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Y do U smoke weed? And if for med would u still smoke if cured?


New member
Idiotic was a poor choice of words and for that I apologize. Sometimes I wake up a little crabby until the meds kick in. Both legal and illegal. Let me take another crack at it. Would I still medicate with cannibus if I were cured? Yes and no. Mostly no at least not where risk vs reward makes legal issues costly. I started using cannibus as a medication when it became apparent that I was about to lose control of my health care options. Some people really do need pain meds but with medical decisions now being made in DC I knew that the risk vs reward factor had changed and that sooner or later some bureaucrat from God knows where would be deciding for me what I need and don't need. I am extremely uncomfortable when my self determination is being threatened.


Active member
I smoke, because I have RSD. Today, I am eating an edible, because I had a horrific dream last night, about doing something to my leg. The pain gets so severe, that it even invades my sleep, and causes me to dream about getting rid of my leg. I know if I didn't have cannabis, as my medicine, I would probably still be on all the pills....thank GOD for this plant!!!!!!


I've been smoking daily since 1975 and it does help me with my mild medical conditions. But I really like the effect for everything other than work. The one thing I haven't heard anyone say anything about is how great sex is with it. You want to stay married forever without getting tired of her, burn one before every romantic encounter!

red rider

this is just one of the many reasons why I utilize cannabis, but im one of those that's all in; its more about the culture of it and its does have its own culture.

growing, building, smoking, creating, working with different materials, meeting the ppl, treating the pain just everything about the plant and the various aspects about the culture. that's my reason


The reasons I smoke/cultivate the herb have changed a bit over time as I've gotten a little older/more mature. I've never been a super heavy smoker but over the past few years its become more of a part of keeping my life and mental state balanced instead of just for fun or getting high (although thats part of it too).

I have my medical rec for anxiety/depression issues i've had in the past, and after going through a period of taking anti-depressants I can say that for me cannabis helps. In combination with exercise, spirituality, just a more positive outlook on life, smoking the herb helps to keep me moving along to those positive vibrations :)


Active member
The one thing I haven't heard anyone say anything about is how great sex is with it. You want to stay married forever without getting tired of her, burn one before every romantic encounter!

red rider
I Agree, my wife loves her stupid stoner husband...aka ME :)

I'm a med user and I sometimes wish I could take a break from MJ, but the pain just wont let that happen. Would I stop...n'ah, but it would be nice to just enjoy it on the weekends :)

Stoners are easy going, we smile, and very seldom argue..unless it is about some deep conversation like icecream...

Throw 20 stoners in a room with a bag of weed and there won't be any issues....Throw 20 alcoholics in a room with a couple of 80lb'ers....and you will have a BRAWL.


Registered Med User

Throw 20 stoners in a room with a bag of weed and there won't be any issues....Throw 20 alcoholics in a room with a couple of 80lb'ers....and you will have a BRAWL.

Man... when I went to the cannabis cup there was a whole lot of people, I was sayin that if this was an alcohol event thered be some fights and possibly shootings. Wasn't 1 fight.
ya know I still demonize smoking weed. grew up in Reagan era. Knowing at times when motorcycle flew by my and my instinct was to run him off the road as that was how alot of our convoys got hit by IEDs. I am good about it and handle it well...IF I SEE EM COMING, but if they sneak up and ride like dip shits...I just have to just remove my feet from the equation and coast and really focus where I really am...... got to work screamed, bent my steering wheel in half, ripped my rear view mirror off, threw my green tea at the dash and fried my radio...that was the day I didn't make time to take a few puffs......knowing that I will be smoker for life.....as I could be more of a danger to others than I can even begin to comprehend. Strangely enough it wonderful day and I was in a great mood and that one dip shit motorcyclist fucking made me go berserk...went to work as normal and was fine.
I smoked for several years and then stopped for a couple due to my job, and changes in my life. I started again about a year ago when a I got licence due to being diagnosed with a neurological disease. If I got better I think I would probably still smoke once in awhile, unfortunately the doctors say that's not going to happen but Ive come to realise for everything doctors know about the body theres 100 things they have no idea about. So their is always hope.


Lammen Gorthaur
I smoke for pain relief. If I were cured I would smoke for fun fo' sho'!


I smoke weed, because I really enjoy getting baked. Here's a conversation between Bill O'Reily and Tommy Chong ...

O'REILLY: The marijuana legalization is really taking off under this medical marijuana ruse.
CHONG: It's a ruse to help sick people.
O'REILLY: No, but there's a lot of people that aren't sick…
CHONG: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: …that buy the buds, because they can buy it.
CHONG: But boredom is a disease, too. :D


Active member
I smoke strictly for health reasons.

I find that when I'm baked I don't cause anxiety in others nearly as much as when I don't.


Not a medical user. I smoke because I want to, and can! If it helps with my health too then great. It just might since I've been healthy ever since I stopped going to the doctors. They were convinced I need to be on some kind of pills but I was quick to call bs on it. That was years ago, since then the only kind of doctor I've visited is the dentist.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I liken smoking to drinking. I drink small amounts of quality alcohol, whether craft beers or scotch, bourbon, tequila

I grow my own so I know how it was grown

Why I smoke is simple, it allows me to dial down the noise and be in the moment


Registered Med User
I don't know if I mentioned this one but I had extreme anger issues as a kid. My moms died when I was 8 and I kinda lost it after that. Since I started smoking weed it really calms me down if I get angry and Im able to work through my problems and actually think instead of goin nuts and flashin. Its the best thing there is for anger issues.


had a really bad stomach bug of sorts the other day, was at my nephews 6th bday so it was a long day consisting of a lot of dry-reaching and not keeping water down ... as soon as I got home it was just a matter of two quick bowls before I stopped being sick -- almost immediate relief, and because I was so nauseous there was no way I could've taken any tablet medication (which would've taken an hour to kick in anyway), especially with my strong gag reflex. I was then able to keep down a bottle of Powerade to rehydrate, before eating a banana ... otherwise I would've just kept throwing up for god knows how long. I always keep a tiny stash aside purely for medical times like these! It's the best anti-nausea medicine in the world.