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Yall gotta see this


New member
This is a Brown Eyed Susan/mutant. Second year Ive noticed it and there are a few more this year. I will Keep mutant seeds seperate this year and hope to replicate this result for others amusement. It appears to be multiple flowers fused from the start..kinda like siamese twins.


Is this a trait that will show up in the offspring?
And if so, What should its name be?

Crazy how nature throws us oddballs every once and awhile.



One thing and one thing only comes to mind.....

It is a sexy flower :laughing:


New member
The names I have wouldnt be appropriate for the general public. Glad im not the only one to see its sexiness.
Ill take some more pics tomorrow of its companions.
pretty amusing deformity, well if your noticing an increasing population I would guess it is a passable trait. Good work on the seed saving! :)


Well-known member
Pollenate each one with the other and that should give you that trait.
Every one you find,put a wite paper bag over them..Every other day shake the flower in the bag and then switch bags,shake again.
Do this several times. Keep a bag on them intil they mature(keeps away stray pollen)
Most of the seed should have that trait.
Good luck and if you make seeds.Keep me in mind.
Thats one sexy flower.

Can you say Pink Floyd!!!


Cool flower, is it aster? Kind a like it has some worm on it. Put some more pics when flowers are more advanced/open, please. And good luck with breeding mutants :)


New member
some of Susies sisters

some of Susies sisters

here are some more picks of my strange flowers

and some Moonflowers..these open at dusk and are 10" across
our favorite libation and a chair = neighbors wondering why is that guy always staring at those plants
It really is cool watching these flowers open