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Yay big me!


Active member
if you can't sleep hit the health food store and pick up some GABA. 5-HTP might help too, but it might amp you up even more, it depends on your body chemistry. melatonin is worth a try too


Well-known member

Any chance of using HIGH dose edibles to give your body the "sleep" it needs...aka "almost green-out"?

better than benzo's.... Just trying to think outside the box a bit...
bingo it really helps


Active member
Well when I went from 25 to 20 it was like a real bad fuckin thing.I had an idea but I really had no idea!Fuck its back on the clinic to come off 1 milligram a week instead of the five every two weeks I was going for.I expected this after I fell below 20 not getting down to 20.I'll just take a month going from 25 to 20(2.5 every two weeks)then its a mil a week until I'm off.I could try suboxin but then I have to wean off that shit.I have a friend doing it.I just have to be prepared to feel like shit for most of this year.Man my days of opiods will be over.Good luck to anyone else doing this.


Active member
Had to go up to 30 mils just to sleep,man I hate to fail.I failed bad.I failed like a terrorist that hollers Tupac Shakur instead of allah Akbar.I failed like Obamacare.I'm like the shoe bomber.Not giving up tho.If I can get down to 20 then I know I can do a milligram a week.Nothing should be so fuckin difficult


Matey you have to decide for your self how to play this out but for me looking at what your doing is like dying a death of a 1000 cuts ,what your going through is probably as bad as if you just stopped and dyed out ,can you get into a detox clinic ? I was on what is called here in Australia "Blockade" 380mg and I was told it would take 4 years to get me off it and they were telling me shit like you might have to consider that you will be on it indefinitely the thought of that terrified me and thats when I knew I had a fucking gut full and pulled the pin a dryed out cold ,Mate there is no failure's in this game its just a series of dress rehearsals that you go through until you get it right that all ,Don't get to uptight about it ,the road is hard enough to travel without adding more unnecessary baggage ..the sleep thing is hideous..but you can and will do it just keep trying Mate ..RF


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Had to go up to 30 mils just to sleep,man I hate to fail.I failed bad.I failed like a terrorist that hollers Tupac Shakur instead of allah Akbar.I failed like Obamacare.I'm like the shoe bomber.Not giving up tho.If I can get down to 20 then I know I can do a milligram a week.Nothing should be so fuckin difficult
hey floridian,,,
you have not failed mate,,you have done incredibly well,,,
have you considered 1ml a month instead of 1ml a week?,,,,
1ml a week is also very quick,,,,,
if you have time then it may be better " all round" if you went a bit more slowly ,,,,
your doing great i just wouldnt rush it,,,,,
keep on keeping on,,,,s2

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