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WW x Diesel Around The Way


I recently discovered the macro on my camera can zoom.. I'm a stoner what can I say.. so I've been goin to work takin pictures of whatever buds roll through my area that I fuck with. This is some white widow x diesel that came through and was here for a minute.. sent via USPS in a Food Saver vac-sealed bag. Feds.. just give up now. You never have and never will end the dank being produced and circulated. Enjoy the pics folks :smoke:

Outside of nug

Close up of nug

The smoke was a heavy stone, my tolerance is super high right now and this stuff still manages to do the trick. It tastes and smells like White Widow, with Diesel undertones in the taste and clearly Diesel bud structure and of course the White Widow color/frostiness! Overall a pleasure to smoke and a nice addition to any nug jar 8/10


can anyone else see that hanging bunch of nanners on the first pic??

looks good


can anyone else see that hanging bunch of nanners on the first pic??

looks good

Thank you for the compliment. I did notice that bunch of "nanners" when I was reviewing pics, although I don't think they were nanners. Just a strange group of calyx's. The little white thing off to the side looks like a nanner but I don't think it is one as there were absolutely no seeds in the whole batch I got and it's kinda too small to be a nanner. I couldn't tell you for sure. Smoked it all up ages ago haha.
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