a day or two...do the same thing again...except this time, kinda catch up to her as she passes...even give it a half jog or a quick step...so she knows you are "hurrying" to be by her side...Now just TALK to her. Tell her you are kinda shy...and don't want the long drive to be boring, and thought it might be better if the two of you got to know each other a bit better. Don't make it like you are doing it for you...but rather something you are doing to benefit BOTH of you. Say, maybe we should get together sometime...have lunch or ask if she has a better idea...
Just be sure whatever it is, is in a group or populated setting...keeps it more casual, and if conversation dies, then you can at least discuss what is taking place around you...
If she says no, then don't worry about it...just tell her if she changes her mind, she has your number...if she doesn't give it to her then. If you don't seem put off about being told know, she'll never really get the fact that she scorned you...and then you can still keep your swagger.

Play your cards right...but be honest...don't be afraid of who you are...if she gets to know someone that isn't you...all it will do is blow up in your face eventually.



"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Holy shit, this is an official turning point for the ol' Yumster. I agree, just be as natural as you can, from the subtle signs she's giving you, it seems to me shes into you. Just play this hand cool, and you should have yourself a girl. I never thought I'd say those words to you Yummybud! :D

Yeah, definitely forget the oil change, whats the point unless your car needs it? Save the dough for something else.

Maybe try dropping her an email, tell her you were thinking of her. Women love to know they're on your mind if they're into you, which she seems like she might be. Good luck! :wave:

EDIT: Good advice dank.frank!



Tropical Outcast

i'm just wondering if what I got in it last time was metal shavings or some drit I somehow got into the drain pan when it was under the car.

I'd just feel more at ease if I drain it this time and there is no metal shavings or whatever in teh oil.


Take an oil sample and mail it HERE, then you know what's going on. And it's not even expensive to do!


Active member
well I hope my car doesn't break lol. this trip looks prettey interesting we are going to two different maximum security prisons, going to a meeting in the jail and also talking to prisoners. class to do with law and prisoner rights, my prof is a prisoner rights advocate.

h^2 O



Active member
well I thought I'd email her in 2 days and say hey hows it was wondering what days exactly we're going. i'm going on a monday and thursday on this trip.

she is also going on a mon and thurs, but i wasn't sure if its the same monday (there were 2 mondays), so I may be only able to go with her on the one day not both.

i'm also really shy. I thought it be best to wait till the trip and get to know her then.

lol I don't want to scare her off before the trip. I'll just try and chat with her next class maybe but the trip is still like 3 weeks away.

I only see her once a week.

next week I am doing something after class also meeting with my group to work on a project so I can't ask her if she wants to get something to eat after class.

I also did this last year lol asked her on te first day I met her in class if she wants to get something to eat after class adn she sounded real nervous and said um no I got to go and ran off lol.

but yeah waiting 3 weeks to talk to her seems excessive, she will think that i'm not really interested.

I see her once a week though in a 3 hour class.

I don't want to come off too strong though again and send her an email and be like hey wnat to go out on a date lol.

maybe ask her to get coffee not next class but the week afer as next week I have a meeting after class...... but I should still try and somehow talk to her.

its hard though i'm shy and I can also tell she is shy so she won't come and start a conversation with me, today she was standing behind me.

I did try the looking at her thing today. like I looked at her and made sure she saw me looking at her and I think thats why she came behind me later.

I actually had some other girl the other day run up behind me when I was walking down teh hall and she came and said hi and started talking to me and I didn't think it was weird but if I do that i'd overthink it and think omg she thinks i'm weird.


Active member
Take an oil sample and mail it HERE, then you know what's going on. And it's not even expensive to do!

yeah heard of that.

I just want to drain it again and see if I see the gritty sand metallic stuff in teh buttom of the drain pan again....... if not then I can worry less.

anyways I should be fine its been driving since this for like 9 months so what are the chances it will spin a bearing or blow up in the next month lol. ah my luck.
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